Behavioral Healthcare Online and Journal Commentaries on National Health Reform

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Road to Creating a Better Life in the Community: The 2012 ACMHA Summit

March 25, 2012

Communities are crucial to our health and our quality of life, and social support is the glue that links these life factors together. Going forward, it is very clear that both ACMHA and the field have a major task to incorporate community dynamics, such as social supports and other social determinants of health into our health reform efforts.

The Supreme Court and the Affordable Care Act: Yes? No? Maybe?

March 1, 2012

On a long flight from Frankfurt, Germany, to Washington, D.C., in the brilliant sunlight of a late winter’s day, I had the opportunity to reflect on the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court decisions regarding the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA).

Saving a million lives, one heart at a time

February 9, 2012 Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Exec Dir, NACBHDD

February is National Heart Month. Not only is the prevalence of heart problems staggering in the US population, but the mortality from heart attack and stroke among behavioral health consumers and peers is a national disgrace. We must savea million hearts!

Leading health indicators about your health and well-being

February 2, 2012 Ron Manderscheid, PhD

Assigned the task of leading a Subcommittee to make recommendations about which topics should become Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicators causes one to pause and reflect.

The Essential Health Benefit: Could a 'minimal' benefit vanish altogether?

January 25, 2012 Ron Manderscheid, PhD (Article)

The DHHS has proposed that a "typical" small business benefit plan be used as the standard to define the Essential Health Benefit required by the Affordable Care Act. However, this minimum standard may fail to provide sufficient care for the nation's 10.5 million citizens

/ / Reform goes local
America's counties emerging as key agents for healthcare service delivery
Issue:October 2011
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ The essential health benefit: Will essential become minimal?
“Nearsighted” IOM recommendations fail to consider long-term value of behavioral health benefits
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Mortality among our peers: Better, but not well
Has the disparity actually been reduced in the last five years?
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Positive mental health can make a physical difference
CDC report opens door to study of mental determinants of physical health
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD

/ Reframing the deficit-debt debate: Are you ready?
Innovation will be key for 'organizations of tomorrow' to adapt tothe changing environment
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Reflecting on social justice
Despite tough times and tight budgets, we cannot fail to value life, health, and equity for all
Issue:July-August 2011
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Shaping the visions that will define our society
With pressure on both ends of the political spectrum, it's imperative that we are engaged in the struggle
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Peer-led community wellness: Dare to act now!
Link essential benefit, accountable care, medical/mental health home concepts to transform care
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD

/ Are peer-led wellness communities in our future?
National conference says they're a necessary innovation for behavioral healthcare
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD

/ The Affordable Care Act: If not this, then what?
In whatever form it takes, reform is no longer an optional activity—it's mandatory
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Bexar County integrates services, expands access, saves lives
Creative, well-managed behavioral health system brings global attention to San Antonio area
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHD

/ South Africa improves addiction services
The government gets behind a national plan to vastly improve substance use treatment
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Keep health reform’s expectations in perspective
Implementing a century’s worth of vital reforms will take time—it won’t happen overnight
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD

/ Moving our agenda forward
Coalition unites 110 mental health and substance use care groups to support health reform principles
Issue:July-August 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Doing national health reform
Providers must focus on developing the necessary tools and partnerships to prepare for reform
Issue:June 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
Moving our agenda forward
Coalition unites 110 mental health and substance use care groups to support health reform principles
Issue:July-August 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Doing national health reform
Providers must focus on developing the necessary tools and partnerships to prepare for reform
Issue:June 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD
/ Remaking behavioral healthcare
How five challenges of healthcare reform will shape our future
Issue:June 2010
Category:Cover story
Author:by Brian Albright
/ A celebration and reflection on reform
Behavioral healthcare finally has a seat at the table, calling for both celebration and action
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
Looking to a new horizon
Now that health reform is a reality, providers should guide their operations by four key principles to ensure success
Issue:April 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Unexplored opportunities in reform
Providers should prepare to make qualitative changes post reform
Issue:March 2010
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
One parity goal reached, yet others remain
Four more doors must be opened in order to ensure fair, effective care for behavioral health
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ What would Ted do now?
After a tough week, let’s remember what the former Massachusetts senator would do
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:By Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Achieving progress from the ground up
Veteran behavioral health advocate Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, tackles the issues at the local level
Issue:January 2010
Author:by Lindsay Barba, Associate Editor
/ Highlights of the 25th Carter Center Mental Health Symposium
The former first lady’s symposium identifies three key concerns for the future
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD, Executive Director, NACBHDD
/ Fundamentals of Healthcare Reform
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Special Online Editorials
/ Listen-Focus-Act now for national health reform!
Three ways you can impact, influence Congressional action
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:Ron Manderscheid, PhD, SRA International and Editorial Board Member
/ Late-summer phantoms are just mirages
Let's put to rest the fears stoked by our nation's very hot health reformdebate
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Editorial Board Member
/ Ted Kennedy: The "Lion of the Senate"
Now is the time for us to do something about his wonderful vision.
Issue:April 2006
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ron Manderscheid, PhD, Editorial Board Member
/ Paying for national health reform
By one estimate, the annual cost would be $317 billion
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ A hearth for our health
Health promotion can be the ‘hearth’ within a medical home
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Time to stop being one-dimensional
We're focused on disease while neglecting health
Issue:May 2009
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PHD
/ Stepping back from deinstitutionalization?
The jury is still out, but new data show some disturbing trends
Issue:April 2009
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Focusing on populations' health
Population health insurance would focus on prevention instead of illness
Issue:March 2009
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Promoting universal coverage
Become an advocate for universal health insurance
Issue:February 2009
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Making 'health' a noun
Issue:Online Exclusive
Category:Online Exclusive
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Aiming for a healthier population by 2020
Moving our fields toward prevention, early intervention, and population health
Issue:January 2009
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Change is coming!
We must ensure our agenda is on lawmakers' radars
Issue:December 2008
Category:The Manderscheid Report
Author:by Ronald W. Manderscheid, PhD
/ Parity at last
Business and insurance groups' support was key to its passage
Issue:November 2008
Category:Cover story
/ Chronic diseases make for a perfect storm
Mental health and substance use care providers have a role in combating them
Issue:October 2008
Category:The Manderscheid Report
/ Wellness must be part of our mission
We can help people in recovery live to their full potential
Issue:September 2008
Category:Tools for Transformation
Updated 4-17-12