Year Prep Homework – Term 4 Weeks 1-5
Remember to READ EVERY NIGHT!Practice your reading goalDon’t forget to fill in your Read It! Home Reading Log
Have you reached the 100, 150 and 200 club?
Reading Eggs -
English / Write down any magic 100 words you can find in your home reader.
Spelling / Choose a Goldenword and use it in a sentence. Use a colour to underline the word you have chosen.
Make sure you have:
A capital letter for the beginning
Spaces between words
Punctuation at the end of the sentence
Mathematics / Write down these numbers and count on the next 3 numbers:
4, __, __, __
9, __, __, __
14, __, __, __
Science / What is something that moves? How does it move?
English / Copy a sentence from your home reader in your neatest hand writing.
Spelling / Choose a Redword and use it in a sentence. Use a colour to underline the word you have chosen.
Make sure you have:
A capital letter for the beginning
Spaces between words
Punctuation at the end of the sentence
Mathematics / Write out the days of the week in the correct order.
Science / What moves on our body? How does it move?
English / Write down all the punctuation marks you can find in your home reader.
Spelling / Choose a Blueword and use it in a sentence. Use a colour to underline the word you have chosen.
Make sure you have:
A capital letter for the beginning
Spaces between words
Punctuation at the end of the sentence
Mathematics / Draw a picture to represent the following numbers.
Science / Write 2 things that move differently. Eg: pencil = rolls, door = slides
English / Write down 3 new words you can find around the house and ask mum or dad to explain what they mean.
Spelling / Choose an Orange word and use it in a sentence. Use a colour to underline the word you have chosen.
Make sure you have:
A capital letter for the beginning
Spaces between words
Punctuation at the end of the sentence
Mathematics / Write the numeral for the following number names.
Science / Write 3 things that bounce.
English / Write this sentence in your book and correct the punctuation (full stops, capital letters, question mark, comma)
mum ran down the hill very fast she was puffed
Spelling / Choose a Greenword and use it in a sentence. Use a colour to underline the word you have chosen.
Make sure you have:
A capital letter for the beginning
Spaces between words
Punctuation at the end of the sentence
Mathematics / Place these numerals in order from smallest to largest.
8, 12, 4, 19, 14, 2