NOTES for unit 6
Evolution- The theory that organisms change due to environmental changes through mutations in the genetic make-up of the original organism.
Evidence that supports this theory are things such as DNA similarities between species, fossil records, and the gradual progression of traits between different species. The writings of Charles Darwin also help support this theory.
We will be looking at the progression of the Animal Kingdom.
First how are animals classified??????
The same way we can find you. You specifically live in a house with a address on a street in a city or town with a zip code in a state, in a country. This makes it very easy to find your home on a daily basis and it is universal throughout the world.
Past scientists wanted to categorize animals the same way. A man by the name of LINNEAS began this task. He helped name the organisms according to their structures and named them in Latin the universal language.
All living organisms are categorized according to Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species. You can use the Acronym: King Phil Cried Out For Goodness Sakes!!! To help remember this phrase.
Our classification is as follows:
Kingdom: Animalia
Sub-Phylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primates
Family: Hominadae
Genus: Homo
Species: Sapiens
There are currently two beliefs of the kingdoms one has five and the other six.
They are Monerans (single celled organsims), Animals, Plants, Fungi (like mushrooms), and Bacteria. In the six kingdom belief the bacteria are divided into two.
PHYLUM—Porifera (many pores) Common Name: Sponges
The most simple of animals. 10,000 species (differences in phylums is like coparing you to a fish or snake) Most are marine. Some freshwater, some in Wood County.
SPICULES- calcium carbonate CaCO or silica
AMOEBA CELL- transports items in the sponge
OSCULUM- the big hole on top
COLLAR CELL- Creates a current which draws in water and oxygen and nutrients to the organism.
This causes the sponges to be ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS – or organisms that tell us about the health of the environment.
They can regenerate
They are sessile- meaning they cannot move from place to place (very vulnerable)
Porifera can sexually (with sex cells) or asexually reproduce (without sex cells)
They are hermaphrodites (produce both eggs and sperm) REMEMBER THERE ARE NO HUMAN HERMAPHRODITES-- help supported in that the male genetalia are formed from the female genetalia starting at 6 wks of age in the womb. Children born with this being a problem are genderless.
Humans do not eat sponges
Sponges are used for bathing, cleaning and painting. They are stronger than synthetic sponges, last longer, absorb more and are softer. BUT are more expensive.
Yes there are sponge farmers.
The most dangerous sponges will only give you a mild sting.
PHYLUM: Cnidaria ( stinging cells) used to be called Colentrata ( hollow gut)
Jellyfish, hydra, sea anenomes, coral.
Organism comes in two life styles either a polyp ( sessile, tentacles up) or medussae ( free swimming like a jellyfish)
10,000 species, only 200 are jellyfish.
They have tentacles, a gastrovascular cavity (stomach), mouth, some minor muscles and minor nerves.
They can swim and eat fish typically. They have stinging cells in their tentacles called Nematocysts. Nematocysts are harpoon like hooks that inject poison into its prey. This way the organism wont rip apart the creature when in the stomach since they are so delicate. They are mostly water and almost all cells are touching water.
Poison can be very dangerous (deadliest can kill in minutes, paralysis of lungs and heart) Box Jellyfish in Australia is the worst, permanent scaring will occur no matter what, hospitalization or death. Lifeguards wear pantyhose to protect themselves.
We do not typically eat these organisms.
CORAL- what we think of as coral is only a secretion by the little polyps. Every hole in the coral is from a polyp, they come out at night to feed making the coral reef seem fuzzy. They live in a colony and grow every year by secreting CaCO3. This has lead to more shipwrecks than anything- People still dive for treasures from this. Coral is used as decoration. Fish eat it (parrotfish and defecate out sand) yes you walk in a lot of fish poo on the beach!!!
An atoll is created from a volcano and has a lake in the middle, like in some movies, with pirates etc.
All species of coral reproduce sexually on the same night to overwhelm all fish species. The belief is that the fish get so full that they can not eat it all and the coral is able to survive!
WORMS- 20,000 species
Flatworms, Roundworms and Segmented worms
Coelom- body cavity that holds organs
Cephalization- concentration of nerves at head end.
Class- turbellaria- free living, mostly aquatic less than 1cm in length
Nervous system is ladder like
Has an eyespot
Can taste and touch
Can regenerate
Has a ‘kidney’- flame cell to remove excess water
Class trematoda-flukes parasitic
Found in humans and deer
Creates a cyst
Has a uterus
Blood fluke- schistosoma- in the tropics
Class Cestoda-tapeworms, parasites
Flat and ribbonlike
Grows in segments, can get to 33 feet.
Juveniles found in meat must cook fully- like pork
PHYLUM- NEMATODA- Roundworms. Like we dissected
One way digestion
Most widespread and numerous of all organisms, found everywhere
Billions in one acre of farmland
Exchange of gas through skin and diffusion
1/3 of all humans have one
like pinworms or ascaris
Hookworms- found in southern US (wear shoes)
PHYLUM- ANNELIDA-Segmented worms- leeches, earthworms, marine worms
Segmented allows for larger size and greater specialization
First real organ systems
Class- Polychaetes- many bristles
Look like plants and are marine, usually live in tubes
Have a head with eyes, a pharynx and pincher jaws
Class- Hirudinea- no bristles
Leeches, have a sucker on posterior and anterior
Predators and parasites
Chemicals into wound to decrease pain and clotting
Blood letting
Medical Research—5 &10 store- terrestrial leeches.
Not all are parasites.
Catching them for fishing
Class-Oligiochaeta- few bristles
Earthworms, garden worms, leafworms
Burrowers that loosen the soil, breakdown organic matter
Circulatory system is closed
Crop, gizzard, intestine
Nervous system sensitive to many things
Asexual and sexual reproduction
Band is called a clittelum
Nightcrawler hunting
PHYLUM-MOLLUSCA- soft body 2nd largest phylum 100,000 species
Snails, clams, squid
Similarity with annelids- trochophore larvae
Differences- no segmentation but regions
Visceral mass
Some are filter feeders and some have jaws to kill
First with coiled digestive system
First with gills for respiration
Has open circulatory system
Nervous system varies by class
Some can change sexes but very few hermaphrodites
Class- polypacophora (chitin)
Class- Gastropods- (stomach footed)snails and slugs
1 piece shell if any
has a head and eyes on stalks
mucus secretion on foot
some are predators (very poisonous) some are scrapers
escargot, scungili, abilone, conche, banana slug
use beer for bait, why?? Alcohol is a poison to all living organisms
Class- Bivalves-(two valves) clams, oysters, mussels, scallops
Valves allow for water flow they are filter feeders
No head, ganglia in visceral mass
Clams- buttons and food source
Mussels- beard and zebra mussel
Scallops- eye sensor, clap to swim, restaurant food
Oysters- sessile, pearls, cultured pearls, farming, getting sick, aphrodisiac
Class- Cephalopods (head footed) squid, octopus, nautilus, cuttlefish
Large brains, eyes all are predators and free swimming
No external shell
Can change colors
Closed circulatory system- why?
Cuttlebones, calamari, KRAKEN, octopus no shell, nautilus is external
All Shells- decoration, pests, old money value
Most diverse of all phylums
Esophogus- tube that connects pharynx to stomach
Exoskeleton- made of chitin grow only when molt
Open circulatory system
Compund eyes
Class Crustacea-shrimp, lobster, crayfish, crabs, barnacles, plankton,
mostly aquatic
Two body sections
Two clawed appendages
Two pairs of antennae
Two body sections: cephalothorax and abdomen
Has gills to respire
Has a brain
Barnacles are sessile and cause a lot of damage to boats and whales.
Class- Arachnid-spiders, scorpions, ticks and mites
Two segments
6 prs of appendages
8 simple eyes
book lungs to respire
malpighian tubules to filter wastes
spinnerets- silk
there are hunter and spinner spiders
Ticks and mites- mostly parasitic, need blood to molt, transmit diseases like
Scorpions- 4 pr of book lungs, allows it to be very fast
Glow under black light, night hunters
Class Insecta- ¾ f all species on earth, a billion billion organisms!
Three body regions- head thorax and abdomen
Three prs of legs
All have wings (2 pr)
Ventral nerve cord
One pr of antennae
Spiracles- used to breath
Metamorphisis- incomplete ( egg, nymph, adult)
Complete- egg, larvae, pupa, adult)
Orders of insects
Hymenoptera- ants, bees and wasps
2 pr clear wings, thin wings, stinger, chew or suck
Diptera- flies, mosquitos, gnats
1 pr regular wings, 1 pr tiny wings, pierce, lap or suck
Lepidoptera- moths and butterflies
2 pr scaly wings
antenennae leathery or knob like
Coleoptera- beetles
1 pr hard wings, 1 pr soft, meet in straight line down back, chewers
Orthoptera-crickets, grasshoppers, locusts, walking sticks
1 pr leathery wings, 1 pr feathery wings, long legs, high hoppers
Odonata- dragonflies, damselflies
2 pr equal membranous wings, long and narrow, biting
Homoptera- aphids, cicadas, leafhoppers
2pr wings held in tent like position, suck
Hemiptera- true bugs, back swimmers, water striders
2 pr membranous wings, form a triangle on back when folded, suck.
Phylum- Echinoderms- starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers
Water vascular system to move
Endoskeleton- internal skeleton
Tube feet
Radial symmetry
You can cut them and as long as they have part of the central nerve ring they will
Phylum- Chordata
Notocord- turns into backbone in most
Dorsal Nerve cord
Gill Slits
Post anal tail
Bilateral symmetry
Subphylum- urochordata (2000 species!)
All marine and sessisle, ie the sea squirt. See the text
Subphylum- cephalochordata (200 species) lancelets
Retain all characteristics of chordates as adults
Subphylum- vertebrata (only 40,000 species)
Characterized by large number of bones that surround nerve cord
Class- Agnatha- jawless fish (sea lamprey)
Retain notocord and have few bones
Class- chondricthyes- cartilage fish ( sharks, skates, rays)
Movable jaw, no bones, teeth are modified scales
Pelvic and pectoral fins
Skin is like and used as snadpaper
Believed to be influenced by magnetism (earth)
Coiled digestive tract so it doesn’t have to eat so often.
Class-osteichthyes-90% of fish, bony fish ( all freshwater and most saltwater fish)
Liver- produces bile to breakdown fats in digestion, filters and detoxifies
The blood.
Kidneys- filter the blood of wastes and makes urine, controls water metabolism
Two chambered heart- probably the only heart you will ever see beat located
Just behind the gills.
Swim bladder- allows fish to change depths.
Lateral line- sense organ that detects vibrations and movement
Brain parts-olfactory bulb ( smell)
Cerebrum (conscious brain function)
Optic lobes- vision
Cerebellum- coordination
Medulla Oblongata- internal organs (heartbeat, breathing)
Class- amphibia- (frogs, salamanders, toads)
Lay eggs in water, live some life on land, dependant on water
Skin must stay moist, aids in respiration
3 chambered heart
Order- anura- no tails
Frogs and toads
Pectoral and pelvic girdles
Pancreas-digestive enzymes and blood sugar
Order- urodlea- with tails
Salamanders, mudpuppies
Order- Apoda- no legs
Class- reptilia-snakes, lizards, turtles
Scales of keratin. Lungs, only to respire, claws, internal fertilization
4 chambered heart, not complete
Dinosaur decendants
Order- chelonia( tortoises and turtles)
Have a shell
Order- Crocodilia (alligators and crocs)
Order- Squamata- (snakes and lizards)
Class- aves- birds
Warm blooded! Cold blooded as egg though
Feathers, lay eggs, feathers made of keratin, hollow bones
We see again the crop and gizzard reappear along with a proventriculus
which is a modified stomach
Class- mammals-
Have hair, mammary glands, lots of fat, feed young, young born alive,