QUESTIONS / RESULTS COMMENTS AND CONCLUSIONS / ACTION PLAN / PROGRESSQ1 / How do you normally book your appointment? / 82 By Phone
8 In Person
8 Both in person/in phone
1 By phone/online / Advertise in website and Waiting room to encourage patients to register for online services like booking an appointment, ordering repeats etc. / Ongoing. Since the meeting we have increased online access.
Q2 / How helpful do you find the receptionists at the surgery? / 59 very helpful
40 helpful / Thank you for the support
Q3 / How satisfied are you with the opening hours of the practice? / Very satisfied 62
Fairly satisfied 35
Fairly dissatisfied 1
Very dissatisfied 1 / We offer extended hours on Thursday evening. Appointments for weekendsand after 1830 are available at Deane Medical centre but they have to be booked in advance by our receptionists. Advertised on our website. / Ongoing
Q4 / When you last visited the surgery, did you feel that you had overall confidence and trust in the staff? / 95 patients out of 99 answered yes – that they are confident in the practice staff. / Thank you for your support
Q5 / The last time you saw the nurse: did you have confidence in her? / 96 patients out of 99 answered yes. / Thank you for your support
Q6 / Last time you saw the GP/Nurse did they explain your results/treatment to you? / 95 patients said yes
3 patient said no
1 n/a / Thank you for your support
Q7 / Last time you needed to see or speak to the GP urgently, were you able to see a doctor on the same day or in the next two working days? / 66 patients said yes
16 patients can’t remember
17 patients said no / We are looking forward to change out telephone system in November. It will increase number of telephone lines and improve access. / Ongoing
Q8 / Would you recommend this service to your friends and colleagues/relatives? / 93 patients said yes
4 patient said no
2 are left blank / Thank you for your support.
Q9 / Improvement comments / When booking appointments if we can get them quicker.
Sometimes cannot get through to receptionists.
Quicker phone calls pick up.
When I call by phone the line is always engaged.
We can’t get appointment on time. This is big problem. Rest of everything is good
Should have a weekend surgery or even a half day as people are unable to go out of hours surgery.
Opening Saturdays
More emergency appointment needed. Told 9am or 3pm have to phone same day for appointments all gone within 15 minutes very limited time slots.
Shortage of appointments but overall good service.
Less waiting time to see doctor
Toys for children or corner for children to play
Need to modernise the surgery... Need to improve on baby/maternity services such as check ups, follow ups and baby toddler vaccinations.
Sometimes the receptionists can be rude and ask about why you want to see the doctor by saying “what’s wrong” and this is not confidential.
Need to know cost of letters and medical questionnaires in advance.
More appointments.
. / We will be changing our telephone system in November. It willhave more telephone lines and hopefully waiting time to get to a receptionist will reduce.
Weekend appointments are available at Dean Medical Centre run by GP Federation. Bookings are to be booked by our receptionists as these are pre-bookable. Phlebotomy, Nurse services are also available
Most of our appointments are opened on the day. As per CCG recommendations we are providing 75 appointments per 100 patients per week
Allow catch up time after every few consultations
New Notice Boards have been installed.
All chairs of the waiting room have been changed
Our Receptionists are very experienced to triage and allocate the best possible appointment. They have been instructed by GPs to get basic information so that urgency and appropriateness of an appointment can be allocated for example many issues can be dealt by telephone triage. However, patients have the right to tell them that it is confidential and request an GP clinical appointment
List of tariff for types of letter will be displayed on notice board. / New Telephone system will be installed in November
Q10 / Other comments / Beehive surgery is one of the best surgeries and doctors are very approachable and very kind receptionists are very helpful.
I am satisfied with this GP when I need to make an appointment so I can get easily. Thanks.
Very Good.
None at all – Good service.
Very responsible staff. They do understand the problem.
All is good.
Is ok.
All good
I don’t think anything needs to be improved.
None of my friends and family member lives close to the surgery.
Very satisfied with all doctors and staff.
Brilliant Service.
I am very happy with doctors.
Very responsible staff who understand the problem.
None at all – good service
It’s a very good surgery – very helpful
None really.
Excellent / Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your support.