California Inclusion & Behavior Consultation Network
1000 G Street, Suite 500 Sacramento, CA 95814 877. 524.2422 Consultation Services Agreement defines the roles and responsibilities between early care and education programs requesting technical assistance services and the California Inclusion and Behavior Network. Consultants with experience working with children with special needs, identified disabilities, and/or challenging behaviors provide the consultation services. They have knowledge of relationship-based, reflective and family-centered practices and are skilled in problem-solving issues around inclusion and challenging behaviors. No fee for this service is expected from participating early care and education programs for the administration and teachers receiving the service.
Purpose of Professional Development Consultation
It is the intent of this agreement that CIBC build the capacity of the teaching staff to meet the needs of all the young children in order to help them to develop and learn together. Administrators and teaching staff will receive assistance by reflecting on current and innovating strategies that would enhance their professional development.
Responsibilities of California Inclusion and Behavior Consultants
- Provide assistance to programs with local onsite consultations and information about community resources and/or referrals based on the need of the site.
- Assist teaching staff to cultivate the skills and tools needed to be successful as they support the development and early learning of all children.
- Contact teaching staff directly to arrange an observation of the teacher (typically one hour) and subsequent consultation meetings.
- Meet with staff to debrief and facilitate reflective practice with the teacher regarding their observation for approximately 30-60 minutes.
- Conduct several subsequent (1-3) consultation meetings over a short period of time (2-3 months) based on the availability of the staff and consultant.
- Facilitate the development of an action plan with the staff and strategize how to help the teacher meet her/his goals using reflective conversations and collaborative problem solving.
Responsibilities of the Early Childhood Education program
- Request technical assistance for each individual classroom.
- Exchange additional contact information for classroom staff (cancellations/resources).
- Arrange observations and meetings with consultant (administration/teachers).
- Determine staff to participant in the consultation meetings (administration/teachers).
- Complete a satisfaction survey of the services after the last session with the consultant. May submit paper copy to CIBC or complete the online survey.
Agreement Timeline: July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
California Inclusion and Behavior Consultation (CIBC) Network is coordinated by the WestEd Center for Prevention Early Intervention(CPEI) and funded by the California Department of Education, Early Education& Support Division