B. Tech. VII (Seventh) Semester Examination 2015-16

Course Code: ECS701 Paper ID: 0967201

Web Technology (Design and Architecture using .Net)

Time: 3 Hours Max. Marks: 70 Max Marks: 75

Note: Attempt six questions in all. Q. No. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any five of the following (limit your answer in 50 words). (4x5=20)

a) How to add java script to static HTML pages?

b) How to submit forms by using Get and Post methods?

c) Define PE header & CLR header?

d) Write all the steps to install .Net framework 3.0.

e) Name three important files in the webfiles category that you can add to your website.

f) How is the ASP.NET runtime able to keep track of control states between postbacks?

g) Differentiate connected and disconnected data access.

h) What do you understand by localization and globalization of your website? Explain.

2. a) Differentiate HTML and XHTML. How these are related to each other? (5)

b) Explain all HTML tags with their description & example. (5)

3. a) How to compile source code in to managed module in .Net framework. (5)

b) What do you understand by class library and common type system in .Net framework? (5)

4. a) What is visual studio .Net? How to install the visual studio .Net IDE? (5)

b) Explain common properties for all server controls. (5)

5. What are the data bound and data source controls? How they work? Explain in detail. (10)

6. Explain in detail how to design ASP.Net websites. How these are connected to the internet? (10)

7. What is web.site map file? What are its key elements? How to create your web.site map file and also explain how it works? (10)

8. a) How to create login and sign up pages? Explain. (5)

b) How to provide security to your ASP.Net website? Explain. (5)