El Menú: Instructions for 4/15/15
You want to open a restaurant in a Hispanic country. You will be setting up your tables, and deciding what your menu will be. Be creative, organized, and detailed!
Be sure to write your name and period number on your menu.
Create “un menú” (a menu) for your own Hispanic restaurant.
Include on the cover of your menu:
- The name of your restaurant- Be sure to use a Spanish name!
- Illustrations:Use pictures of Hispanic food or other Hispanic symbols.
- Address and phone number in Spanish- USE SPANISH WORDS!
- Opening and closing times-USE SPANISH WORDS!
Include on the inside pages:
- List at least 6lunch choices. Use the words from your Vocabulary 6-1 list to create this lunch list. (You can also add more choices by referring to the page R7 in your textbook.)
- Illustrate and color each lunch choice!
- Title your list with the title, “De almuerzo” (for lunch).
- Include the price of each item for lunch in pesos.(Remember a peso is worth approximately 10 cents, so a salad that would cost $5 in the US would cost around 50 pesos.)
- List at least 4 drink choices. Use the words from your Vocabulary 6-1 list to create this drink list.
- Illustrate and color each drink choice!
- Title your list with the title, “Para tomar” (for drinking).
- Include the price of each item for drinking in pesos.
- List at least 2 dessert items.
- Illustrate and color your dessert choices
- Label the items for dessert, “De Postre” (For dessert).
- Include the price of each item in pesos.
Include on the back page:
- 3 client opinions about the food at your restaurant.
- Title the back page, “De los clientes.”
Follows directions: ……………………………….40 puntos
Spanish vocabulary and grammar:………. 40 puntos
Creativity, color, organization:…………….. 20 puntos
La Mesa: Create your table setting.
Instructions for 4/15/15
Illustrate and color how your table at the restaurant looks.
Include,on a sheet of paper that you will use like a placemat, all items you would need for eating your lunch and drinking your beverage.
Be sure to write your name and period number on your place setting.
Label the following items on your table in Spanish:
- Plate
- Bowl
- Drinking glass
- Napkin
- Fork
- Knife
- Spoon
Follows directions: ……………………………….40 puntos
Spanish vocabulary:………………………….…. 40 puntos
Creativity, color, organization:…………….. 20 puntos