Class Rules

Ms. Dover

English II Honors

Be respectful. Treat others in the manner you would like to be treated. Also, respect the property, personal space, and opinions of others. Do not go into anyone else’s book bag or purse.

Be considerate. Think about the feelings of others before you say anything. During lively discussions, please raise your hand to determine speaking order.

Be prepared. Have all your materials in class everyday, which includes your book(s).

Be attentive. Our class time belongs to everyone, and we lose some of this time if someone isn’t paying attention or is distracting others. Remember that class is not the time to text or put on makeup. Leave pocketbooks zipped/fastened and off of the desktop. Also, cell phones must be put away and remain up during class. Students are not to stream music during class.

Be patient. At some point, each person will require a little more explanation or help. Please wait patiently if I’m assisting someone else, and please be patient with the technology.

Be responsible. Homework is due at the beginning of class on the assigned date. Make sure you turn in work on time to receive full credit. Late papers and projects decrease in value at a rate of 10 points per day.

Be positive. (This isn’t really a rule. It’s a suggestion to help you be happier.)

All school rules apply. There is to be no food consumed in the class. Students may have bottled water in class. Students may not haveopen cups of any kind in class. Violations of class rules will be result in detentionor referral.

Class Procedures

Daily activities are written on the board, handouts, and/or on Google Classroom. Other procedures vary with the assignment. Please look to your Google Classroom for details and handouts of major assignments. If you are absent the day an assignment is due, it must be turned on the day of your return to be considered on time. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get makeup work. No student is to leave during class without a pass, and all tardy students must enter with a pass.

If there is ever an assignmentthat makes you uncomfortable for religious, personal, or cultural reasons, please see me for an alternative of comparable length and difficulty. If you need extra help, please see me, and we can arrange a time to work during lunch or after school. I am here most days after school, and I can arrange time with technology if you need it. Please ask in advance. I ask that you come to me the moment you perceive a problem in class so that we can solve it. PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND AN ASSIGNMENT. IT’S TOO LATE TO ASK ON THE DAY THE ASSIGNMENT IS DUE.

Restroom: Students will receive 5 restroom trips during the semester. Please present the student agenda restroom pass page for a “free” trip to the restroom. If the student uses all five trips or does not have an agenda, he/she may still go to the restroom, but he/she will need to stay in during lunch or after school. If a problem arises with the “free” trips to the rest room, the remaining free trips will be revoked, and the student(s)will have to stay in at lunch for each trip. Obviously, medical notes from a doctor will be honored. Please give the note to the nurse, and she will contact me via e-mail.