Present: Councillors J. Cobley (Chairman), S. Bird, R. Wood,R. Patterson, T. Williams, P. Tomlinson, and Mrs B. Coleman (Clerk).Emily & Brett Swinfield members of the public were also present.

Apologies – were received and accepted from Cllr.C. Nicholson.

Minutes of the Meeting of the 6thOctober 2011 were proposed bySB seconded byRP and signed by the Chairman as being a true record.

Register of Members Interest. Members of the Council were reminded that at any time during the meeting they could declare an interest. There were no declarations at this point in time.

Parish Plan A meeting was held on 26thOctober when Janet Clark, from Community Lincs came to talk to parishioners about the advantages of having a Parish Plan. The meeting was attended by about 15 residents from both village and the estate, some of whom expressed interest in being on the steering committee; others were prepared to do specific jobs but not to be part of the Committee. There was also someone who was unable to attend who was interested in being on the Committee. The Clerk would arrange the first meeting of the steering committee and contact the attendees. This information would be on display at the firework night at RAF Scampton on 3rd November. The Clerk was thanked for providing the food. It was felt to be very positive that, probably for the first time ever, representatives from every section of the community were present at a meeting.A Local Development plan would hopefully come out of the Community Led Plan.

Contract of employment and Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures for the Clerk. Deferred due to the absence of Cllr Nicholson.

Telephone box refurbishment.The Clerk had contacted the person who had volunteered to refurbish the phone box for the Council and she will find out where to obtain the correct paint and set the process in motion.

Christmas Tree Decoration – Cllrs Cobley and Tomlinson would look at purchasing some Christmas lights and the electricity supply available for them before deciding which tree to decorate.

Notice boards– The estate would like the notice boards that had been taken off the bus shelter as they were not needed in the village. The Clerk would arrange to get them to the estate.

BSA Club The BSA Club was already used by another club on a Thursday evening so would not be available for Parish Council Meetings. It was agreed unanimously that we would look at V cafe as a possible venue for future meetings. Cllr Williams would speak to Gill Angel.

District Councillors Report.Cllr. Patterson reported thatnext week would be the first paperless Council meeting, which would be interesting. WLDC were talking about inviting Parish Councillors to a meeting so that they could see how the business was conducted. Edward Lee has written an email to Defence Secretary regarding the decision about the closing of RAF Scampton. WLDC News due out very soon and they are asking for comments on green issues. He had contacted Halyna Udovyk, Internet /TV Officer at West Lindsey, and Scampton now has a webpage.


WLDC – The Clerk had attended the Winter Weather Workshop, which had been very interesting. Information had been forwarded to each councillor with regard to registering as offering aid in bad weather. They were offering grants of up to £250.00 to obtain equipment for severe weather conditions and the Clerk would contact them asking for further details on how to apply, so that we could place salt in vulnerable/important places e.g. schools.

LCC – The tourism policy can be viewed at

LALC- Notification of the meeting about the delivery of Electronic Planning Services in West Lindsey to be held on 17th November at 7.00pm in Glentham Village Hall.

Finance –

The Clerk reported that the following payments had been made

HMRC £30.00

B. Coleman£120.00

It was proposed by RP, seconded by SB and agreed unanimously the following payments be made:

LALC (Emergency planning meeting)£12.00

E-On (Electricity for October)£32.53

B. Coleman (Refreshments for Community Plan Meeting)£32.55

A cheque for £1032.34 had been received from LCC in respect of grass cutting services provided on their behalf.

Mrs L. Green had inspected the accounts for the year to 30th September 2011 and everything was in order.

A letter of thanks had been received fromGill Angel, Communities Development Officer at RAF Scampton, for the donation of £150.00 towards the cost of fireworks for the display on 3rd November and a receipt for £50.00 had been received from the Royal British Legion.

Planning. – There were no planning matters this month.

Matters for the next Meeting

Parish Plan

The next Meeting will be on Thursday 1st December 2011 at 7.30pm at the V Cafe, RAF Scampton .

Being no further business the meeting closed at8.25pm.

NB. Cllr Tomlinson brought to the attention of everyone that rural crime and poaching was on the increase. He asked everyone to be aware of their surroundings and keep their eyes open to any strangers in the community. There were plans to hold a district forum in Northamptonshire in November with a view to deciding what actions to take to deal with the problem.

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