The Focused Interview, SOAP Notes and Progress Notes
- The SOAP note is a focused note that reflects the current problem (chief complaint) that the patient is seeking help for at this visit
- It is rarely used to document the patient’s complete history as a new patient, it is used in ambulatory, ER and follow-up settings
- Only the patient complaint at this visit is investigated and followed in the HPI
- The HPI is much shorter- still fundamental OPQRST
- The ROS is no longer a complete and separate section, only pertinent ROS will be included in the HPI- remember to include all pertinent positive and negatives
- You will augment that HPI with addition of medical knowledge to ask questions about:
- Risk factors
- Relation to certain factors
- Psychosocial issues and behaviors
- A full physical examination is not necessary- focused for the CC, PMHx, age
- The progress note is use to document and record patient’s progress, many times as an in-patient admitted to the floor. The patient is “rounded-on” daily, to see how they are responding to treatment and to determine whether new problems have arisen
- Is patient getting adequate pain relief from analgesia? Can activity be advanced?
- Has bowel activity returned? Can diet be advanced?
- Can any sutures, staples, drains be removed?
- Complaints or new problems? Post-operative complications (5 Ws)?
- Wind (Atelectasis), water (UTI), walking (DVT), wound (wound infection), wonder drugs (Abx caused another infection somewhere else
- Legal Consequences
- Permanent part of the patients record, use black ink
- Subject to legal scrutiny- must be legible, understandable and complete
- The SOAP Note
- Date, time, service (geriatrics, orthopedics, etc)
- Identifying date, source of information, reliability
- Chief complaint:1 symptom x duration
- (S) Subjective: How does the patient feel at present? Any complaints?
- Are basic bodily and mental functions normal, age appropriate?
- Past medical history
- Hospitalizationsdate, hospital, diagnosis/procedure, length of stay, complications
- Surgeries
- MedicationsName, dose, route, frequency, indication
- AllergiesDrug, food, environment- if positive, reaction
- Social and family historyDrugs, alcohol, smoking, and sexual history
- (O) ObjectiveVital signs
- General survey and physical exam
- (A) AssessmentEvaluation of data and conclusions that can be drawn
- Diagnosis and differentials- R/O only if you plan to do something******************
- Often listed and treated in order of priority- most serious first
- (P) PlanOrder any labs, diagnostic test or medications
- Schedule follow-up appointment
- Chronic diseases and healthcare maintenance- change or addition
Signature, PA-S with preceptor co-signature
- The Progress Note
- Date, time, service (geriatrics, orthopedics, etc.)
- Identifying date, source of information
- Post operative day (#)- S/P procedure- may replace CC
- (S) Subjective:How does the patient feel at present? Any complaints?
- Resolution or worsening of previous symptoms?***********************
- Symptoms of post-operative/procedural complications?
- Past Medical History
- MedicationsName, Dose, Route, Frequency, indication
- AllergiesDrug, food, environment- if positive, reaction
- (O) Objective:Vital signs
- General survey and physical exam
- Results of blood work, imaging studies
- (A) AssessmentEvaluation of date and conclusions that can be drawn
- Diagnosis and differentials- R/O only if you plan to do something
- (P) PlanOrder any labs, diagnostic tests or medications
- Chronic diseases and healthcare maintenance- change or addition
Signature, PA-S with preceptor co-signature