Confidential Invention Disclosure
Completing this form is the first step toward protecting and commercializing your invention. The form is a guide for the invention disclosure and is offered to provide optimal support and service to you. If you don’t know the answer to a certain question, just leave it blank. All information will be treated as confidential.
It is very important that the invention is not published or presented at a scientific meeting before the invention disclosure and a possible patent application.
For any questions, please contact Unitectra, the joint technology transfer office of the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zurich.
Please send the completed form to:
BaselUnitectra Technology Transfer
Schützenmattstrasse 16
4051 Basel
Tel. 061 267 30 14
Fax: 061 267 09 97
BernUnitectra Technology Transfer
Gesellschaftsstrasse 25
3012 Bern
Tel. 031 631 37 81
Fax: 031 631 37 89
ZurichUnitectra Technology TransferMöhrlistrasse 238006 ZurichTel. 044 634 44 01Fax: 044 634 44 09
File No.: ______
(to be filled in by Unitectra)
a)Invention (pls. attach any additional information or documentation)
1)Inventors: Name all persons who have contributed significantly to the inventive concepts of the invention.
Name / Current address / Position and employer at the time the invention was conceived / Contribution to invention (%) (only if not equal)2)Short description of the invention.
3)What is the current stage of the invention? What exactly have you achieved so far?
4)Which specific experiments have been carried out to prove the principle of the invention or how do you plan to do so (indicate milestones and estimated time frame)?
5)Quantify the available resources (manpower, finances) for further development of the invention.
B.Intellectual Property
1)a) When did you first publicly speak about or publish your invention or when do you plan to do so?
b) Has the idea behind your invention ever been published, publicly discussed, or patented by others? Pls. provide literature search (and patent search if available).
2)a) Describe any existing technology in the field of your invention (state-of-the art) and/or provide recent review article. What alternatives to your invention do exist in the same field?
b) What makes your invention unique from the state-of-the-art? Which are the deficiencies of the state-of-the-art that your invention improves?
c) What are the potential disadvantages of your invention compared to the state-of-the-art?
3)a) Who funded the research which led to the invention?
b) Was this research part of a project funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation?
c) Do you have any agreements with (industrial) partners in this field?
4)Has any proprietary material (e.g. cell line, antibody, plasmid, computer software, or chemical compound) obtained from outside your laboratory been used to develop this invention under a restrictive written or oral transfer agreement (other than a normal purchasing agreement)? If yes, pls. specify and attach a copy.
C)Commercial Potential
1)What is the commercial use of your invention?
What is/will be the marketable product?
2)What is the market need that your product fulfils? Why should somebody buy your product?
3)What is the estimated market size?
4)How long will it take to develop a marketable product and what are the estimated development costs?
5)What competitive products exist already?
6)Which potential licensees do you know? Name companies and contact persons that are active in the field of your invention.
7)What is or might be the greatest obstacle to the commercial adoption of your invention?
To be signed, if possible, by all inventors: