Behaviour Action Plan 2017-18
Aims and why / Actions (By who and when) / Milestones / Progress commentTo continue the improvements seen in our pupils’ attitude and behaviour and that this is evidenced in our pupils survey in the following areas:
Pupils and staff treat each other with respect / *GF to highlight as one of key values during assemblies
*All staff to identify House Points (HP) when pupils exhibit this value
+All staff to lead by example and demonstrate respect in all its guises / *Pupils are able to identify and vocalise examples of respect in action
*PSHE and Spherical Thinking lessons will demonstrate an increased awareness by pupils of respect for others
There isn’t much bullying in my school / *GF and teachers to establish definition of bullying
*Teacher/pupil conferences to establish incidents of bullying / *Collect relevant data through conferences and surveys with an aim pf at least 90% at each recognised point / Spring 2: 99% pupils do not feel they have been bullied this term
Pupils in my school help each other, even if they are not friends / *Have a focus on this at least one week per term
*Establish how this would be manifested / *Show of hands during assembly to gauge pupils’ perception in this area / Pupils very positive about working across year groups. Evident with tasks associated with new House Team System
Pupils in my class behave well in class / *Introduce new procedure for collecting and recording “Behaviour Reports” through GF / *Data collected each term compares favourably in comparison to previous years / Spring 2 data indicates best ever scores from teachers; 52% decrease in the number of low level sanctions over the last 12 months; 96% pupils indicated that behavior in class is fine and they are able to concentrate on their work