Ch 16 BEHAVIOR SELF MODIFICATION: Experiment Assignment

In this exercise, you will identify a behavior you wish to change, and develop a plan of action to bring this about.

Questions/Point Values (answer these in a typed, double spaced format)

Identify a behavior you would like to change. Keep it simple. Try something like nail-biting, a poor study habit, or overeating. You can certainly think of others. Do not select smoking.

  1. Which behavior did you select to modify and WHY? (2 points)

Identify stimulus cues that precede the behavior. Those are the stimuli in the environment that have become associated with the behavior you wish to change. For example, smoking while drinking a cup of coffee. (The cup of coffee would be the stimulus cue). If you want to stop smoking, you will have to change that whole behavior pattern because coffee drinking and smoking have become associated. Think of at least 3 cues or stimuli that are associated with the undesirable behavior.

2. What are 3 stimulus cues that are associated with the negative behavior? (6 points)

Identify what the immediate and delayed reinforcements are for the behavior you want to change. Be honest about this and try to identify what they are. For example, smoking relaxes you and makes you feel good, it looks cool, it gives you something to do with your hands, neat smoke rings, etc (positive reinforcers). Or you smoke to avoid having a nicotine fit, having to pick up the check (heck, you are outside smoking), being labeled a “good girl/good boy” etc. (negative reinforcers)

  1. What are at least THREE immediate or delayed reinforcers for the behavior you want to change? Identify for each whether it is a positive reinforcer (you do the behavior to GET that reinforcer), or a negative reinforcer (you do the behavior to avoid a particular negative consequence). (6 points)

How would you work to change this behavior? Discuss at least one example of each of the following ways to eliminate a negative behavior:

4a. Eliminate the cues surrounding this behavior (see your answer to #2) [for example, quit drinking coffee] (2pts)

4b. Stop rewarding the behavior/punish the behavior [for example, smoke under very uncomfortable conditions, snap a rubber band on your wrist while you smoke] (2pts)

4c. Reinforce an incompatible behavior [for example, reward yourself for not smoking] (2pts)