Bedford High School
Physical Education Department
Health Educator, Ms. Martell
Course: 9032 Health II (Grades 11 or 12)
Topics to be covered include human reproduction, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, sexual risks and responsibility, teen pregnancy and parenting, marriage and family structures. Self-esteem, values clarification and decision-making are stressed throughout the course.
Periods per cycle: 2 Credit:1.25
I. Essential Questions:
o What is reproductive health?
o How can life management skills impact personal wellness?
o How can knowledge effect personal decision-making?
o What makes relationships an integral part of human life?
o What skills can enhance relationships?
o What is the relationship between body systems and reproduction?
o How can characteristics of physical growth and development promote and
o What support services are available for Bedford students?
o Why is it important to identify signs and symptoms to maintain personal wellness?
2. What are good ways to deal with family changes?
3. What support groups help in a family crisis?
1. What behaviors will enhance dignity, respect, and responsibility in a dating relationship?
2. What role does bullying and sexual harassment have on violence?
II. School Wide Expectations:
Students will . . .
o Acquire and apply knowledge connecting curriculum to prior knowledge and real life situations
o Gather, synthesize, and present knowledge creatively using a variety of media
o Use technology and the arts to demonstrate knowledge and skills
III. Massachusetts Health Frameworks:
Standard 1.11 - 1.13
Standard 4.11 – 4.20
Standard 5.13, 5.18,
Standard 6.9 – 6.12, 6.14 – 6.16
Standard 7.10, 7.11, 7.13- 7.17
Standard 8.13 – 8.16, 8.19
Standard 9.15, 9.16
Standard 10.10, 10.14
Standard 11.11, 11.14, 11.16, 11.17, 11.19
Standard 12.11,
Standard 14.7 – 14.11
IV. Learning Objectives:
By the completion of this course, the successful student will have learned:
a. To recognize and accept personal responsibility for one’s own wellness and appreciate the impact of individual choices on wellness in the family and community.
b. To identify risks and or consequences related to sexual activity.
c. To identify personal strengths and weaknesses, and to use this knowledge to choose a healthy lifestyle.
d. To examine the economic, cultural, political, social, and personal values that influence decision-making.
e. To develop active listening, communication, coping, and problem solving skills.
f. To recognize and appreciate individual differences found in our society.
V. Learning Experiences:
In this course, students will:
a. Listen to and present class presentations, take notes and actively participate in class discussions.
b. Complete assigned homework.
c. Work in-groups to solve problems, and create skits or projects.
d. Complete all in-class and take-home assessments of learning.
VI. Course Outline:
1. Introduction to the reproductive systems 5-6 weeks
2. The menstrual cycle and pregnancy 2-3 weeks
3. Decision making 2 weeks
3. Teen pregnancy and parenting 2 weeks
4. Sexually transmitted diseases 3 weeks
5. Healthy v. unhealthy relationships 2 week
6. Family structures 2 weeks
VII. Course Materials:
· In order to keep this course up to date a collection of materials, articles, and curriculum documents will be used.
VIII. Grading policy:
A student’s grade for the class will be determined through and evaluation of the following:
Tests 30%
Quizzes 15%
Homework assignments 15%
Term project 10%
Class participation and class activities 30%
**Students will receive 5 points a day for class participation
*Points will be deducted if…….
Students are off task during class
Students fail to participate in class activities
Students come to class 3 or more times unprepared