Ender’s Game Novel Study Questions

Chapter 1 – Third

  1. What attitude motivates the adults to lie to Ender?
  2. Explain what it seems to mean for Ender to be born a "Third". Show whether this is a negative or positive fact to:

- his parents,
- his brother, Peter,
- his sister, Valentine, and - his classmates.

Chapter 2 – Peter

  1. Was Peter joking when he threatened Ender and Valentine? Support your answer with evidence from the novel.
  2. Why is Peter’s behaviour at the end of the chapter so completely different from the rest of the chapter?
  3. How do you feel about each of these characters (Ender, Valentine, Peter)? What did the author do to help create these feelings? Give examples.

Chapter 3 – Graff

  1. What did Graff mean about evolution working against girls? (p.24)
  2. Ender is leaving to learn how to fight a war, yet he takes Graff’s hand. Why does Orson Scott Card (OSC) include this action?

Chapter 4 – Launch

  1. Explain the meaning of the following statement: “Individual human beings are tools that the others use to help us all survive.”
  2. Explain the following quote: "Isolate him enough that he remains creative - otherwise he'll adopt the system here and we'll lose him." Your answer should include the terms: isolation, creative, adopt, lose.
  3. Did Ender mean to break the other boy’s arm? What does this incident tell us about Ender? Is it acceptable to do despicable things for survival? Why or why not?

Chapter 5 – Games

1. Ender works hard to express his feelings in private and not show homesickness in front of any other person. Is it healthy for him or not? What is positive and what is negative about showing feelings? What is positive and what is negative about not showing feelings?

  1. How did Ender beat Bernard? Is this an unusual solution to his problem?
  2. List the different coping mechanisms (ways of dealing with difficulties) Ender shows. For each one describe whether the overall result of each is helpful or harmful to Ender.

Chapter 6 – The Giant’s Drink

1. What is the purpose of the "Giant's" Game? How should Ender evaluate his success at this game? Is he a murderer?

Chapter 7 – Salamander

  1. What did Alai say to Ender? Why is the exchange between Alai and Ender so important?
  2. What is the "just living" mentioned in this chapter? Is it true that Ender has never done this? What does Ender want out of life? How would you feel if you were he?
  3. How did Petra help Ender? How is Petra’s friendship a hindrance to Ender?
  4. What does Ender learn about leadership and tactics from Bonzo?

Chapter 8 – Rat

  1. Graff says, “Ender Wiggin is ten times smarter and stronger than I am.” Explain what this quote means.
  2. What is significant about the quote: “So teach me.” “So learn.”
  3. Why is Ender’s response to an attack so significant?
  4. What did the scene with the snake and Peter’s reflection represent?
  5. How does the game know?
  6. Discuss the importance of the last paragraph of this chapter.

Chapter 9 – Locke and Demosthenes

  1. There is a real battle, internally and unspoken, between Peter and Valentine. Who is manipulating whom? Who really has the power?
  2. Why is Ender still angry?

Chapter 10 – Dragon

1. What kind of leader was Ender? Why was he this kind of leader?

2. What did Ender do to Bean, and why?

3. What does the word Salaam mean?

  1. What is important about the end of this chapter? Was Ender’s reaction a mistake by the Battle School teachers, or was it the reaction they wanted?

Chapter 11 – VeniVidiVici

  1. How does the computer know Ender so well? Does it really?
  2. Explain this quote: “Yes. That’s the worst that could happen. I can’t lose any

games. Because if I lose any--” (page 198)

  1. Why are the teachers pushing Ender so hard?
  2. Discuss the importance of the last two sentences of the chapter.
  3. “Venividivici” means, “I came; I saw; I conquered.” Why is this an appropriate chapter title?

Chapter 12 – Bonzo

  1. How did Ender provoke Bonzo?
  2. Who was Stilson? Why was Ender thinking of him?
  3. Why does Ender still expect help from the teachers?
  4. Did you know Stilson and Bonzo were dead? Find the specific clues in this chapter about the deaths.
  5. Was Ender justified? Why did they not tell him of the deaths?

Chapter 13 – Valentine

  1. “Perhaps it is impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be.” Explain what this quote means. State an example of this idea.
  2. Is it a natural, “good” instinct for humans to be killers? (survival of the fittest)
  3. Discuss the conversation between Ender and Valentine on the raft. What does Ender reveal about himself and his enemies?
  4. Discuss Valentine’s conflicting thoughts about her brothers. How have Peter and Ender’s roles shifted? How does Valentine feel about each?
  5. Discuss Graff’s statements about why the war with the Buggers was inevitable.

Chapter 14 – Ender’s Teacher

  1. What disturbs Ender about Eros? How does Ender figure out the truth about Eros?
  2. Describe how Mazer is going to be the only teacher Ender has ever had?
  3. Why had Mazer been dishonest with Ender? Do you think Ender could have handled the truth?
  4. Have they pushed the children too far? Was it worth it?
  5. Is genocide, or in the case of Ender's Game where an entire alien race is annihilated, xenocide, ever justified? Was the xenocide of the Buggers inevitable? Why?

Chapter 15 – Speaker for the Dead

  1. Valentine said, “Nobody controls his own life, Ender. The best you can do is choose to fill the roles given to you by good people, by people who love you.” After what has happened in Ender’s life, what would he think of this statement?
  2. Ender listens to the evidence about the deaths of Stilson and Bonzo. What is Ender’s opinion about the deaths?
  3. Why did Valentine make sure that Ender could never return to earth?
  4. What is ironic about Valentine’s statement about Peter saving millions of lives?
  5. What knowledge did Ender gain the enabled him to write The Hive-Queen? Give specific details.
  6. Why does Ender publish the book using the pseudonym “Speaker for the Dead” and not his own name?

Elijah of Buxton Chapter Questions

Chapter 1

1.What does Cooter often look to solve?

2.The Preacher tells ‘Lijah and Cooter that they have tracked .

3.What unusual items does the Preacher possess that most other men of religion do not?

4.What shortcoming of ‘Lijahs is his Ma trying to get him to over come?

5.‘Lija’s Ma is afraid of .

6.What does Ma count as the first time ‘Lijah ran off screaming in fear?

7.What does ‘Lijah do to teach Ma that she’s fragile too?

8.After the toad frog incident, how does Ma’s behavior surprise ‘Lijah?

9.How does Ma get ‘Lijah back for the toad frog incident?

Chapter 2

1.What tragedy was tied to ‘Lijah’s name that he will never live down?

2.Who does ‘Lija consider to be the most famous and smartest man who ever escaped slavery?

3.Who were the 3 special people to be honored in Buxton?

4.Why was ‘Lijah being honored?

5.What does ‘Lijah learn from Ma that people who used to be slaves LOVE to do?

6.One thing Ma wants ‘Lijah to learn about grown ups is….

Chapter 3

1.How does “Lijah break his chores for Mr. Segee down?

2.What’s his favorite part of the enjoying part of his job?

3.How did “Lijah first find his fishing lake?

4.Why does he favor riding mules over horses?

5.What is ‘Lijah gifted at?

6.How does he divide the lake?

7.What’s unique about how he fishes?

8.How does Flapjack help him?

9.What does he do with the fish that he catches?

10.How does the Preacher teach ‘Lijah about tithing?

Chapter 4

1.What’s the Preacher promised ‘Lijah he can do but hasn’t followed through with?

2.What’s so out of character about the Preacher’s story about how he got his shiny pistol?

3.Why were adults called in from the fields and the children let out of school early?

4.What did ‘Lijah find roaming around in the middle of the night in his yard?

5.Why did they take the white stallion to Chatham instead of claiming for themselves?

6.What else was curious about the story the Preacher told about how he got the mystery pistol?

Chapter 5

1.Why does Mrs. Brown always wear black?

2.In this chapter, it is further revealed what ‘Lijah does after everyone is asleep.

3.What skill does Mrs. Brown possess?

4.Who’s the last one in the settlement to quit working each day?

5.What is ironic about Ma calling Mrs. Holton an unfortunate soul?

6.What are the Settlement rules for landowners?

7.Why does Mr. Leroy do Mrs. Holton’s work?

8.Why might Mrs. Highgate not be very fond of Mrs. Holton?

Chapter 6

1.What do Cooter and ‘Lijah deduct Mr. Travis’s lesson titled Familiarity Breeds Contempt will be about?

2.Why was Mr. Travis so upset with Cooter?

Chapter 7

1.Who really taught ‘Lijah the lesson of Contempt Breeds Familiarity?

2.What does Pa warn Elijah of when talking to people who used to be slaves?

Chapter 8

1.How does the Preacher talk Elijah into sneaking off to the Carnival with him even though he knows he’s not supposed to go?

2.What show does the Preacher take him to see first?

3.Who is MaWee?

4.Why was Jimmy crying at the end of the act?

Chapter 9The Mesmerist and Sammy

  1. What were the walking stick holding, straw hat wearing white men trying to get people to do?
  2. What was on the poster that scared Elijah so much that he didn’t want to look at it?
  3. When Elijah and the preacher got inside the mesmerist tent, what did he wish that he had brought with him?
  4. Why did the boy tell Elijah to not tell anyone from Chatham that that was his name?
  5. What did the boy do when the mesmerist looked at him with his 4 eyes?
  6. When the boy woke up from the spell, what did the mesmerist make it act like?
  7. How did the mesmerist trick the boy into taking his clothes off?
  8. After they left the mesmerist show, what advice did the Preacher give Elijah about their visit to the next place?

Chapter 10Meeting the Real MaWee

  1. What was the Preacher humbled about when he introduced himself to the owner of the carnival?
  2. What does the Preacher tell the carnival owner that Ahbo of the Chochotes Can do ?
  3. Why did the boy tell Elijah that he wouldn’t like working at the carnival?
  4. Why doesn’t MaWee run away from Massa Charles?
  5. What did Ahbo have to do to prove that he was good at stone throwing?
  6. Describe the contest between Ahbo and Madame Sabbar.
  7. Explain how MaWee ended up in Buxton after he escaped.
  8. Why does MaWee feel like he is not free in Buxton?

Chapter 11Emma Collins and Birdy

  1. Why did Cooter act like he was strolling away when they spotted two folks hiding in the wood?
  2. What was the best way to welcome new folks to the settlement?
  3. What did Mr. Frederick Douglass say was the most hardest step to take to become free?
  4. How did Emma Collins convince the slaves to come out of the woods?
  5. When the slaves came out into the open, they made a terrible noise. Why was Elijah afraid of their sounds?
  6. What did the women do to keep their babies from crying when they were trying to escape slavery?
  7. Why didn’t Elijah like handkerchiefs?
  8. Why did Emma give Birdy to the new little girl?
  9. Why do they toll the Liberty Bell?

Chapter 12The Secret Language of Being Growned

  1. Where did the Liberty Bell come from and who gave it to them?
  2. Why do they ring the bell 20 times when someone is free?
  3. What happens when the people hear the bell ringing?
  4. Why did Miss Duncan the first start asking the Taylors questions?
  5. How did Miss Duncan the first convince Mr. Taylor that he knew his wife?
  6. What relation is his wife to Miss Duncan the first?
  7. Why doesn’t Miss Duncan want Mrs. Taylor to know who she is?
  8. Why does Elijah think that grown ups don’t get riled up when they finally find their loved ones?

Chapter 13Mail from America

  1. What tricks did Old Flapjack due while taking Elijah to the post office?
  2. What happened to the old postman?
  3. How could Elijah tell that the package was going to be bad news?
  4. Why was Elijah disappointed when Ma told him not to rile Mrs. Holton up when they went to visit her with the letter?
  5. Where did Mrs. Holton send her children when the company arrived?
  6. What was the news in the letter from America?
  7. What does Mrs.Holton say would make her husband rest peaceful?
  8. What did Elijah’s Ma and Mrs. Holton find out they had in common?
  9. Why did Elijah feel proud as he and Ma were walking home from Mrs. Holton’s house?

Chapter 14Picnic at Lake Erie

  1. Why didn’t Elijah like Reverend King’s sermons?
  2. Why were the children being ignored in the buckboard?
  3. What story did Ma tell to the ladies?
  4. What game did the children play at the picnic?
  5. What did Pa do with Ma’s peach pie?
  6. What did Pa tell Elijah to do with the pie later?

Chapter 15Keeping Mr. John Holton Alive

  1. What did Mr. Leroy want Elijah to do at the sawmill?
  2. Why did it take Elijah so long to fix the words for Mrs. Holton?
  3. Why did Elijah take the inscription to Mr. Travis?
  4. Why didn’t Elijah want to take money from Mrs. Holton?
  5. What did Miss Emeline give Leroy for making the carving?
  6. What does Leroy tell Miss Emeline he will do to pay her back?

Chapter 16The Preacher Comes Through

  1. Why did Mr. Leroy come to Pa to talk to him?
  2. Why does Pa tell Leroy that he should wait for 3 – 4 months?
  3. Leroy doesn’t want to wait. Why not?
  4. What plan does the preacher come up with?
  5. What does the preacher offer to do for Leroy?
  6. What does Pa warn Leroy about?
  7. What question did Leroy ask Elijah about the preacher?
  8. What deal does the preacher make with Leroy to prove that he can be trusted?
  9. What does Pa feel uneasy about?

Chapter 17Bad News from a Little Village in America

  1. What bad news came from America five days after Preacher left?
  2. What did the Preacher throw in the river?
  3. What items did the Preacher have that were exactly the same?
  4. What tale about the Preacher did Mr. Highgate find to be true?
  5. What did Mr. Highgate try to stop the Preacher from doing?
  6. Why couldn’t Mr. Highgate shoot the preacher?
  7. Who is Benjamin Alston?
  8. Did Elijah think the Preacher aimed to kill Highgate? Explain.
  9. When Pa told Mr. Leroy his money was gambled away, why did Elijah immediately run away?

Chapter 18Kidnapped!

  1. Who grabbed Elijah running through the woods?
  2. What lesson did Pa say people should learn from Mr. Leroy and his money?
  3. Why did Elijah have to spend the night with Cooter?
  4. Why did Elijah originally tell Mrs. Bixby he had to go home?

Chapter 19A Ball Starts Rolling

  1. Who “kidnapped” Elijah?
  2. What is Mr. Leroy’s plan?
  3. Why did Mr. Leroy need Elijah to go to Michigan with him?
  4. What does Elijah fear might happen to them in Michigan?
  5. What does Elijah tell Cooter in the letter?
  6. What “provisions” did Elijah take from his house?

Chapter 20The Death of Mr. Leroy

  1. According to Elijah, “Riding a horse ain’t nowhere near as good as riding a .”
  2. What is the name of the horse they took to Michigan?
  3. Why did Elijah tell Mr. Leroy he needed to stop riding the horse too hard?
  4. Where did Benji say the preacher went next?
  5. What happened to Mr. Leroy?
  6. Who did Mr. Leroy think Elijah was?

Kira KiraDiscussion questions

  1. Mrs. Takeshima is troubled at how "un-Japanese" her daughters seem, and vows to one day send them back to Japan. Debate how difficult it was in the early 1950s to belong to one culture and live in another. Why is Mrs. Takeshima so fearful that her daughters will lose their sense of heritage? Discuss customs that the Takeshima family practices that demonstrates the family's loyalty to their native culture.
  2. Katie describes her mother as "a delicate, rare and beautiful flower." Find examples in the novel that support Katie's description of her mother.
  3. Discuss Katie and Lynn's relationship. Why does Katie feel that her parents like Lynn best? It is Lynn who tells Katie that they are moving to Georgia, and it is Lynn who tells her that their mother is pregnant. Why do Mr. and Mrs. Takeshima leave such important discussions up to Lynn? At what point do Lynn and Katie switch roles?
  4. Describe the friendship that develops between Lynn and Amber. What does Katie mean when she says "Amber broke ranks and became Lynn's first best friend?" Why does Amber drop Lynn as a friend? Discuss why Katie is so hurt that Amber doesn't come to Lynn's funeral. Contrast Katie and Silly's friendship with Lynn and Amber's.
  5. What is Uncle Katsuhisa's role in the family? Katsu means triumph in Japanese. How does Uncle Katsuhisa live up to his name? Katie finds it difficult to see that her father and uncle are brothers. Contrast their personalities. What does Mrs. Takeshima mean when she says that Uncle Katsuhisa "didn't look before he leapt"?
  6. Hitting, stealing, and lying are the three worst crimes to Mr. and Mrs. Takeshima. How does Katie commit each of these crimes in the course of the novel? Discuss the scene where Katie steals pink nail polish for Lynn. How does she justify this crime to herself? Discuss why Katie's crime makes her mother feel that the family is falling apart.
  7. Lynn wakes up crying one night and says that in her dream she is swimming in the ocean. How does this dream foreshadow her death? Discuss the symbolism of the brown moth in Lynn's bedroom on the night she dies.
  8. Describe the sense of community among the Japanese families in Chesterfield, Georgia. Mr. Kanagawa is considered the leader of the community. How is his leadership revealed in the novel? How does Lynn become the leader of the children in the community?
  9. Prejudice is an underlying theme in the novel. The first time that Katie experiences prejudice is at the motel in Tennessee when her family is moving to Georgia. Why does Mr. Takeshima quietly give in to the motel clerk and take the room in the back? How does Lynn help Katie understand the prejudices that she will experience at school? Discuss why the Japanese mothers cut and curl their daughters' hair when they begin school. Debate whether they really believe that changing the girls' appearance will make them fit in, and suffer less acts of prejudice.
  10. Discuss the meaning of the word "exploit." How does Mr. Lyndon exploit the workers at the hatchery? Some of the workers are trying to unionize so that they can demand better working conditions. Mrs. Takeshima stays away from them because she feels that it is wrong to fight the people who are trying to help you. Why does she feel that Mr. Lyndon is trying to help them? Why do Mr. and Mrs. Takeshima decide to attend the pro-union meeting at the end of the novel?
  11. Discuss how the trip to California helps Katie come to terms with Lynn's death. How does she help her parents deal with their grief?
  12. What are the elements of hope in the novel?

A Long Way from Chicago Discussion Questions