BCA Board Minutes, July 14, 2006

Rochester, Minnesota

Board members present: Paul Meyer; Jerry Bodden; Bill Darrow; Barney Eaton; Dick Sweeney; Pat Brooks; Dick Gauchat; John Ball

Absent: Jeff Brashares

Others present: See paper list

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m. by President Paul Meyer. Introductions of Board members and audience members were made.

The minutes of the Orlando, Florida Board meeting were reviewed. MOTION by John Ball, seconded by Bill Darrow, to approve the minutes as submitted. All in favor.

The Treasurer’s report was reviewed by Jerry Bodden. For the 11 months through May 31, our cash position has dropped somewhat due to a membership decline. Next year’s budget also anticipates a slight drop in membership income ($275,000 vs. $267,000). There has been a significant decrease in Bugle expenses ($228,000 for 2006 vs. $205,000 for 2007). Actual Bugle expenses for 2006 are projected at $232,700. The publication of a new membership roster is budgeted this year.Pete Phillips asked if the roster would substitute for an issue of the Bugle. Bodden replied that it would not; 12 issues of the magazine are budgeted. Mike Book stated that both the roster and a monthly magazine would be mailed together, to save some money. Book asked for permission to sell display ads in the membership roster. There was general agreement that this should be done. MOTION by Bodden to accept the financial reports and the 2006-2007 budget as submitted. This was seconded by John Ball, and all voted in favor.

Mike Book gave the National Office report. Membership, at 8912 members, is the lowest in many years; suggestions are wanted to help with this problem. There have been many good comments on the new look and content of the Bugle. A secure membership renewal process on the internet is needed.

Pete Phillips gave the Bugle report. The transition to the new printer and Art Director began with the June issue, and has been successful other than a few minor glitches. Approximately 150 reader survey forms have come in already. Articles on 1950s Buicks are the most popular, closely followed by the pre-World War II cars. The majority of the readers want the modified car issue to be continued each year. People want to see more technical articles. This led to a discussion of whether to have a separate modified issue as is now done, or whether to scatter modified car articles throughout the year.

Terry Dunham stated that the Bugle Editor has done a great job, with more well researched articles than any of the past editors. It was notedthat in 1998, the club was paying Chuck Koch $2300-$2400 per month, plus expenses; the current Editor receives less than this. Pete Phillips added that he works 45 hours per week on the magazine, but with only half-time pay, it cannot continue. Jonathan Henry, MinuteMan Chapter, stated that the improvements in the magazine should accrue to Pete. Garry Toulson, Orange County Chapter, agreed, saying the club should find a way to double the Editor’s salary, if he is working 100% rather than 50% of his time.Alan Oldfield, Hawkeye Chapter, agreed, but added that we need to look at what type of magazine the club can afford. Chris Syrdal stated that everyone in her chapter is impressed with the new magazine, and she doesn’t think anyone would object to a renegotiated contract with the Editor. Pat Brooks stated that when Pete took the job, he agreed to take it at the current rate of pay, with a one-year, rather than a three-year contract. We need to proceed slowly with this and not be stampeded nor rushed into changing this. Larry Gustin, BuickTown Chapter, stated that the Board should be careful or it will lose an Editor, but the Board also needs to retain editorial control. Mike Book suggested that this be taken up at an executive Board session later today.

There was more discussion of modified cars in the magazine, and the general consensus was that the modified articles should be spread throughout the year, rather than in just one issue.

There was no Chapter/Regional Coordinator’s report.

Internet Report. Roberta Vasilow reported that the BCA internet forums are very large, compared to other AACA website clubs. The Reatta discussion is the largest one. The issue of membership renewals and BCA passwords on the internet website were discussed, but no formal action taken.

Technical Advisor Report. Barney Eaton stated that there are no changes since the last report. The response to his request for new advisors to fill in where we have gaps was disappointing. Eaton added that a page of “suggested parts sources” in the magazine would be a useful thing to have. Technical sessions at the national meet were also discussed. Chris Syrdal stated that if a room and a moderator are provided, the advice and discussions will be spontaneous.

Attracting Younger Members. Jerry Bodden introduced Ms. Kelly Montgomery who is an automotive marketing student at NorthwoodUniversity in Michigan. She described her family’s background and history in the Buick dealership business, as well as the new car show that the Northwood students put on every year (60,000 people attend). She spoke of her efforts to get students more interested in Buicks and the BCA. The booth she sets up at the auto show tries to emphasize both, but she only gets $150 in funding for booth expenses from the school. Pat Brooks made a MOTION that the BCA donate $200 for the display expenses, to be used at Kelly Montgomery’s discretion. The motion was seconded by Jerry Bodden, and all voted in favor. A hat was passed around the room, and $300 was collected and presented to Kelly Montgomery for her school project.

Bodden continued with his report, describing the Junior Judging and “Buick and its Parts” programs scheduled for this meet.. The name “Future Buick Riders” was the winning entry for the name of the new youth column in the Bugle, and there will be three junior literary awards given out at the awards banquet. Julia Calhoun suggested an internet-based BCA chapter for teen-agers.

Chief Judge’s Report. Rick Schick described the new Archival class judging forms which will be used for the first time at this meet (30 items, pass/fail, no points) Consumable items like belts, hoses, and batteries will not be counted. The Pre-qualification check is not required for “display only” or Driven Class cars; all others must go through this check. The new archival and senior preservation awards were described and will be given out at this meet. Alan Oldfield will take over as Chief Judge after this meet.

Schick made three suggestions for changes in the future. One is that the national meet registration process needs to be centralized with one nationally-appointed person who is familiar with judging and with computers. Roy and Michelle Faries would be a good choice for this, but there would need to be some type of compensatory arrangement.

Bill Darrow added that Roy has been a great resource and very helpful in the past few months and weeks, especially when so many registrations came in at the last minute. This led to a discussion of how to encourage earlier registrations.

Schick’s second recommendation was that for the 2008 National meet, 400-point judging should be encouraged. If there is an 800-car meet in Flint, roughly half of the registered cars at other national meets enter the 400-point judging, and we have judged 400 cars at several national meets in the past.

The third suggestion was that the position of Assistant Chief Judge should not become permanent, because final judging decisions should not be made by a “committee of two”. We have never had a Chief Judge miss attending a national meet, and there are plenty of talented people in this club who can step forward, if need be. Schick reviewed the accomplishments since he became Chief Judge. Paul Meyer then awarded appreciation plaques to Rick Schick and Mac Blair (Blair stepping down as Chair of Judges Training after this meet).

Newsletter Awards. John Ball stated that this will be the third year for these awards; he and Terry Dunham have reviewed the chapter and division publications, as well as some non-BCA-related club publications. 9 Master Editor awards will be given out; 20 Awards of Excellence, 21 Awards of Distinction; 7 Awards of Merit; 4 awards to divisions; and 12 to publications of other groups.

Driven Class report. Pat Brooks reported that approximately 100 Driven Class cars are at the meet. There have been fewer questions or problems this year due to this being the third year for this to be done. Some type of field identification for the judges is needed, as well as pre-drilled attachment holes on the award medallions. This led to a discussion of when and where to give out these awards, and a complaint from a 1951 owner who was denied admission to the Driven Class due to an alternator being on his car.

Buick Heritage Alliance report. Terry Dunham read his report. The Alliance has visited the GilmoreMuseum and the SloanMuseum to evaluate each as a possible location or partner for the Alliance’s collection. The Alliance Board has signed an agreement with the AACAMuseum in Hershey, Pa. for custody and storage of literature and other Buick archival materials. The material is available to anyone who follows the AACAMuseum’s search and loan policies (fees). Larry Gustin urged the Alliance to be careful about possibly severing ties with the SloanMuseum and Buick Gallery in Flint, due to so many BCA and Buick-related items and ties there.

2006 National Meet Report. Bill Darrow reported that there are 466 cars registered and 1286 people. 733 banquet tickets have been sold.

2007 National Meet Report--Seattle. Pat LeSesne, North Cascade Chapter, read from his written report. The tours have been finalized; the host hotel will begin taking reservations after July 26; the parking fees have been eliminated; the show field, swap meet, and banquet will all be at the host hotel.

2008 National Meet Bid. Roberta Vasilow reviewed plans of the BuickTown Chapter to host the national meet in Flint, Michigan at the FlintCulturalCenter (same site as 2003). It would be a non-judged meet, no awards banquet, self-guided tours with possibly a GM plant tour; bring your car and just have fun with your friends. 44 chapter members have already signed up to help. The meet would be open to BCA members only. Dick Sweeney asked if there was an alternate plan if the Board does not accept this proposal. Vasilow replied that they would just make this a Great Lakes Regional Meet, if that is the case. 2008 will be the 100th anniversary of General Motors, and GM got started with Buick in Flint. At this point, John Ball made a MOTION to accept the 2008 meet proposal from Flint as a non-judged national meet. This was seconded by Pat Brooks. The dates are July 15-19, 2008. Barney Eaton asked if there could be judging for those who have just finished a restoration and want to know where they stand. Harold Calhoun, BuickTown Chapter, replied that this just could not be done. Joe Taubitz, BuickTown Chapter, replied that if the Board wants judging, let them figure out how to implement it. Paul Meyer stated that the only other alternative is no national meet at all for 2008, since there are no other bids. After more discussion, the vote was 5 in favor of the Flint proposal (Gauchat, Ball, Brooks, Bodden, Darrow); one opposed (Sweeney); and one abstaining (Eaton). The 2008 meet is awarded to Flint, Michigan.

Future Board Meeting Locations. Paul Meyer stated that the February 2007 meeting is tentatively set for Nashville, Tennessee.

Board Elections. The next election will have Pat Brooks, Jerry Bodden, and Jeff Brashares going off of the Board. Only Brashares is eligible to run for re-election.

National Meet Guidelines. Darrow reported that the meet guidelines booklet is being updated again, following things learned at this meet.

Division Report. Bodden stated that it would be good to have regular reports for the BCA divisions, as to what they are doing, membership numbers, etc.

Revision of Annual Voting Ballot. Meyer reported that with only 10-15% of the ballots being sent in, a new procedure is needed. Next year, the ballot will be printed on the magazine wrapper, making it easier to access and see. MOTION by Brooks, seconded by Darrow, to use this new ballot procedure (SOP #13 revision).

Scheduling of Regional Meets. Darrow stated that a new standard operating procedure is needed to prohibit the scheduling of regional meets within 30 to 60 days of a national .meet, because it impinges on national meet attendance. Greater date separations will help both meets. MOTION by Brooks, seconded by Ball, to adopt this. All voted in favor.

Logo for 2008 National Meet. Vasilow asked for logo approval. MOTION by Brooks, seconded by Ball, to approve the logo. All voted in favor.

Jonathan Henry, MinuteMan Chapter, asked if the Board would consider honorary BCA memberships , such as for a restorer of many Buicks in his area. Meyer replied that this opens up a can of worms, and the issue is where and when does it stop. No action was taken on this.

Election results. The recently completed Board election was as follows: Bill Darrow, 1086 votes; Dich Gauchat 886 votes; Bill Stoneberg, 795 votes; Barney Eaton 772 votes. Darrow, Guachat, and Stoneberg are elected. Paul Meyer presented Barney Eaton with an appreciation plaque for his service on the Board. At this point, Bill Stoneberg was seated and nominations were open for officers. Mike Book asked if anyone wished to run for President. Paul Meyer offered to do so. Pat Brooks nominated Bill Darrow for President. Ballots were handed out, marked, and counted by Bob and Katie Montgomery. Paul Meyer was declared the winner. Book asked if there were any volunteers for Vice President. Bill Darrow offered to run. There being no other candidates, Bill Darrow was unanimously elected Vice president. Book asked if there were any volunteers for Treasurer. Jerry Bodden offered to run for Treasurer. With no other nominations, Bodden was unanimously elected Treasurer. Nancy Book informed the Board that Jeff Brashares no longer wished to continue as Secretary. After some questioning, there were still no volunteers or nominees for Secretary. Finally, Bill Stoneberg agreed to run for Secretary. He was unanimously elected. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:50 p.m.

Pete Phillips

Acting Secretary