El DoradoHigh School
Physics and Pre AP Physics
Mrs. White’s Class Policies
Materials:A 3- ring binder, notebook paper, a composition book, pens, pencils, scientific calculator, metric ruler and colored pencils. I do not have materials to loan out. Be prepared to purchase items you may need to complete projects.
Daily Work:Use blue or black in or pencil. Check boards for the day’s agenda, and other instructions. I do not make extra copies of worksheets and other handouts, but I often post them to my EDHS website. You are responsible for lost or missing work. Put all assignments in your class drawer, not on my desk. You may not remove ANYTHING from the class drawers or my desk.
Quizzes / Tests:Be prepared for unannounced quizzes. Large assignments may count as test grades. You are responsible for making up tests and quizzes that you missed.
Group Work:You will work regularly in pairs or groups. Participation is mandatory, and I choose the groups.You may not leave your seat to work with another group unless I say otherwise. Do your share of the work.
PassesIn order to be granted permission to leave class, you must have your ownclass materials. If you have not been using your class time wisely, you will not be granted permission to leave.
Absences:If you are absent, remember to ask me for work you have missed. I make regular use of my website, so the assignments may be posted there. Again, many of my worksheets and handouts can be downloaded from there.
Late Work:Unless I say otherwise, all assignments are due the SAME class period. If you did not do your work, you will be required to submit a form stating why. In accordance with SISD policy, late work will receive a reduced grade (50% of the earned credit). All work and corrections must be turned in by the last day of the 3 week marking period in which the work was assigned. Work and corrections will not be accepted after grades (including 3 week grades) have been uploaded. Please do not ask me for a list of your missing work during class time. Instead, come see me before or after school.
Corrections:I will accept corrections on most assignments and quizzes for 50% credit only until the last day of each 3 week marking period. In accordance with the grading policy at EDHS, you must request the opportunity to do quiz and test corrections. I NEVER accept corrections on late work. Please review the redo and corrections policy that has been adopted at EDHS.
Misbehavior, especially when a guest or sub is in the room reflects poorly on you, your classmates, El DoradoHigh School, and me. That is NOT what Aztec pride is all about. It is the responsibility of every student to help to maintain discipline in the classroom and the school. Bad sub reports = Quiz on my return.
Unauthorized use of electronic devices and personal care items (cosmetics) is prohibited during class time. Such items will be confiscated
Let’s have a fantAZTEC year together! Behave respectfully and responsibly at all times.