FAFSA Day Template Emails
#1 to be sent to Volunteers –Several Weeks Prior to Event
As I scrolled through the list of volunteers at theSITE LOCATIONsite for FAFSA Day, I was really excited. It’s great to see familiar names of people who have volunteered in the past. It is equally exciting to see new names. I look forward to seeing you on DATE OF EVENT. You will be receiving more emails from me about when we need to meet at the site.
Thank you for volunteering your time and energy!
#2 to be sent to Volunteers
Can you believe it, we’re already into 2017?! To people whom I haven’t already thanked for volunteering. I’d like to do that now.
We have been fortunate in the past that we haven’t had any major bad weather. Let’s hope that holds out for this year too.
Over the next few weeks you will be sent additional emails outlining what time you need to be at the site, what to wear and any other information you may need to know.
Thank you and I look forward to seeing you soon.
To be sent to Registrants
Thank you for signing up for FAFSA Day. This event will give you and your family the opportunity to start work on or potentially complete the process of filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
You will need to bring the following information to this event:2015income information – both taxable and untaxable - for yourself and your parents, current bank and investment statements, and 2015 business records (if applicable). You will also need your and your parent’s Social Security Number, your driver’s license number and your alien registration card (if you are not a U.S. citizen).
#3 to be sent to Volunteers
DAY OF EVENT is almost here. In an effort to keep everyone on the same page, there are a few updates. In the event of inclement weather you will be notified via email. If you would like to be notified via phone, please provide me the best number where I can reach you. In case you need to contact me over the weekend my email address is______and the best number to contact me at is______. In order to have everything set up in advance I would like to request that everyone plan on arriving by______. At that time we can determine what your responsibilities will be for the afternoon. Please plan to be on site until _____. Please wear your school/organization nametag if you have one, as well as your FAFSA Day t-shirt. If you requested a FAFSA Day t-shirt during your registration, I will have it available for you. Parking is available ______.
#4 to be sent to Volunteers
THANK YOU! Your participation in the 2016-2017 FAFSA Day Event at SITE LOCATION was a key to making this event a great success. More than XX students and families were served in completing the FAFSA. This is an increase from last year!
We appreciate the time you took out of your busy professional life to offer assistance and advice to student and families on a weekend. An event such as this could not happen without individual and group efforts.
It was encouraging and motivating to see education professionals, financial aid professionals, community and college partners, families, and students come together for a common purpose on a wintry Sunday. It would have been easy for those who registered to change their minds about attending but the value of the event, and its importance to students and families, can be seen in that we had XXmore attendees than the number who pre-registered.
Overall families rated the event very highly and worthwhile.
Your efforts and contribution made a real difference! Again, we extend our sincerest thanks on behalf of the FAFSA Day Committee,SITE LOCATION, and all the students and families who attended.
To be sent to Attendees
It was great to have the opportunity to work with you on Sunday. You are to be complimented for showing the initiative to attend FAFSA Day, when you could have been doing many other things you might have enjoyed more. You realized, however, the importance of getting the Free Application for Federal Study Aid (FAFSA) completed on time. Nice work!
Please contact ith any follow-up questions, and now that you’ve started and/or submitted the FAFSA, stay tuned for additional tips and next-step advice which will be posted on the website, Thank you for your attendance.
Email Template – FAFSA Day 2017