Minutes of the

12/5/2016 Regular Council Meeting


The Argonia City Council met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on 12/5/16 at the City Hall Meeting Room. Mayor Alan Brundage presided. Council members Bob Randall, Scott Jones, Jim Pierce and Wayne Vineyard were present. Also present were Bryan Stucky, Gene Rich, Paul Conklin – Fire Department, David Lathrom – Police Chief, Kevin McCurley – Maintenance and Mindy Mages - City Treasurer.

A quorum was present.

Mayor Brundage called the Regular Council Meeting to Order at 7:00 p.m.


·  Minutes

Pierce moved to accept the regular minutes for 11/7/16, Randall seconded, motion carried 4-0.

·  Bills

Pierce moved to pay the bills from, 11/08/2016 thru 12/5/2016, in the amount of $36,064.86 Vineyard seconded, motion carried 4-0.


·  Bryan Stucky

Stucky addressed the council in regards to Chief David Lathrom. Stucky feels like Lathrom is always friendly, helpful and attentive to his concerns and wanted to make sure the council knows that he feels grateful to have him in Argonia.

·  Gene Rich

Rich came to speak with the council in regards to a possible drag race event in Argonia and the necessary requirements in order to have this type of event. Council discussed in lengthy detail and made notes on how to proceed if possible.


·  Paul Conklin – Fire Department

Conklin talked with the council about a Christmas gift for all the volunteers for the fire department. Vineyard made a motion to approve a $100 Christmas gift for all current volunteers on the fire department with a list from Conklin, Jones seconded, motion carried 4-0.

·  David Lathrom – Police Department

Lathrom talked about the IACP conference in Louisville, KY that he attended. Lathrom stated that he was working on a sexual assault case and a possible program that would require vehicles that are typically in use during the hours of 1am and 5am to get a sticker to identify them more easily. Lathrom stated the CAT program is to help identify stolen vehicles more easily.

·  Kevin McCurley – Maintenance Department

McCurley addressed the council with the proposal for slurry seal on Main street north of the tracks. McCurley stated that this proposal was around $35k just like the south end of Main street this past spring. Council discussed the current agreement with Sumner County Road and Bridge and the $6k payment that is received each year to help maintain Main Street. Mages stated the she would call Sumner County Road and Bridge and find out if there is a more updated contract than the one in the file from 1999 and see if there has or could be an increase in this yearly payment to maintain Main street. McCurley talked with the council about a 1999 Ford F350 with 75K miles that he is interested in to replace the truck used mainly for the cemetery. Jones is the owner of the vehicle, so he was asked a few questions regarding the details of the truck. Vineyard made a motion to purchase the 1999 Ford F350 for $12k from Jones after the truck has a tune-up, Randall seconded, motion carried 3-0, Jones abstained.

·  Mindy Mages – City Clerk

Mages talked with the council about the Resolution 2017-13 for GAAP requirements. Vineyard made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-13, Randall seconded, motion carried, 4-0. Mages presented the CMB licenses for 2017 from A-Mart and Full Moon Bar & Grill. Vineyard made a motion to approve CMB licenses for Full Moon Bar & Grill & A-Mart for 2017, Randall seconded, motion carried 4-0. Mages presented the council with the new codification books prepared by the league. Mages stated that at the next meeting there will be an ordinance to pass to put the changes in affect. Mages asked the council to look through the changes and the letter from the league regarding any issues or concerns before the next meeting.





A motion to adjourn was made by Vineyard and seconded by Randall.

On motion duly made, seconded and carried 4-0, the meeting thereupon adjourned at 8:50 p.m.



Mindy Mages Alan Brundage

City Clerk Mayor