Beckley Village Hall

Notes of Special Meeting

Meeting date: Monday 27th March

Item / Action
1 / Apologies
Bob Bixby
David and Gail Scott (post-meeting apology as they thought it was the 28th).
2 / Present
John Walsh
John Baker (part-time)
Peter Gosney
Mary Ashdown
Fiona Stapleton
Geoff Mills
Andi Sheeka
Rayna Taylor who lives at Lalapanzi on Woodperry Rd. Rayna’s email addr is
Ann Henman
3 / Youth Club
Hamish McMicheal’s two children (supported by Hamish) gave a presentation on their ideas for a youth group. The Trustees welcomed this initiative and look forward to a formal proposal from them when they have investigated further. GM said that he would put them in touch with Tessa Hall from Community First to find out what other Village Halls are doing (done) and we look forward to further developments. Hamish email is / We wait to hear.
4 / Financial Control
Topic - Agreement on the interim processes for authorizing financial expenditure and the reporting of agreed expenditure to ensure that all Trustees are fully involved in and kept fully informed of our financial position.
Emergency expenditure not exceeding 100 pounds can be made by the Chairman and Treasurer alone.
Expenditure in excess of 100 pounds (or a commitment to such expenditure) requires consent of the Trustees in accordance with our constitution.
Concern was expressed that the Trust and the Interest Groups were not clear what the Parish Council were prepared to fund and this required urgent clarification. / GM/JW to discuss with DVS
GM/JW to discuss with David Scott
5 / Review of Key Documentation
Topic: Review of actions and documentation required for formal opening on 1st April. See attachments sent with Agenda.
This was agreed but recognizing that it will also evolve through operating experience.
This led to a discussion on the need to accelerate the completion of jobs on our action list and consideration as to whether some of these are “defects” under the building contract. This included urgent matters such as the transfers on the glazing. Peter Gosney undertook to discuss this with AC&C and David Scott. Also urgent action is required on the fire extinguishers which GM will discuss with DVS. / Peter Gosney and Geoff Mills
6 / Football Opportunity 1
Topic – Presentation by OFD Sports who have asked for the following:
Andy Bone gave us an explanation of his business. He is an A1 Assessor and works mainly with clients with special needs and disabilities. He is ex-army. He is originally from Marston.
He said he helps with the after-school club at Beckley School.
He set up a junior premier league for playing on Saturday. He now runs the second team in Oxford – 75 children, two groups – under 7 and under 11. They are all under report at their school.
He is now looking at running a 16 to 18 BTech programme.
His company has secured finance to do this which helps prepare school leavers for the job market.
He also runs a programme for training Chinese students. He says he works closely with Ruskin College and Edwards School.
He runs one of the Headington team.
He is looking at 8 hours a week classroom time (mornings) and 8 hours of sport.
That would be two hours morning and 2 hours afternoon for four days a week. Ideal timing would be 9.30 start, break at 11 to 11.30 then move outside until 13.30 with use of changing rooms.
He is looking at 20 learners and starting around September.
He would like a letter of intent by Monday 10th April. GM will draft an offered letter of intentoffering a more limited use of the Hall that covers:
  • 2 hours twice a week within the Hall and 2 hours twice a week use of the playing field with access to toilets.
  • Flexibility to adjust time to minimise disruption to other hall activities – and the more flexible he can be the more hours we can consider.
  • References
  • Subject to later detail agreement
  • 200 pounds per month
GM will check with DVS first as this involves use of the PC’s playing field which may require more frequent mowing. / Geoff Mills
7 / Football Opportunity 2 - Presentation by Oxford Football Club
Presentation by:
Peter Prior
Paul Jackson
Mark Terney
Charlotte Flynn
They currently pay 11 pounds for a small pitch and 15 for a large pitch. They also contribute to the electricity costs of Risinghurst.
They are exploring options for the moment. They have around 150 children across Saturday and Sunday. They consider that they can accommodate everything on our pitch. They could get one big pitch and two smaller pitches.
Their best option is to keep Risinghurst and work with us. They would be looking for Saturday and Sunday but only one day each weekend as half the teams are playing away. They would expect to build interest in Beckley youngsters.
They play Saturday morning finishing latest at 13.00. On Sunday they finish latest at 2.00pm
They only need access to the changing rooms, not the rest of the Hall.
Their season is September to April.
They do all the pitch marking and supply the goals units but don’t mow the pitch.
Their current annual hire fee is 1200 pounds for the season.
They are insured through the FA.
They don’t need to make a decision until end July.
There was long discussion by the Trustees who both welcomed the initiative to develop sport in the Village but were concerned about three things:
  • The scale of the operation was such that it would be too risky for us to accept a full transfer of all 11 teams, none of which (with the exception possibly of one or two players) were from Beckley. We could consider a child team (they have under 7s and under 8s) which might attract children from our school but we could not see how the finances would work for them and us. We would need to charge a reasonable, even if discounted, rate to cover likely professional hall cleaning after a game given the risk associated with a team of young children in muddy football boots. They would need access to the toilets which then gives access to the changing rooms even if they don’t use them. They would like access to the kitchen which would block the use of the hall for other hirers.
  • We are very sensitive to the potential impact to the Woodperry Road residents particularly for sport activity largely for the benefit of non-residents.
  • We do not yet know the settled usage of the Hall and are reluctant to make a long term commitment to weekend low-income use.
GM to write to explain and invite them to discuss again in a year’s time when we will know our own situation better.
Post-meeting note – David Scott agrees. / Geoff Mills
8 / AOB – incorporated into the above
7 / Date(s) of next meeting.
To be agreed but GM suggests second half of April (he is in China until 15th April) / All

Papers submitted(Separately by email):

Attachment 1 – Notes on issues to be covered for formal opening (including table of costs)

Document Numbers 1 to 11 (excepting DN6) including the attachments to DN5 and DN9 ( suggest the key ones to read are 5 (including 5A) and 7 but all fall within the responsibility of Trustees)