This instruction applies to: / Reference:
Probation Services / PI 01/2013 (extension to PI 09/2011)
Issue date / Effective Date / Expiry Date
7 January 2013 / 7 January 2013 / 6 January 2015
Issued on the authority of / NOMS Agency Board
For action by / Probation Trust Contract Managers
For information / All staff in Probation Trusts
Contact / Roger Stevens, OSCG
tel 030 0047 5210
Associated documents
Replaces the following documents which are hereby cancelled :-
PI 10/2010 & PI 09/2011
Audit/monitoring :
Compliance with these Mandatory Actions will be monitored through the regular contractual review process between Probation Providers and NOMS.
Introduces amendments to the following documents.
This PI is issued to extend the expiry date of PI 09/2011. The policy and content remainunchanged.




Executive Summary

Operational Instructions

Annex – PC 13/2007

1.Executive summary


1.1PC 13/2007 introduced the First Move initial skills checker screening tool. It’s application was extended by PI 10/2010 & PI 09/2011.

1.2The “First Move” tool brought consistency to the way offenders were screened for basic skills needs. It helped identify those offenders with a basic learning need and enabled probation practitioners to refer the offenders on to appropriate learning and skills provision. “First Move” was successfully introduced in 2007 and it is now used by all probation trusts in England and Wales.

1.3The numerical score “First Move” generates is also used to help inform the Education, Training and Employability section of the Offender Assessment System (OASys) tool. .

1.4First Move is a professionally developed tool that is fit for purpose and can be delivered by non specialist staff. It has been in use for 5years and staff and education providers are familiar with it. The use of other locally produced tools that have not been quality assured may result in the incorrect referral or non referral of offenders to learning and skills provision. This would impact on the range of services education providers are able to provide and may delay that individual’s access to provision. It would also break the consistent approach that we have now established to ensure that all offender learners receive a good quality initial screening.

Desired outcomes

1.5That First Move continues to be used universally for initial skills screening.

Mandatory actions

1.6Probation Trust Contract Managers must ensure that Probation Trusts continue to use First Move for initial skills screening.

Resource Impact

1.7This instruction mandates the continuation of an existing process and therefore has no new resource implications.

2.Operational instructions

2.1Operational instructions and user guidance notes were contained in the annex to PC 13/2007 which is reproduced as an annex to this Instruction.


For further information about this PI please contact:

Roger Stevens, OSCG


tel 030 0047 5210

Approved for Publication by:

Colin Allars

Director of Probation and Contracted Services, NOMS

PI 01/2013UNCLASSIFIED Issue Date 07/01/2013



PC 13/2007

PI 01/2013UNCLASSIFIED Issue Date 07/01/2013