Giveaway Request Form
Karlene Browning
Use this form to apply to be a sponsor in the monthly giveaway. Completing this form does NOT guarantee acceptance. I will review your request to see if your book meets the guidelines and is a good match for my readers. If approved, I will send a confirmation email.
Before completing this form, please read the following pages on my website:
· Monthly Giveaway (info about the giveaway):
· Monthly Giveaway Form & Instructions:
I highly recommend that you open the “Monthly Giveaway Form & Instructions”
web page and follow the instructions step-by-step.
Contact Name (First & Last):
Contact E-mail:
Yes, I have read the Monthly Giveaway Info page and agree to the terms as described there.
Yes, I have read the Giveaway Sponsor Eligibility page and certify that I am eligible to sponsor.
Have you subscribed to the Authors & Publishers section of my newsletter?
Email used to subscribe to the newsletter (if different than above):
Preferred Month to Sponsor (subject to availability):
Book Title (as it appears on book cover):
Author Name (name as it appears on book cover):
Link to this book’s spotlight post on my site:
*If no spotlight post exists, go here and submit that first:
Date book will be available for sale on Amazon (NOT pre-order):
Format to give away (check one):
Print (U.S. only) E-book (.epub & .mobi) Winner’s Choice
Is this a series? And are you willing to let the winner pick a previous book in the series if they haven’t read it? Select Yes or No. (Strongly recommend that you offer this option.)
AUTHOR INFORMATION (Only needed if existing bio needs updating)
Author Bio (60-70 words):
Website URL (or blog):
Add/Update Author Twitter Name:
Add/Update Author Facebook Page URL:
Add/Update Author Amazon Page URL:
Questions or Comments:
Upon completion of this form, SAVE IT. Then attach and email to . Type Giveaway Request in the Subject line.
Also attach an updated photo of the author, if desired.