Waterloo Wellington Integrated Hospice Palliative Care Regional Program

DRAFT 2017-2019 Work Plan

WWLHIN 2017-2019 Strategic Objectives / OPCN 2017-2020 Action Plan ‘Action Area’ / OPCN Big Dot Measure / WW Integrated Hospice Palliative Care Regional Program 2017-2019 Priorities
Starting with Patient Experience – Relentless in Making Improvements to Patient Experience / F - Enhancing Availability of Patient and Caregiver Educational Resources
G - Measuring and Reporting on our Progress / % of people receiving palliative care services for whom a Caregiver Voices survey was completed. / Regional Measurement of Caregiver Experience (VOICEs)
Implementation of a Standardized Assessment of Risk for Negative Bereavement (BRAT Tool)
Implementation of a Standardized Assessment of Caregiver Coping
Igniting Innovation and Creativity – Connectors and Creators in our Community for Creative Experience / D - Identifying and Connecting Palliative Care Providers /
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of community decedents who received physician home visit(s) and/or palliative home care in last 90 days of life
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Enabling technologies will be used to make care plans available to HPC providers/care teams
Optimize Value of WWIHPC Regional Program Resources
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Support the ‘first-in-Ontario’ Collaborative Quality Improvement Plans to improve quality and integration of hospice palliative care
Create a Great Place to Work – Great Staff Experience = Great Patient Experience
Driving Through Community Leadership – Recognized as a trusted, credible and influential system leader / Supporting WW Healthcare Organizations to Attain ‘Canadian Compassionate Companies’ Designation
A - Aligning the Planning for Palliative Care Across the Province /
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of community decedents who received physician home visit(s) and/or palliative home care in last 90 days of life
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Complete a capacity plan for both bedded and community hospice palliative care services to ensure sufficient hospice palliative care resources now and for the future
C - Establishing Palliative Models of Care that Enable Adoption of the Quality Standard
B - Enabling Early Identification of those Who Would Benefit from Palliative Care Services
E - Building Provider Competencies in Palliative Care / Adoption/ Implementation of HQO’s Palliative Quality Standard
% of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life / Advance a ‘Compassionate Communities Approach’ within each Sub-Region
Empowering Clinical Leadership – Work Hand-in-Hand with Clinicians to Improve the Care Experience and Quality of Care / Analysis of the following three big dot indicators by vulnerable population (relative to total population)
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of community decedents who received physician home visit(s) and/or palliative home care in last 90 days of life
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Implement the WWACP Sustainability Plan
Equitable Access to HPC Services for all WW residents including:
  • Rural Populations
  • Pediatric Populations
  • Homeless/ Vulnerably Housed Populations
  • Indigenous Populations
  • Mennonite Populations

% of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life / Incorporate EMS/Paramedic Services into Community Palliative Care Team
  • % of ( LTC) decedents who died in hospital
  • % of (LTC) decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Waterloo Wellington long term care homes will be supported to deliver high quality, consistent hospice palliative care
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of community decedents who received physician home visit(s) and/or palliative home care in last 90 days of life
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Enhance primary care capacity to deliver a palliative approach to care to their patients including early identification of patients that would benefit from a palliative care and improved integration with the community palliative care team.
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of decedents that had 1 or more ED visits or two or more ED visits in the last 30 days of life
/ Develop a clear mechanism to provide 24/7 hospice palliative care support for patients / caregiver
  • % of decedents who died in hospital
  • % of community decedents who received physician home visit(s) and/or palliative home care in last 90 days of life
/ Develop capacity to support equitable access to Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) for all WW residents