Biology Course Syllabus
Dr. Bill Vonnahme D.C. Warren Central High School
Room 221 559 Morgantown Road
Email: (270) 781 – 2401 ext. 3368
The content of our freshman biology class will be guided by the core content outlined by the Kentucky Department of Education. Furthermore, education in Kentucky public schools is not limited to academic content. Efforts will be made to help students with cognitive development, social development, and readiness for active citizenship. While the subject of biology is being explored, methods to build student communication skills will be utilized. Improved public speaking, reading, writing and mathematics skills will result in greater self confidence and skills that students can keep for a lifetime of practical use.
School Supplies
Agenda or Planner
Pencils and 2 blue or black ink pens
Graph Paper
Folder with 2 pockets
Lined 3-Hole Loose Leaf Notebook Paper (200 sheets)
2” 3-ring binder with clear plastic protective cover for cover page insert
Binder Dividers with tabs (6)
A personal, handheld pencil sharpener
Ruler with standard & metric increments
*(1st – 4th Periods) At least one roll of paper towels*
*5th Period – (Band-aids, liquid soap, hand sanitizer or Clorox wipes)*
*Use of classroom supplies will be prohibited until a contribution to the pool of classroom supplies is provided.
General Grading Rubric
I. Cognitive Assessments (40%)
Spelling Tests
Vocabulary Tests
Quizzes & Unit Tests
Comprehensive Examinations
Cognitive Assessments are designed to measure biology content knowledge and cognitive development. This category is graded very objectively and is in direct reference to academic content. Responses to these types of assessment tools are generally easy to identify as right or wrong.
- Effort & Compliance (60%)
Readiness Checks
Three Ring Binder Checks
Assignments & Projects
Following Directions
The Effortand Compliance category places emphasis on the student’s willingness to give his best effort and follow directions. These items are graded objectively to the extent practical; however, the presence of work as evidence of effort is often the focus of the assessment. It is possible for items in this category to contain several academic errors and still earn a perfect score. Some of these activities may not be graded at all, at the discretion of the instructor.
All assignments must be turned in on time for full credit. Late work may or may not be accepted by the instructor. Late work is also subject to a penalty at the discretion of the instructor.
* Special Note: The 40/60 method above will be used to calculate quarter grades. Each quarter will be worth 20% of the final grade and a state mandated comprehensive end of course exam will be worth 20%.
3 – Ring Binder Requirements
Front Cover (Under clear plastic protective cover)
Full First & Last Name
Subject Name: ‘Biology’
Syllabus in Frontof Tab 1
Arrange all materials behind the appropriate tab and with the newest entries on the bottom. Labels should appear on the tabs.
Tab 1 – Writing Pieces
Tab 2 – Vocabulary
Tab 3 – Bellwork
Tab 4 – Tests & Quizzes
Tab 5 – Notes & Handouts
Tab 6 – Artwork & Graphs
Rules, Policies & Expectations
The rules that govern our classroom have been outlined for you in both the district handbook and Warren Central’s Student and Parent Handbook. School and classroom rules exist in addition to district policies. All of these rules are applicable at all times except in the rare case Dr. Vonnahme explicitly makes a special exception to a classroom rule.
1) Follow your teacher’s directions immediately, respectfully and without question.
2) Be in your assigned seat when it is time for class to begin. A bell may or may not indicate the beginning of class time. You may be counted as tardy if you are not in your seat at the designated class start time. You must remain in your seat the entire class period unless directed otherwise.
3) Have all needed materials at your desk and be ready to begin class immediately.
Agenda Check - Your teacher or a designated classmate will check most days early in the first quarter to confirm that you have an agenda or planner and any agenda entries for the day have been recorded. This is part of your class grade.
4) Bring water! No food is allowed in class with the exception of water in a sealable non-glass container. You will never be allowed out of class to get a drink of water.
5) No electronic devices allowed. Do not ask to use or charge your electronic devices.
6) Raise your hand and be recognized before speaking out in class.
Class Motto - Be positive, cooperate and give your best effort everyday.
Preparation of Papers - With only rare exceptions all papers turned in to Dr. V. must include a date, title, the class period and the student’s full first and last name. Furthermore, these items should appear in designated areas on the page and red ink should not be used. These items will be considered part of the grade for that assignment at the discretion of the instructor. Please see the example below:
TitleDate / First & Last Name
Class Period #
Typewritten papers will be required intermittently. The format for typewritten papers must be black ink, Times New Roman, 12 point font, double spaced or less, and one inch margins.
Emergency Pass - You are expected to be in class for the entire class period, everyday. You should only leave class in case of an emergency. Dr. V. will keep track ofemergencyepisodes requiring a student to be out of class. ‘Hall Passes’ may be granted sparingly on a case by case basis.
Attendance & Make – Up Work – Regular attendance is required by state law. In case of an excused absence you are entitled to an opportunity to do make-up work. It is the responsibility of the student to request make-up work and the request must be in writing. Prepare a page as outlined above. Include the dates for which make-up work is needed and any information needed to orient your teacher.
Classroom Etiquette - Acceptable classroom etiquette varies to some degree with the activity being performed at that moment. The teacher’s directions should always be followed without incident. Respect for your teacher and all adults should be evident. Students will be treated with courtesy and respect as well. If the phone rings or the intercom turns on, return immediately to silent mode.
Bucket of Kindness – Intermittently, names of 3 students will be drawn at random to make appropriate, sincere positive comments regarding a designated classmate or Dr. V.
Homework – At the beginning of each quarter students will have the opportunity to be included in the ‘Homework Group’. Up to 10 points extra credit can be added to test scores for students consistently completing assigned homework. Actual point awards will be determined by a subjective assessment of completion, accuracy and on time submission of homework throughout the quarter. Participation is limited to only those opting in, at the beginning of the quarter. All homework assignments must be completed to be considered for the extra credit.
Participation – All students will be required frequently to read aloud and write in formal prose. If possible, student work will be chosen at random to be postedon the local newspaper’s website or recorded by the student for broadcast on local radio stations. Participation is mandatory.
Defacement – Any classroom materials must be free of defacement. Artwork and extraneous marks of any kind make reviewing difficult. This includes, but is not limited to, 3 – ring binders, agendas, assessments and assignments. Vandalism of school property such as books and desks will result in disciplinary action against the student.
Computer Folder Access – Each student is provided with computer storage space in the form of a personal student folder on the district computer system server. A portable storage device such as a flash drive is recommended but, the student folder is available for use. The directions below describe how to access your student folder. See the school media specialist Donna Forsythe if any technical issues arise.
1. Finder
2. Go
3. Connect Server
4. Choose Server:
5. Name: First Last Name
Password: Last 5 digits of SS#
6. Connect
7. Find name and click on folder. Be certain to click on your name and not class of 20__.
Only save in Document and Picture folders…
8. The easiest way to save documents to your folder is to save the piece to the desktop,
open up your new folder and drag the piece from the desktop to the folder.
Misc - Assigned seating, once established will remain without change for the duration of the school year unless Dr. V. determines otherwise. Pencils can be purchased when available for 25 cents each. The pencil sharpener in the classroom will be removed if not used properly. All work is turned in to the box with your class period written on it. Do not hand papers to Dr. V. You are a guest in the classroom for the year. Please do not touch the sinks, microscopes, gas outlets, etcetera, without first getting permission. Speak up! Turn work in as you enter or leave the classroom. A no name box will be used for unidentifiable papers. Please stay out from behind the teacher's desk. A few older textbooks are available in the library and in the classroom for student use at home. The following link may also prove to be a valuable textbook resource
Disclaimer – Although a great deal of thought went in to preparing this course as outlined by this syllabus, and every effort will be made to adhere to it, Dr. V. reserves the right to amend any part of this document and change the course as needed.
Extra Credit - In general, doing extra credit assignments should not be necessary. If you concentrate on earning regular credit each day there will be no need to earn extra credit. Extra credit will not raise your grade nearly as fast as regular credit will. The time that a student spends doing an extra credit assignment would be better spent studying for the next test or paying attention in class. Nevertheless, some students want to do extra credit and the following options are made available. Any extra credit earned will be recorded in a category of the grade book known as 'effort and compliance'. (100pt max)
1) Purchase Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, liquid hand soap, paper towels, band-aids,
or tissues for the class. (10pts+) (Point award varies by quantity)
2. Take one of the library videos home and view it. Write a summary of the video.
3. Do a content outline of one of the chapters in the book that we are not studying this
year. (25pts)
4. Go to a nursery and write down the common name as well as the Genus and species
names for at least 5 plants. (15pts)
5. Go to a hardware store and record the content and relative amounts of the various
elements in several types of fertilizer. Look up what each element does for the plant.
6. Make a list of foods categorized by the dominant type of organic molecule present in
the food. (Protein, Carbohydrate, Lipid, Nucleic Acid) (Min. 2 Each Type) (15pts)
7. Go to an arboretum and tour the grounds. Take pictures of the trees and provide the
common and scientific names for at least 12 trees. (30pts)
8. Type and print the questions and answers from bellwork last quarter. (15pts)
9. Purchase or donate a gently used chess board to the class. (15pts)
10. Do a hand-written book report on the 1962 Rachel Carson book, "Silent Spring"
11. Research and write a paper on the 'Rosy Periwinkle' plant and 'Taxol' in relation to
plants and cancer treatments. Must be hand written. (40pts)
12. Obtain the artificial sweeteners known as "Sweet -N- Low, Splenda and Equal".
Make a list of the ingredients of each and research 'saccharin' and 'aspartame' for
any possible health concerns with consuming the product. (40pts)
13. Research both the largest & smallest flowers known. (RafflesiaWolffia
columbiana) Write a paper of at least one page in length on the topic. Must be hand
written. (30pts)
14. Research the medicinal effects of Gingko biloba and the ‘foxglove’ plant. Write a
handwritten paper of your findings with references. (30pts)
15. Research ‘phthalates’ and provide a handwritten summary of the important facts
related to the subject including its relationship to the endocrine system. (30pts)
Cut Here & Turn In To Teacher
We have both read and agree to comply with this seven page biology course syllabus:
Date: ______
Print Student Name: ______Period: ______
Parent or Guardian Signature: ______
Parent or Guardian Email: ______
Parent or Guardian Telephone Contact Number: ______