BCSCA Board Conference Call

Wednesday, June 17th


  1. Approval of April Meeting minutes

2. Presidents Report- Mark Bottrill

1. TAC Meeting- Productive meeting, Scott will speak to what was discussed.

2. Provincial Team Selection for 2015/16 season

1. Selection Committee is meeting next week, to put together the criteria to make the team for next season.

2. Roccos intention was to stick with the On Track times as selection for the next season.

3. Mike Flegel- Look at On Track times, and then for wild cards, put together an application process to place swimmers on team

4. Age range for swimmers, make it more of an 18 and under selection, as well as look at what the bottom of the age range should be

2. Treasurers Report- Kurt

1. We have no bills to be paid, and we are waiting on 275$ from CHW for banquet

tickets from UBC from last conference. We will be receiving our money from SBC for coaches' fees at the end of the season. (Approx. 40k).

2. Our bank balance as of May 31 is approximately (and I ballpark here as I haven't seen the exact statement) is 38, 200$.There are no planned major purchases except

preliminary costs for the 2015-16 conference.

3. Bank balance looks healthy and we should be in the black.Final statements to be

finished August 31, 2015 from the Treasurer.

2015/16 Budget

  1. Budget is presented with a 5$ fee increase, as well as with the same fee structure as this season. It is also presented with the addition of a coaches education grant/ bursary.

Motion: To adopt the 5$ fee increase for the 2015/16 season, and to amend the draft budget, increasing the coaches education budget to 3000$.

1st: Ben K. 2nd: Sarah K. all in favorMOTION PASSED

2. With money in the bank, looking at putting together a scholarship, or an investment in the future. Table discussion for first meeting in October of 2015/16 season. Will use some of the money that we have to sponsor a coaches social at AAA Provincial Champi onships

3. Vice President Report- Scott

1. TAC Meeting- most of meeting was spent on putting togethers next years competition schedule. What was voted on at Mel Zajac was finally passed, with the support of all the

coaches in the room. Meet schedule has now been sent out and posted on Swim BC.

2. TAC has asked the BCSCA coaches and Swim BC to look at the Swim BC AAA time standards to make sure that a younger swimmers AAA standards are in line with the AA standards of the age group above.

5. Conference Report- Ben Keast

1. Ben may need some help coming conference time as he has put in his notice in with his club. Has acted as liaison with CHW in regards to conference information, might need someone to take on role.

MOTION: To wave conference and banquet fees for BCSCA board members (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer, and Conference Coordinator)

1st: Ben K. 2nd: Kurt M. all in favorMOTION PASSED

2. BCSCA will cover the cost of a BCSCA board hotel room, to help with the presence of the BCSCA at the conference, to help with the organization and running of the

conference, as well as to help with the continuity of the board support of the conference in the future.

MOTION: To have one BCSCA Board hotel room during the coaches conference, to support board members in helping with the running and organization of the conference.

1st: Scott W. 2nd: Mark B.all in favorMOTION PASSED

3. Banquet

Is a Swim BC and BCSCA joint event. CHW will put together a roles and responsibilities list for both parties to make sure that both groups are doing their part in the running of the banquet.

4. Team Aquatic Supplies support of conference

TAS supports the Athlete of the year awards in years past, and provides prize money for the winners. Mark to speak with Greg Sanderson in regards to how they would like to support the conference part of the weekend this season.

5. BCSCA Award Winners

Divide award calculations among board members. Darryl will complete award winner calculations with help from Mike Flegel.

Mark to put together supplies for Rubber boot award (Pat Paradis has rubber boot from last year).

6. Conference fees will be set at 325$ for this season.

6. Regional Reports

1. LMR- Justin

- Nothing to Report

2. Okanagan- Brad

-Nothing to Report

3. North Region- Jason

Chetwynd has shut down for the season as they have no coach, but will be starting up again in September. Kitimat is still not in the water due to strike of pool workers.

4. VIR- Sarah

- Nothing to Report

7. New Business

1. Provincial Coach hiring process- Jay Benner (USA) has been hired.

2. BCSCA Values- Scott to put together a streamlined document in regards to the

responses from the board in regards to the BCSCA values.

3. Coach on Swim BC Board- Brad (not in attendance)

-Swim BC has identified that they would like to have a coaching skill set on the board. Brad is looking at having the clubs vote for a representative on the board at the BCSCA AGM (Cannot be an active Swim BC coach)

-60 days before the AGM, we can put a vote forward to make a change to our

constitution to include a coach on the Swim BC board.

4. Coaches Education Bursary

1. Criteria for BCSCA- 3000$ for Advanced Professional Development


-Jason Smith to put together something for the next newsletter

Next Meeting: Wednesday September 16th at 10am.