- If there is a particular behavior (ACTION) that you would like to change, this may be an option for you.
- This is a great opportunity for you to challenge and improve yourself, choose an appropriate risk, as well as engage in personal growth.
- Make sure to choose a tangible reward once you have reached your goal!
- You must fill out the 30 DAY COMMITMENT FORM in order to get credit for this project (No Exceptions!)
The following are the specific guidelines and requirements for this particular research option
Follow the DAPPS Rule
1. DATED: It has to have a specific date by which you can determine if you succeeded in making the behavioral change.
- For example - choose two weeks before the project is due for extra credit.
- This will allow you to evaluate more objectively if you accomplished your goal, and also give you time to write an excellent report
2. ACHIEVABLE: It means setting a “sweet spot”; be reasonable yet challenge yourself by taking an appropriate risk.
- Set a goal that is realistic, feasible and practical.
- Don’t make it too easy or too hard – JUST RIGHT!!
- For Example: Being on time to all of your classes; exercise more/watch less TV; eating healthy; etc.
3. PERSONAL: It must a behavior YOU want to change – not decided by your parents, partner, boss, etc.
- If someone else chooses the behavior for you, it takes away the power and ultimately it won’t work.
- Only you and you alone can choose a behavior that makes sense to you and is important to you.
4. POSITIVE: It has to stay in the positive – you want to avoid a behavior that has a negative connotation.
- For example:
- I will not be late to school insteadà I will be on time to my classes
- I will not watch TV instead à I will go to the gym
- I will not eat junk food instead à I will eat healthy meals
5. SPECIFIC: It has to be specific enough so that you can chart and measure your results objectively.
- The behavior you choose, must be OBSERVABLE and MEASURABLE – For example: being on time (no more than five minutes late to class at least 3 times a week) as opposed to thinking more positively about myself.
Fill Out the 30 Day Commitment Form (Next Page) (Thoughts, feelings, obstacles, rewards, etc.)
Type a ONE Page – Double Spaced report on your project:
(NO More than two pages / if you go over your score will be lower)
- Brief description about why you chose this behavior and what you envisioned it would be like after your change in behavior. (Did you accomplish your goal Y/N/Why?
- Write a narrative about your experience – thoughts, feelings, any particular obstacles and how you overcame them. Don’t forget to mention how you rewarded yourself once you accomplished your goal. What will you do different next time? What did you learn about yourself?
30 - Day Commitment
Because I know that this commitment will keep me on course to my goals, I promise myself that every day for the next 30 days I will take the following action (1) and once I achieve my goal, I will reward myself by (2). Print your name (3)
1. Behavior to be changed: ______
2. I will reward myself by: ______3. Name (print)/Signature ______
Make sure to note: Feelings, thoughts, obstacles, rewards, comments every day along your journey!
DAY 1 (brief description) / Y/N/Why? / DAY 11 / Y/N/Why? / DAY 21 / Y/N/Why?DAY 2 / DAY 12 / DAY 22
DAY 3 / DAY 13 / DAY 23
DAY 4 / DAY 14 / DAY 24
DAY 5 / DAY 15 / DAY 25
DAY 6 / DAY 16 / DAY 26
DAY 7 / DAY 17 / DAY 27
DAY 8 / DAY 18 / DAY 28
DAY 9 / DAY 19 / DAY 29
DAY 10 / DAY 20 / DAY 30