“Becoming A Successful Student”

Your Name: ______Team Member ______

Team Member ______Team Member ______

You can learn to be a successful student and acquiring student success skills are a very important part of this math course. There are many important student success skills including managing time efficiently, establishing a plan and routine to do homework and study, keeping an organized portfolio in a 3-ring binder, developing social and interdependent learning skills, and seeking all academic, peer, and technology support that is available.

Your Math Portfolio
Your Math Portfolio is an organized collection and record of all coursework.
The Math Portfolio must have dividers and contain the following essentials:

Course Syllabus

Class Notes in chronological order

Homework papers with textbook section numbers

Educational Plan: Meet with your SMC Counselor to develop an educational plan

Math Lab and Supplemental Instruction information

Time Management

First prioritize what is most important to you before you begin to plan
how you use your hours of the day.

Managing your time also requires knowing your instructor’s office hours and the hours of operation of the Math Lab, Library, Student Achievement Zone and supplemental instruction (S.I.). sessions

Also get to know the availability schedule of a few classmates to discuss study group meeting times.

Use the blank time management sheet to write down all of your dedicated
hours for class time, math lab and math homework time, work hours,
and other fixed time commitments.
Greet, Meet, and Form Your Student Success Team

“The wisdom of the group is greater than the knowledge of one”. This means that at different times during the semester, you will learn from classmates. Verbalizing your questions and thoughts during math class
will help you process and remember what you have learned.

On the lines below, write down the names and contact information for a few students in your math class and communicate when them regularly.

Consider your instructor to be a member of your success team. Write
down your instructor’s office contact information here:

Getting Help When You Need It

It is best to plan ahead and build your academic support team ahead of time, rather than seeking help in desperation.

Get to know the following people well:
Your instructor
Supplemental Instruction Leaders
Math Lab Instructional Assistants (I.A.’s)
Math Lab Tutors

Early in the semester, gather information on the following:

How to sign-up to for a tutoring appointment at the Math Lab, and
S.I. Sessions for your math course held by different S.I. Leaders

As you acquire and improve your student academic success skills, eventually you will excel past being a successful student, and will become a life-long learner
who can apply the principles of learning in other subject areas. Being ready for the next mathematics course means showing mastery of the course objectives
listed in the course syllabus, and also requires a development of learning and study strategies particular to mathematics.
Most importantly, be confident and believe in what you can accomplish!
J. Quevedo, 2011