(Last Updated September 14, 2013)


The purpose of this Association is to maintain, to encourage and to promote interest in girls basketball throughout the Secondary School system in British Columbia. The Association is responsible for organizing and conducting the zone qualifying tournaments and the Provincial Championships for High-School Girls’ Basketball.

SECTION 1 - Executive Council

1.1 Duties and Powers of the Executive

The powers of the Executive shall include the authority to make such Rules and Regulations as they deem necessary in its absolute discretion to facilitate the functioning of the society and the promotion of its objectives, subject only to approval by a majority of the membership present at the next and subsequent general meeting and such Rules and Regulations shall be binding on the members and on all participants in the programs of the Association.

1.2 Executive Members

1.2.1 The Association’s Executive Council shall consist of:

a) Past President (currently vacant)

b) President

c) Vice-President

d) Secretary-Treasurer

e) A Rep

f) AA Rep

g) AAA Rep

h) Junior Rep

i) Members at Large – number may change each year as necessary

1.2.2 Zone Representation

Representation to the Executive from each BCSS Zone should come from Zone Reps for each of the three tiers selected by the members from their applicable zone.

1.2.3 The Executive shall hold office for a one-year period commencing after the Annual General Meeting.

1.2.4 The President if not re-elected, shall serve as Past President for a one-year term. The term may be extended if the current President is re-elected.


1.3.1 Duties and Responsibilities of the President

The President in carrying out their duties and responsibilities will:

a) act as the Association spokesperson or designate such function to another Executive member;

b) preside over all Executive meetings;

c) preside over the Annual General Meeting of the Association;

e) act as the Commissioner to BCSS or appoint another member of the Executive to fulfil all or part of these duties as deemed necessary

f) act as a signing officer for the Association;

g) assign duties and responsibilities to Executive members.

h) appoint of committee members as is deemed necessary, including commissioner and referees liaison

1.3.2 Duties and Responsibilities of the Past-President

Under the general direction and guidance of the President, the Past President will:

a) attend all meetings of the Executive;

b ) chair the nominations committee for the Executive;

c ) perform other duties as assigned by the President.

1.3.3 Duties of the Vice President

Under the general direction and guidance of the President the Vice-President will:

a) attend all meetings of the Executive;

b) preside over Executive and Annual General meetings if the President is unable to attend;

c) perform other duties as designated by the President.

1.3.4 Duties of the Secretary-Treasurer

Under the general direction and guidance of the President the Secretary-Treasurer will:

a) submit a financial report to the AGM;

b) submit date income statements to Executive meetings;

c) collect and submit to the Executive the Provincial Tournament financial statements;

d) administer the general accounts of the Association;

e) be a signing officer of the Association;

f) conduct mail votes of the membership as is deemed necessary by the Executive;

g) submit to BCSS the financial statement of the Association and the Provincial Tournaments;

h) make the changes as necessary to the constitution;

i) file the appropriate bylaw changes and financial statements with the Provincial Registrar to keep the Society status intact;

j) file the appropriate bylaw changes, directors list and financial statements with BCSS to keep the Commission status intact.

k) perform other duties as designated by the President.

1.3.5 Duties of the A and AA Representatives:

Under the general direction and guidance of the President, the Junior, A, AA and AA Representatives will:

a) act as a liaison to their respective Provincial Championships, including but not limited to compiling season rankings, preparing an initial tournament B. C. Tournament draw and chairing the coaches meeting during the B. C. Tournament

b) attend all meetings of the Executive;

c) perform other duties as designated by the President.

1.3.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Members at Large:

Under the general direction and guidance of the President the Members at Large will:

a) attend meetings of the Executive;

b) perform other duties as designated by the President.

1.4 Selection and Appointment of the Executive

1.4.1 The Office of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, A Rep, AA Rep, AAA Rep, Junior Rep and Members at Large will be nominated and elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Association.

1.4.2 The executive will attempt to include representatives from all provincial zones when filling executive openings.

1.5 Selection of Zone Representatives

1.5.1 Each zone shall declare representatives for each of the four tiers in the zone - A, AA, AAA and Junior

1.6 Duties of Zone Representatives

Under the general direction and guidance of the President the Zone Reps will:

a) assist in the general organization and communication within their zone;

b) assist in the organization of the zone tournament;

c) liaison with the Executive as deemed necessary;

d) provide feedback in the selection of the wildcard berths for the provincial tournaments;

e) assist in compiling rankings during the season

f) attempt to attend the Coaches Meeting at their zone tournament

Section 2 - Membership

2.1 Members of the Association are BC School Sport member schools that declare participation to BCSS and file Player Registration Forms by the applicable deadlines.

2.1.1 Honourary Membership

Non-voting Honourary membership may be granted to an individual by a vote of the majority of the membership at an AGM.

Section 3 - Finances

The general accounts of the Association are managed by the Secretary-Treasurer.

3.1 The accounts of the Association will be managed in the following manner:

a) all grant monies from BCSS will be applied to the general account;

b) the tournaments receive a grant from the Association for management of the Provincial Tournament

c) all sponsorship and donation monies are applied to the general account;

d) travel expenses of the Executive to attend the AGM may be paid from the general account unless the member is attending as a coach in the tournament.

e) the President shall act as the second signing officer of the Association.

g) the Secretary-Treasurer will prepare a financial statement in September and again March for presentation at the annual provincial championship tournaments

3.2 Tournament Finances

The finances of the Provincial Tournaments will be administered in the following manner:

a) a grant from the Association will be paid to the tournament organizing committee to establish an operating budget;

b) all tournament revenue will be paid into the tournament account, including all gate receipts, all souvenir and concession sales and all entry fees

c) payment of all bills incurred by the tournament are to be paid from the tournament account;

d) a full accounting of all tournament finances are due to the Secretary-Treasurer by May 31;

e) all other financial requirements must reference the tournament hosting agreement

3.3 Contingency Fund

The Association will maintain a contingency fund of not less than $1000. In the event of a financial crisis money may be drawn from this account by permission of the membership at

the AGM or the Executive at any time.

Section 4 - Meetings

4.1 The Association will hold an Annual General Meeting at the AAA Tournament.

4.2 The following persons may attend the AGM as voting members:

a) all coaches of teams attending the tournament

b) all Zone Representatives

c) one individual from each member school of the Association

d) Executive members

4.3 The agenda for the AGM shall include:

a) minutes of the previous AGM

b) business arising out of the previous minutes

c) correspondence

d) selection of tournament sites for upcoming years

e) tournament reports from the three Provincial Tournaments

f) financial reports

g) new business

h) nomination and election of officers

I) honorary membership proposals

4.4 Proxy Votes

No proxy votes will be accepted at the AGM

4.5 Executive Meetings

Executive Meetings will be held regularly as needed and may be held by conference call.

Section 5 - Team Eligibility

Team Eligibility is as per all current BC School Sports eligibility rules and regulations. All applicable deadlines and registration procedures must be adhered to for teams to be eligible for sanctioned competition.

5.1 Schools may not register a second team in another tier for sanctioned competition.

Section 6 - Player Eligibility

Individual Player Eligibility is as per all current BC School Sports rules and regulations. All BCSS rules governing eligibility must be adhered to for players to be eligible for competition.

Section 7 - Tier designation

7.1 The following tier designations shall exist for the Provincial Tournament competitions

A: 1 - 80 girls in Grades 11 and 12

AA: 80 - 225 girls in Grades 11 and 12

AAA: 226 or more girls in Grades 11 and 12

7.2 Teams may choose to play up out of their designated tier, however, they must declare their intent to do so. Notification of intent to play up is to be sent to the Commissioner in writing by November 30. Failure to provide notification will result in teams being required to participate in their designated tier - based on BCSS registration numbers as of September 30.

7.3 Teams may not play in more than one tier for championship play.

Section 8 - Provincial Championship Tournaments

8.1 The Junior, A, AA and AAA Tournaments may be hosted by any school in any of the BCSS designated zones and the host sites will be confirmed at the AGM.

8.2 The AAA Tournament may rotate through the Fraser Valley, Lower Mainland, Okanagan and Vancouver Island Zones.

8.3 The dates and locations of the Tournaments will be established at the AGM.

8.4 Prospective host schools will present bids to the President or designate using the tournament hosting application.

8.5 Tournament hosts are entirely responsible for the finances of the Tournament and any

losses incurred by the Tournament.

8.6 Tournament draws will be set by the Executive at the conclusion of Zone play.

8.7 Tournament Berthing

The following will be the berthing formula for the respective Tournaments



Lower Mainland 1 Okanagan 1 Kootenays 1

Fraser Valley 1 North Central 1 Hosts 1

Vancouver Island 1 Northwest 1 Wildcards ?

-9 registered and active teams in a zone earns a 2nd berth for that zone.

-All remaining berths are wildcards allocated based upon zone strength and participation.



Lower Mainland 2.5

Vancouver Island 2.5

Okanagan 2.5

Fraser Valley 2.5

North Central 1

North West 1

Kootenay 1

Host 1

Wildcards 2

Half berths are playoff berths. Playoff game formats will be determined by the BCSSGBA Executive. Wildcards will be allocated to zones by the BCSSGBA Executive. A financial subsidy to a maximum of $300 is available for teams travelling for wildcard playoff games.



Mainland 3.0 + 2 x 0.5 berths = 4.0

North Central 1.0 berth

Fraser Valley 3.0 + 3 x 0.5 berths = 4.5

Northwest 1.0 berths

Vancouver Island 2.0 + 0.5 berths = 2.5

Kootenays 1.0 berth
Okanagan 1.0 berths

Wildcards 1.0 berths

The wildcard berth will be allocated as TWO half berths or ONE full berth to any zone.

Challenge games created would involve the following teams:

Fraser Valley #4 -Vancouver Island #3
Fraser Valley #5 -Lower Mainland #4
Fraser Valley #6 -Lower Mainland #5

If Wildcard is split to other zones, two wildcard teams would be involved in the Challenge games

If any Zone does not have a representative team the berth will be allocated within the wildcard process.

Wildcards will be allocated to zones by the BCSSGBA Executive.

Half berths are playoff berths. Playoff game formats will be determined by the BCSSGBA Executive. A financial subsidy is available for teams traveling for playoff games.



Lower Mainland 2 North Central 2

Fraser Valley 3 Kootenays 1

Vancouver Island 2 Northwest 1

Okanagan 2 Host 1

Wildcard 2

8.8 Provincial Tournament Seeding

Seeding for the Provincial Championship Tournaments will be determined by the Executive in consultation with the Tier Rep or designate and Zone Reps.

The tournament seeding will use a quadrant system with three draws presented by the Tier Rep in consultation with the zone reps.

No first round match-ups will be between teams from the same Zone.

Wildcard games will be played on the Monday immediately following the zone playoffs.

8.9 Zone Championship Tournaments

Zone Championship Tournaments are to be held prior to the Provincial Tournament at dates to be set by the zone.

8.10 Official Ball

The official ball to be used in the zone qualifying tournaments and the B. C. championship Tournament will be whatever the association ball sponsorship agreement states.

8.11 Tournament Awards

The following awards will be given out at the championship tournaments:

•Team trophies 1st - 8th

•Team pennants or plaques 1st - 16th

NOTE: Teams winning their first game will finish 1st – 8th and teams losing their first game will finish 9th – 16th

•Individual player medals 1st - 3rd

•All-star awards Honourable mention (4)

10 Team All-stars (AAA Tournament will have a first and second team)

•Most Valuable Player

•Top Defensive Player

•Most Sportsmanlike Team

•School Spirit Award (AAA only)

Method of selection:

All-star Committees are to be appointed for each tournament. These committee members must watch all first-round games and all winner’s bracket games.

The sportsmanship award is to be determined by the tournament officials.

Section 9 - Code of Conduct

9.1 Coaches Code of Conduct

It is expected all coaches will adhere to the guidelines of the Coaches Code of Conduct as outlined in the BCSS Code of Conduct. Disciplinary action may be taken by the Discipline Committee for infractions of the Code of Conduct if the infraction occurs during Zone or Championship play.