BBA International Exchange Program
University of Michigan Business School
Application for 2003 Fall Term
NAME: ______StudentID______
(Last name) (First name)
Campus Address: ______
Zip: ______Phone: ______
Summer 2002 Address: ______
Zip: ______Phone: ______
E-mail address: ______
Completion of all first year core courses is required prior to participation in the program.
POSSIBLE SCHOOL PREFERENCES: Rate your level of interest using a scale of 1-10, 10 being highest level of interest. Please rate all programs to which you are willing to commit.
____CopenhagenSchool of Business - Copenhagen, Denmark
____RotterdamSchool of Management, Rotterdam - Netherlands
____ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong - Hong Kong
____Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi - Milan, Italy (Italian & English**)
**Preference will be given to those students who speak Italian or Spanish. It is recommended that students take the month-long language intensive course at Bocconi, offered free of charge to exchange students one-month prior to the beginning of the Fall semester.
____Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien–Vienna (German & English)
1.Do you have any level of proficiency in a language other than English?
If yes, what language?
2.Have you met the 54 credit hours of non-business credit?
3.Circle which distribution requirements you have fulfilled:
Natural ScienceSocial Science Humanities Foreign Language
APPLICATION ESSAY: Type a one-page essay, and attach it to this application. Answer the following question:
Please discuss how participation in the particular exchange programs that you have selected will enhance your overall education and development.
TRANSCRIPT: Please provide us with a copy of your U of M transcript. You may print one from Wolverine Access, or obtain an unofficial copy at 1010 LSA.
RESUME: Please attach a copy of your current resume to application materials.
The deadline for applying is Wednesday, March 5, 2003. Submit this completed application form, transcript, resume, and essay to: Renee Peterson, Academic Services. . You will receive a letter responding to your application by March 24, 2003.
Please indicate how you would prefer to receive your application decision (email or US Mail) from our office. Be sure that your email address in MTrack is up-to-date. If you prefer a letter via post, please provide us with the appropriate address to which you would like the letter sent.
J:/exchange/info and application/applicationBBA.doc