UYAHF is a legal entity registered in August 2013 under the Uganda Registration Services Bureau as an organization limited by guarantee to carry out business in order to make money.



•Becoming a brand name in the production of apparel products in Africa


•Promoting meaningful youth participation in sustainable livelihoods


i)To make money from investment activities

ii)Inspire, motivate and empower people with practical entrepreneurships and innovative skills, knowledge and opportunities to enable them venture into job creation and self-sustaining projects.

iii)Entrepreneurship and vocational skills empowerment to ensure self-sustainability, self-reliance and self-dependence.

iv)To create employment for marginalized groups of people like young people with disabilities, teenage mothers and young people who are out of school

v)To create a positive environmental impact through reuse of fiber and car tires to make products like African craft products, handbags, table mats, magic wallets and handbags

Core values




(iv)Non discrimination



TEAM; Kediman Ali

Head of the technical /production team

Kalyango Jonathan

Head of innovations

Mwesigwa Praise

Head of sales and branding

Tusime Lydia

Head of communication and public relations

Muhumuza Gilbert

Overall brand coordinator




Mr. Karumuna Roland (26 years)

United Nations Industrial Development Organization

V. Chairperson

Mrs. Rosette Mutambi (50 years)

Executive Director



Ms.Nicollette Uwimana (23 years)

Uganda Network of Young People Living with HIV


Mr. Martin Wanzala (28 years)

Allied Youth Initiative


Beyonce Karungi (27 years)

Transgender Equality Uganda



Dr. Carol Nalwanga

United Nations Population Fund


We have a team of five volunteers who are trainees at our workshop.


Uganda small scale industries association

Uganda export promotions board

Moringa Ogilvy



  1. Entrepreneurship and skills development workshop

At our workshop young people are recruited trained and equipped with practical and hands on innovative and entrepreneurship skills. This program is aimed at empowering young people with self-sustaining, innovative and income generation skills. At the workshop, we train young people in making products like shoes, African sandals and gladiators for men and women, bags, necklaces, belts, wallets/money pass, African wear, bangles among others. It is with our goal to be the model African brand in making the above products that we would like to promote our brand PATMAN in order to change society for social and environmental causes.


The academy is a two week intensive, practical, highly engaging and interactive experience where likeminded emerging young entrepreneurs are brought together to be mentored and inspired in entrepreneurship and business management skills and knowledge, by leading business and industry experts. The training equips these entrepreneurs with skills that will help them use little capital to launch and sustain big business ideas.

The Academy links young entrepreneurs to peer coaches that guide them in their undertakings after the training. It also connects them to potential funders that inject capital in their small businesses to takeoff.

It is through this academy that the youth with idea to impact the lives of society will be linked to networks that will enable them realize their goal of changing the world.


This is a short phrased way in which the youth can present their ideas to potential funders. They will be taught on how to introduce their business idea, phrase their business model, make a financial manual and develop a leverage against which they can outcompete their competitors and strategize in the industry. THE YOUTH INNOVATORS BOOT CAMP

The boot camp is platform for budding youth entrepreneurs and young innovators country wide who converge and dialogue to share experiences, challenges and opportunities in an effort to promote youth entrepreneurship and job creation. It features successful but local youth entrepreneurs and innovators who share with participants’ life stories of their entrepreneurship journey i.e. how they started, how they broke even, the huddles and obstacles they have faced in their entrepreneurship journey and how they have managed to overcome them.

The boot camp also provides participants an opportunity to learn and acquaint themselves with key entrepreneurship and business concepts like; developing a good business idea, drawing a clear business plan, branding and marketing their business, savings, record keeping, client/customer care, insuring one’s business among others.



We have been able to train at least three young teenage mothers and enable them to be empowered with skills to start businesses which hence enables job creation.We were able to enhance the agri business small sector in Uganda. Below is a link to some of our work profiled on local television.

Current projects and pictures

We have a skills training workshop where we make our fashion products from. We make products like African craft sandals, handbags, belts and sandals. We are also venturing in agro business to further befit our social and environmental impact in the community through making magic wallets, table mats and hair clips.


We want to create branches throughout the country starting next yearand become a brand in making art and craft sandals in the world with in five years.

PROCESSES-how we acquire goods;we have a strict financial manual where we follow a strict process involving quotations being presented a purchase order,receipt,debit note,credit note and an invoice note being issued.We have a human resources department that is in charge of hiring where vigorous interviews are conducted, our marketis comprised of local retailers, wholesalers,boutiques,schools and local market stalls financial manual graphs and pie charts (charts)We do accept equity,angel and venture capital investors as part of our expansion programwe ensure financial sustainabilitythrough a strict reinvestment program where we input back in the business 70% of our profits,we make sure that we train our workers in different skills in regard to our products that we make and our monitoring and evaluationspecialist is responsible for their evaluation .We enumerate our workers/traineesbased on commission basis for every product produced. We have external auditors Sebira &Co. who have audited our books for our one year in existence.We procure all our raw materials locally from our reliable suppliers.We have a board of directors who are in charge of our business strategy and consultancyand a strict code of conduct.

Plot 351A Balintuma Rd, Nakulabye. P.O Box 2426, Kampala- Uganda, Email: , , Fcebook: Uganda Youth and Adolescents Health Forum, Twitter: @uyahf1Website:

“Promoting Meaningful Youth Participation in Health Programming & Social Economic Development”

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