Magic Tricks

Coin Trick

Before you do this trick you will need to make a “magic cup.” Get a clear cup and glue a square piece of white paper to the top of the cup so that the entire opening is covered. After it dries, cut the paper along the outside edge of the cup so that there isn’t any paper sticking out from around the edge of the cup. This is your “magic cup.” Now you are ready. Put a piece of white paper on the table. Put you magic cup upside down next to the white paper. Don’t let anyone see the white covering on the cup. Put a coin on the white paper that is next to your magic cup. Tell everyone that you can make the coin disappear. Put a napkin on top of your magic cup. Say a magic word and slid the cup on top of the coin. Take the napkin off of the cup. The coin is gone! The coin is really under the “magic” cup…the covering on top of the cup covers up the coin.

Coin in a Roll

Tell everyone that you have the special power of making money appear inside a roll. Hold a coin in your hand (don’t let anyone see it). Pick up a roll. Shake it and say a magic word. Break it in half (push it/bend it outwards towards the person you are showing). As you bend the roll in half to break it, push the coin into the roll. Magic!

Balancing Grape
Hide a toothpick behind your finger. Tell everyone that you can balance a grape on your finger. Without letting anyone see you, push the grape onto the toothpick. Walk around like you are trying to balance the grape on your finger. Pull it off the toothpick and give it to someone else to try. They can’t do it! Only you have the special magic!

Pepper Trick

Rub a bit of dishwashing soap on your fingers (don’t let anyone see you do this). Fill a cup with water. Sprinkle pepper into the cup of water. Say a magic word and put your finger with the soap on it in the cup. The pepper flies apart! Empty the cup and fill it back up again with water and a dash of pepper. Let someone else try it and the pepper won’t fly apart (because they don’t have the soap on their finger). The pepper won’t fly apart! They don’t have your special magic!

Paper Clip Trick

Fold a dollar bill in an S shape, attach one paper clip to the bottom and middle of the S and the other paper clip to the top and middle of the S. Slow pull dollar bill apart and clips will link together and jump off the dollar bill.

Sawing a Paper Doll in Half

Get an envelope. Seal it. Cut the ends off the envelope. On the back of the envelope, cut two slits and weave a paper roll through the envelope. Bend the envelop up (like a rainbow) and cut the envelope (the scissors are between the doll and the envelope). Hold the envelope together after you cut it and slide out the doll. Magic!

Two Pile Card Trick

Separate the cards into two piles (one of all red cards and one of all black cards). Don’t let anyone see you do this. Place the two piles face down on the table. Ask a person to pick a card from one pile (anywhere in the pile) and place it into the other pile (anywhere in the pile). Pick up the pile and look for the only card that is a different color. You found it through your special powers!

Another way to do this: Separate the cards into two piles (one of even numbers and one of odd numbers – take out the face cards). Ask the person to pick one card from one pile and put it into the other pile. Pick up the pile and find the card that doesn’t belong (the only odd numbered or even numbered card).

Clock Trick

Show the person the clock (in your magic box). Ask the person to choose a number and then follow the line to its connecting number. Tell the person to subtract the smaller number from the larger number. Now the person has a new number. Tell them to remember this number. Tell the person you are going to try really hard to read their mind. The number is six! (it will always be six). Magic!

Sticky Fork

Tell everyone that you have magic power to make a fork stick to your hand. Show everyone both sides of your hands so they know you don’t have any secret tricks. Place the fork in your hand and secretly use your other hand to hold the fork. Act like you are concentrating really hard to hold the fork there. Let it drop and tell everyone that your magic can only work for a short time.

Turn 4 Pennies into 5

Roll a piece of tape and stick it to the bottom of the table. Stick a penny to the tape. Put 4 pennies on the table. Tell everyone that you have the magic power to turn 4 pennies into 5 pennies. Slide the pennies off of the edge of the table into your hand and use your hand to scrape the penny off of the bottom of the table into your hand. Close your hand, shake your hand, and say a magic work. Open your hand, and put all 5 pennies onto the table. Magic!

Walk Through The Paper Trick

Have a copy of the sheet on the next page. Ask, “Do any of you think you can cut a regular piece of paperwith a hole big enough to walk through it?” Pick up the paper with the lines on it. Cut along the lines (be careful), open it up, and walk through the giant hole!

Three Color Card Trick

Pick up your deck of 21 cards (3 different colors). Lay the cards out like this on the table:

Ask someone to pick a card (in his or her head) and only tell you what color it is (e.g., pink). Whatever color the person tells you it is in, pick it up second. For example, if the person tells you the card she is thinking of is pink, pick up all the blue cards first, and then the pink cards, and then the yellow cards. The color that the person told you should always be in the middle.

Now, lay the cards out on the table this (instead of laying the cards from the top to the bottom, lay them across into three rows):

Ask the person what column the card is in now (the first, second, or third column).

Pick up the cards again...again, making sure that the column the card is in is picked up second. (For example, if the card is in the first column, pick up the second column first, then the first column, and then the third column).

Lay the cards out on the table again...the same way (three across, not up and down).

Ask the person what column the card is in now. Count 4 cards down from the top (in your head). That is the person’s card!