Occasional Newsletter No’ 32; March 2013

(Beef orders in by 6pm this Sunday please for fresh beef back Wed 27th March)

Another month passes with rotten weather being the dominant feature; more dollops of snow but mainly the bitter wind. The hens have on occasion declined the free range option and indoor, office jobs have been welcomed.

An alternative warm job has been clearing part of the bridle path where our hedges have become overgrown. You can’t beat a good fire.

The livestock are less active and generally hunker down waiting for things to improve. This sow is perfectly content under fresh silage.

The rabbits have also been busy burrowing, choosing an easier option under some round straw bales rather than water logged earth.

To help the surface water to drain on the grassland where a surface pan has been created by compacted soil, we have invested in a slitter.

Keen to try out the new toy and thinking the ground would be hard enough on a frosty morning to take the weight, a trail run was undertaken. The tracks are still visible as the ground was still too soft ...... but slits were made. Phil has since made some concrete weights to help the slitter enter the soil on ground firm enough not to leave tyre tracks. As with most things, timing is the key.

In the last newsletter there was a photo of an owl box we erected in a barn above where a pile of owl pellets appeared. Shortly afterwards, Sue Smith from Birch photographed this wonderful barn owl on the field between us and the reservoir; I hope it makes itself at home.

3 of the 13 cows have calved and all are heifers so potential herd replacements. Since we have been using black Angus bulls the herd colour is predominantly black, so it is interesting to have the variety of a dark brown calf from this Red Poll cow. The ewes have been scanned so we know what to expect from 25th March onwards.

If you would like to have a look around on Good Friday, we will be having guided farm tours every half hour from 11am till 4pm, except 12:30pm when Phil has decided he requires lunch.

There will be a BBQ using our burgers and sausages, children’s activities and sausage tasting. Please wear clean wellingtons or other waterproof footwear as there will be a disinfectant dip ...... and bring good weather with you.

Shop News;

Fresh 3 week hung Angus cross beef will be available from Wed 27th March, this is a week earlier than usual so it is available on Good Friday as well as at Colchester Farmers’ Market the following Friday when it will need freezing the next day. As we are introducing home bred heifers into the herd, this will be the last of our own home bred beasts in the shop for a few months. However, we have sourced some from other local farms and the May beast will be a Longhorn born and bred in Fordham.

If you would still like to order our 3 week hung Angus cross beef for Easter or Col’ Farmers’ Market please let me know by 6pm Sunday 25th March. Mini boxes at £45 are good value – see www.garrhousefarm.co.uk for more details.

New marinade flavour for lamb : Redcurrant and Rosemary

Available now on loin chops, leg steaks and cubed loin suitable for stir frying or kebabs.

Special Offer : Good Friday only ; 4 packs of sausages for £6. Why not try before you buy; different flavours available at the sausage tasting ( hand in your entry ticket for 5 ‘tastes’).


Normal opening hours : Friday and Saturday 10 am – 5pm and usually Thursday 11 am – 3pm plus other times when the new sign says ‘OPEN’ , please ring if you are making a special journey or to arrange free local delivery.


We look forward to seeing you on Good Friday , March 29th, no booking required but tours will be limited to a maximum of 20 people. For more details see the web site www.garrhousefarm.co.uk or ring / email and ask.


Kate Gladwin 01206 735 694 07790 095 052

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