Friday 13th June 2014 5pm – 645pm

Delta Grand Villa Hotel, Burnaby (Maranello Room, 3rd floor)

1.  Call to Order/Roll Call

Present: Roger Barnes, (Chair), Michael Bradley, Rob Lennox, Don Moslin, Rob Brown, Chris Appleby, Kjeld Brodsgaard, Shannon Pederson, Ed Kennedy, Aiman El-Ramly, John Reed, Don Dancey, Paul Mullen (Executive Director)

Regrets: Chris Costley, Cindy Crapper

2.  Consent Agenda

·  Approved,

3.  Previous Meeting Minutes

MOTION: To approve the minutes of the 21st May Board Meeting (MB/CA) 56/2014


4.  Business Arising from Minutes

·  None

5.  2014 AGM

·  Members discussed various aspects of the forthcoming AGM weekend including by-law, rules and regulations amendments, finance presentation, President/ED’s Presentation, Board nominations update, Awards Presentation and Youth and Adult forums.

·  The President thanked all of the Board members for their commitment, support and hard work over the past year and wished good luck to those members who were standing for re-election at tomorrow’s AGM.

6.  Finance and Organization Management

·  The VP Finance reminded members of the policy relating to expenses and per diem’s in light of the forthcoming Provincial Championships. Any new members joining the Board following the weekend will be made aware of the policy and the process for reviewing and sign off that is applied by VP Finance.

7.  Metro Women’s Soccer League (MWSL)

·  Laurie Robertson, MWSL President, joined the meeting at this point (545pm)

·  A paper had previously been circulated from Lori to all members of the Board.

·  Laurie made a verbal presentation to the Board Members in relation to the application process which resulted in the approval of the new adult member league, the Lower Mainland Soccer League. A period of questions and answered followed between Laurie and various Board Members.

·  Laurie Robertson left the meeting at 610pm.

MOTION: To go into camera (CA/MB) 57/2014


MOTION: To come out of camera (KB/RL) 59/2014


Chris Appleby left the meeting at 630pm to prepare for the Finance Presentation to membership.

8. Nominations Committee

·  The Chair verbally updated Members on the process for conducting the elections. He made them aware of the withdrawal for personal circumstances by Tej Chima and that there may be a number of nominations coming from the floor.

9.  Judicial

·  The Chair provided a brief verbal update on a number of matters that judicial committee representatives were dealing with.

MOTION: To go into camera (SP/JR) 60/2014


MOTION: To come out of camera (CA/DM) 61/2014


10. Any other Business

·  The ED stated that Board Members had completed the email vote on the application for associate membership by Pro-Touch Soccer Academy. Approval for their application (which had been pre-approved by governance and membership committee) was therefore endorsed by the Board.

11. Next Meeting

·  14th or 15 June 2014 at the AGM depending on timings.

12. Adjournment

Approved by:


Name (please print) Signature Date