Khorram-Manesh et al (DITAC)April 4th, 2016
Appendix: The number of literature reviewed for each topic
Topic 1, Target group (41 documents)
- Bagaria J, Heggie C, Abrahams J, Murray V. Evacuations and sheltering of hospitals in emergencies: A review of international experience. Prehosp Disaster Med. 2009; 24:461-67.
- Sternberg E, Lee GC, Huard D. Counting crisis: US hospital evacuations, 1971-1999. Prehosp Disast Med. 2004; 19(2):150-57.
- Näsman U, Zetterberg-Randén B, Brändström H. KAMEDO report no 88: Floods in Czech Republic and Southeast Germany, 2002. Prehosp Disast Med. 2007; 22(1):90-2.
- Cocanour CS, Allen SJ, Mazabob J, Sparks JW, Fischer CP, Romans J, et al. Lessons learned from the evacuation of an urban teaching hospital. Arch Surg. 2002; 137(10):1141-45.
- Brodie M, Wltzien E, Attman D, Blendon RJ, Benson JM. Experiences of Hurricane Katrina evacuees in Houston shelters: implications for future planning. Am J Public Health. 2006;96:1402-08.
- Sexton KH, Alperin LM, Stobo JD. Lessons from Hurricane Rita: the University of Texas Medical Branch Hospital’s evacuation. Acad Med, 2001; 82(8):792-96.
- Agantyr LG, Häggström E, Kulling P. KAMEDO report no 93: The power failure at Karolinska University Hospital, Huddinge, 07 April 2007. Prehosp Disast Med. 2009; 24(5):468-70.
- Murphy GRF and Foot C. ICU fire evacuation preparedness in London: a cross-sectional study. BJA. 2011;106:695-98.
- Vernie C. A hospital system’s response to a hurricane offers lessons, including the need for interfacility drills. Health Aff, 2012; 31(8):1814-21.
- Powel T, Hanfling D, Gostin LO. Emergency preparedness and public health: The lessons of Hurricane Sandy. JAMA. 2012; 308(24):2569-70.
- O’Neill PA. The ABS’s of disaster response. Scand J Surg. 2005; 94; 259-66.
- Gallon Z. Wildfires, weather & climate. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research. 2008. Accessed Feb 2010. Available at:
- Thomas J, Lackey N. How to evacuate a psychiatric hospital: a Hurricane Katrina success story. J Psychosoc Nurs MentHealthServ. 2008; 46(1):35-40.
- Bernard M, Mathews P. Evacuation of a maternal-newborn area during Hurricane Katrina. MCN Am J Matern Child Nurs. 2008; 33(4):213-23.
- Augustine J, Schoettmer J. Evacuation of a rural community hospital: lessons learned from an unplanned event. Disaster Manag Response. 2005;3(3):68-72.
- Burgess J. Hospital evacuations due to hazardous materials incidents. Am J Emerg Med. 1999; 17(1):50-2.
- Singal A. A Stakeholder Based Approach to Manage the Training Process. Indiam management studies journal. 2009; 13: 103-122
- Nickols FW. (2005), "Why a Stakeholder Approach to Evaluating Training," Advances in Developing Human Resources, 7(1): 121.
- Neely AD, Adams C, and Kennerley M. (2002), The Performance Prism, London: Prentice-Hall Financial Times.
- Heugens PP, and Oosterhout HJ. (2002), "The Confines of Stakeholder Management: Evidence from the Dutch Manufacturing Sector," Journal of Business Ethics, 40 (4), pp. 387-403.
- Berke, PR., Kartez J and Wenger D. (1993), “Recovery after Disaster: Achieving Sustainable Development, Mitigation, and Equity.” Disasters. Vol. 17, No 2.
- Ketti DF. The transformation of governance; globalization, devolution and the role of government. Public Administration Review 2000; 60; 6: 488-497
- Lindell MK and Prater CL., (2003), “Assessing Community Impacts of Natural Disasters,” Natural Hazards Review, November 2003, pp. 176-185.
- Lindell MK. and Perry RW. (1990), “Introduction to Emergency Management,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
- Depoorter B. Horizontal political externalities: the supply and demand of disaster management. Duke Law Journal 2006; 56 (1); 101-125
- Berke, P.R., et al. (1996). “Enhancing Plan Quality: Evaluating the Role of State Planning Mandates for Natural Hazard Mitigation.” Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 39(1): 79-96.
- Lindell MK. and Perry RW. (2004), “Communicating Environmental Risk in Multiethnic Communities,” Sage Publications, Inc.
Topic 2, Curriculum, theory (30 documents)
- Kelly, A. V. The Curriculum: Theory and Practice. London, Thousand Oaks, CA, New Delhi: Paul Chapman Publishing, 1999 (4th edition).
- European Commission. Implementing the Community Lisbon Programme: Proposal for a Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. COM (2006) 479 final. Brussels, 2006
- Sequin, UNESCO Sequin, Roger. Curriulum Development and Implementation of Teaching Programmes. Methodological Guide. UNESCO Division of higher education and research, 1991. Web. accessed Oct. 2013
- European Commission. Implementing the Community Lisbon Programme: Proposal for a Recommendation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Establishment of the European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning. COM, 479 final. Brussels, 2006.
- Schweikert T. Erwachsenenbildung weiterdenken: Theorien der Erwachsenenbildung und ihre Kritik. Europäische Hochschulschriften, Reihe XI Pädagogik. Bd. 954. Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, Frankfurt am Main, 2007.
- Collins JW. Jr, Soo Hoo TY, Krantz M, et al. "Creating An Executive Doctorate In Civil Security In The United States”. J Homeland Sec Emerg Manage, 2012; 9 (2)
- Waugh WL Jr, and Sadiq AA. "Professional Education for Emergency Managers,” J Homeland Sec Emerg Manag, 2011; 8 (2)
- Alexander D, Bramati L, Simonetta M. Emergency Preparedness Training and Education in Lombardy Region, Italy: Survey of Supply and Demand“ Nat Hazards Rev, 2009; 10; 77-83
- Jordá, A. "Emergency and Civil Protection: Curriculum Design for 30 Hours of Instructional Time," J Homeland Sec Emerg Manag, 2011; 8 (2)
- Plant JF, Arminio T, and Thompson P. "A Matrix Approach to Homeland Security Professional Education," J Homeland Sec Emerg Manag, 2011; 8 (2)
- Schultz CH, et al. Development of National Standardized All-Hazard Disaster Core Competences for Acute Care Phaysicians, Nurses, and EMS Professionals. Ann Disaster Med, 2012; 29 (3); 196 – 208
- Brattberg E, Rhinard M. “The EU and US as International Actors in Disaster Relief”. College of Europe: Bruges Political Research Papers. No 22, January 2012. p 22. Web. Accessed June 2013.
- Alexander D. “Towards the development of standards in emergency management training and education.” Disaster Prev Manag, 2003; 12 (2): 113–123
- von Glasersfeld E. Wissen, Sprache und Wirklichkeit: Arbeiten zum radikalen Konstruktivismus Braunschweig/Wiesbaden, 1987.
- Lunenberga M, Korhagenba FAJ. “”Eur J Teach Edu, 2005; 28 (1); 1–22
- Stanford University “PBL Website: Schools that practice PBL”. Web. Accessed Oct. 2013; .
- University of Canterbury New Zealand. “Hazard and Disaster Management: Postgraduate Programmes” published online, 2009. Web. Accessed Oct 2009:
- Stenden University South Africa, “Bachelor of Business Administration Disaster Management Degree”. Web.
- Shimi L, Suresh ESM. The need for integration of disaster management into engineering curriculum. IJMER, 2012; 2 (6); 4524-26
- Marshal CS, Yamada S, Inada MK. Using problem-based learning for pandemic preparedness. Kaohsiung J Med S, 2008; 24(3): 39-45
- Jayawardana AKL, O’Donnell M. “The Asian Tsunami and Problem-Based Learning for Postgraduate Students in Sri Lanka”. J Manag Edu, 2007: 31 (5); 679-95
- Universität Köln “Problem Based Learning”. Website. Accessed online Oct. 2013:
- Stanford University “What does PBL look like in the classroom?” Accessed online 17 Nov. 2013:
- Savery JR. Overview of Problem-based Learning: Definitions and Distinctions. Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem-based Learning, 1, (1) available at
- Blanchard W. “Top Ten Competencies for professional emergency management”. FEMA. Web. Accessed Oct. 2013;
- Rutter L. “Core Humanitarian Competencies Guide” Consortium of British Humanitarian Agencies Humanitarian Capacity Building Programme. Accessed Oct 2013;
- Castejon JM, Chakroun B, Coles M, et al, eds. Developing Qualifications Frameworks in EU Partner Countries: Modernising Education and Training. London; New York: Anthem European Union Series, 2011, p 16
- Straka, Gerald A. “Measurement and evaluation of competence” The foundations of evaluation and impact research: Third report on vocational training research in Europe: Background report Cedefop Reference series, 58. 2004. pp 262 – 311
- Deakin University Australia. “Topic 3: The role of the tutor in PBL”. Accessed online Oct. 2013;
- Rozdilsky JL, Bezold MP, Johnson J, et al. Reflections on the Development of an Undergraduate Emergency Management Program: The Experiences of Western Illinois University. J Homeland Sec Emerg Manag, 2011; 8 (2)
Topic 3, Teaching methods (66 documents)
- Gossman P, Stewart T, Jaspers M, et al. Integrating web-delivered problem-based learning scenarios to the curriculum. ALH 2007; 8 (2): 139-153
- Persson AC, Fyrenius A, Bergdahl B. Perspectives on using multimedia scenarios in a PBL medical curriculum. Medical Teacher 2010; 32: 766-772
- Ruiz JG, Mintzer MJ, Leipzig RM. The impact of E-learning in medical education. Acad Med 2006; 81: 207-212
- Ronchetti M. Using video lectures to make teaching more interactive. ICL 2009, available at:
- Mikulecky L. Diversity, discussion, and participation: comparing web-based and campus-based adolescent literature classes. JAAL 1998; 42 (2): 84-97
- Graham CR. In Bonk CJ and Graham CR (Eds). Handbook of blended learning. Global Perspectives, local designs. SanFrancisco, CA: Pfifer Publishing. 2004
- Smee S. Skill based assessment. BMJ 2003; 326 (7391): 703-706
- Chi CH, Chao WH, Chang CC, et al. Emergency Medical Technicians' Disaster Training by Tabletop Exercise. Am J Emerg Med 2001; 19: 433-436
- Rehn M, Andersen JE, Vigerust T, et al. A concept for major incident triage: full-scaled simulation feasibility study. BMC Emerg Med 2010; 10: 17
- Haytko DL. Traditional versus hybrid course delivery systems: A case study of undergraduate markEITng planning courses. Market Educ Rev 2001; 11(3): 27-39
- Idrose AM, Adnan WAW, Villa GF, Abdullah AHA. The use of classroom training and simulation in the training of medical responders for airport disaster. Emerg Med J 2007; 24: 7-11
- Ingrassia PL, Prato F, Geddo A, et al. Evaluation of Medical Management during a Mass Casualty Incident Exercise: an objective assessment tool to enhance direct observation. J Emerg Med 2010; 39 (5). 629-636
- Ofstad W, Brunner LJ. Team-Based Learning in Pharmacy Education. Am J Pharm Edu 2013; 77 (4): Art 70
- Campanale RP. Surprise realistic mock disasters. The most effective means of disaster training. Calif Med 1964; 101: 435-8.
- Behar S, Upperman JS, Ramirez M, et al. Training medical staff for pediatric disaster victims: a comparison of different teaching methods. Am J Disaster Med 2008; 3 (4): 189-99.
- DITAC. Results of WP1. Available at:
- Ricer RE,Filak ATShort J. Does a High Tech(Computerized, Animated, Powerpoint) Presentation Increase Retention of Material Compared to a Low Tech (Black on Clear Overheads) Presentation? Teaching and Learning in Medicine: An international Journal 2005; 17 (2): 107-111
- Cohen D, Sedvalis N, Patel V, et al. Tactical and operational response to major incidents Feasibility and reliability of skills assessment using novel virtual environments. Resuscitation 2013; 84 (7): 992-998
- Nilsson H, Jonson CO, Vikström T, et al. Simulation-assisted burn disaster planning. Burns 2013 available at:
- Brecht HD, Ogilby SM. Enabling a comprehensive teaching strategy: Video lectures. JITE (Innovations in Practice) 2008; 7: 71-86
- Benbunan-Fich R and Hiltz SR. Educational applications of CMCS: Solving case studies through asynchronous learning networks. JCMC 1999; 4 (3)
- Leaming JM, Adoff S, Terndrup TE. Computer Simulation as a Tool to Enable Decision-Making in a Pandemic Influenza Response Scenario. West JEM 2013
- Mouza C, Bell B. J computers in mathematics and Science teaching 2001; 20 (3): 265-292
- Letterie GS. Medical education as a science: the quality of evidence for computer-assisted instruction. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 188 (3): 849-53.
- Langran M, Carlin B. A road traffic accident simulation vehicle for training prehospital practitioners. Emerg Med J 2001: 23: 318-320
- Lennquist S. Education and Training in Disaster Medicine. Scand J Surg 2005; 94: 300-310
- Knight JF, Carley S, Tregunna B, et al. Serious gaming technology in major incident triage training. A pragmatic controlled trial. Resuscitation 2010; 81: 1175-1179
- Cohen D, Sevdalis N, Taylor D, et al. Emergency preparedness in the 21st century Training and preparation modules in virtual environments. Resuscitation 2013; 84: 78-84
- King DR, Patel MB, Feinstein AJ, et al. Simulation Training for a Mass Casualty Incident Two-Year Experience at the Army Trauma Training Center. J Trauma 2006; 61: 943-948
- Song Y, Gong J, Li Y, et al. Crowded Evacuation simulation for bioterrorism in micro-spatial environments based on virtual geographic environments. Safety Science 2013; 53: 105-113
- Heinrichs L, Youngblood P, Harter P, et al. Training Healthcare Personnel for Mass- Casualty Incidents in a Virtual Emergency Department VED II. Prehosp Disaster Med 2010; 25 (5): 424-432
- Saiboon IM, Jaafar MJ, Harunarashid H, Jamal SMd. The Effectiveness of Simulation Based Medical Education In Teaching Concepts of Major Incident Response. Procedia Soc behav Sci 2011; 18: 372-378
- Montán KL, Khorram-Manesh A, Örtenwall P, Lennquist S. Comparative study of physiological and anatomical triage in major incidents using a new simulation model. Am J Disaster Med 2011:6.289-298
- Lerner EB, Schwartz RB, Coule PL, Pirrallo RG. Use of SALT Triage in a Simulated Mass-Casualty Incident. Prehosp Emerg care 2010; 14: 21-25
- Boosman F. "Simulation-Based Training: The Evidence Is In" Pseudorandom. 2007. Available at:
- Rådestad M, Nilsson H, Carstén M, et al. Combining performance and outcome indicators can be used in a standardized way: a pilot study of two multidisciplinary, full-scale major aircraft exercises. J trauma resusc Emerg Med 2012; 20: 58; 3: 14
- Rehn M, Vigerust T, Andersen JE, et al. Major Incident Patient Evacuation Full-Scale Field Exercise Feasibility study. Air Med j 2011; 30: 3
- Oliver M, Trigwell K. Can Blended learning be redeemed? E-Learning 2005; 2 (1): 17-26
- Singh H. Building effective blended learning program. EDTEC 2003; 43 (6): 51-54
- Bliuc M, Goodyear P, Ellis RA. Research focus and methodological choices in studies I to students ‘experiences of blended learning in higher education. IHEDUC 2007; 10: 231-244
- Garrison DR, Kanuka H. Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. IHEDUC 2004; 7: 95-105
- Aspden L, Helm P. Making the connection in a blended learning. EMI 2004; 41: 3
- Lynch R, Dembo M. The relationship between self-regulation and online learning in a blended learning context. IRRODL 2004; 5 (2)
- Ginns P, Ellis R. Quality in blended learning: Exploring the relationships between on-line and face to face teaching and learning. IHEDUC 2007; 10: 53-64
- Rovai AP, Jordan HM. Blended learning and sense of community: A comparative analysis with traditional and fully online graduate courses. IRRODL 2004; 5 (2)
- Boyle T, Bradley C, Chalk P, et al. Using Blended learning to improve student success rates in learning to program. J Educ Media 2003; 28 (2-3)
- Collis B. Course redesign for blended learning: modern optics for technical professionals. IJCEELL. 2003; 13 (1/2): 22-38
- Levine SL, Wake WK. Hybrid teaching: Design studios in virtual space."Education of Artists(2000).
- Ward J, LaBranche GA. Blended learning: The convergence of e-learning and meetings. Franchizing World 2003; 35 (4): 22-23
- Osguthorpe RT, Graham CR. Blended learning systems: Definitions and directions. Quarterly Review of Distance Education 2003; 4 (3): 227-234
- Rooney JE. Blended learning opportunities to enhance educational programming and meetings. Association Management 2003; 55 (5): 26-32
- Martens A, Uhrmacher AM. Teaching modelling and simulation- A web and case-based Scenario. Available at:
- Branzetti JB, Aldeen AZ, Foster AW, Courtney DM. A novel online didactic curriculum helps improve knowledge acquisition among NonEmergency medicine rotating residents. Acad Emerg Med 2011; 18: 53-9
- Ahearn C, Nalley D. How to assess student performance in science: going beyond multiple choice tests. SERVE, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Online 2013. Available at:
- Assessing science learning. In New Jersey Science Curriculum Framework. Online 2013. Available at:
- Kirkwood S. NIMS and ICS: from compliance to competence. EMS Mag 2008; 37 (2): 51-2, 54-7.
- Reisman DB, Howard J. Responder safety and health: preparing for future disasters. Mt Sinai J Med 2008; 75 (2): 135-41.
- Wojcik SM, Kidd PS, Parshall MB, Struttmann TW. Performance and evaluation of small construction safety training simulations. Occup Med (Lond) 2003; 53 (4): 279-86.
- Machles D. Evaluating the effectiveness of safety training. Occup Health Saf 2003; 72 (6): 54-6, 58-63
- Wallen ES, Mulloy KB. Computer based safety training: an investigation of methods. Occup Environ Med 2005; 62 (4): 257-62.
- Sinclair RC, Smith R, Colligan M, et al. Evaluation of a safety training program in three food service companies. J Safety Res 2003; 34 (5): 547-58.
- Gebhart ME, Pence R. START triage: does it work? Disaster Manag Response 2007; 5 (3): 68-73.
- Kahn CA, Schultz CH, Miller KT, Anderson CL. Does START triage work? An outcomes assessment after a disaster. Ann Emerg Med 2009; 54 (3): 424-30, 430.
- Vincent DS, Berg BW, Ikegami K. Mass-casualty triage training for international health care workers in the Asia-Pacific region using mannikin-based simulations. Prehosp Disaster Med 2009; 24 (3): 206-13.
- Hsu EB, Jenckes MW, Catlett CL, et al. Training to hospital staff to respond to a mass casualty incident. Evid Rep Technol Assess (Summ) 2004 (95): 1-3.
- Ebell MH, Siwek J, Weiss BD, et al. Strength of recommendation taxonomy (SORT): a patient-centred approach to grading evidence in the medical literature. J Am Board Fam Pract 2004; 17 (1): 59-67.
Topic 4, Evaluation methods (23 documents)
- Oxford Dictionary. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Ahearn C, Nalley D. How to assess student performance in science: going beyond multiple choice tests. SERVE, School of Education, University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Assessing science learning. In New Jersey Science Curriculum Framework. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Chi CH, Chao WH, Chang CC, et al. Emergency Medical Technicians' Disaster Training by Table top Exercise. Am J Emerg Med 2001; 19: 433-436
- Lalonde C. Crisis management and organizational development: Towards the conception of a learning model in crisis management. Organizational Development Journal 2007; 25 (1): 17-26
- Kirkpatrick DL. (1975 a). Techniques for evaluating training programs. Part 1: reaction. In Evaluating Training Programs, compiled by DL Kirkpatrick, 1-5.Madison, WI: ASTD
- Kirkpatrick DL. (1975 b). Techniques for evaluating training programs. Part 2: learning. In Evaluating Training Programs, compiled by DL Kirkpatrick, 16-9.Madison, WI: ASTD
- Kirkpatrick DL. (1975 c). Techniques for evaluating training programs. Part 3: behavior. In Evaluating Training Programs, compiled by DL Kirkpatrick, 10-13.Madison, WI: ASTD
- Kirkpatrick DL. (1975 d). Techniques for evaluating training programs. Part 4: results. In Evaluating Training Programs, compiled by DL Kirkpatrick, 14-17.Madison, WI: ASTD
- Nadler L, Nadler Z (1994). Evaluation and feedback. (ed.) In Training: The Critical Events Model. 2nd Edition. Taylor & Francis
- Eseryel D. 2002. “Approaches to Evaluation of Training: Theory & Practice”, Educational Technology & Society Journal, 2002; 5 (2): 93-98
- CIPP model. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Responsive evaluations model. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Countenance model. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Kaufman’s five level of evaluation. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- CIRO. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- PERT. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Goal-free evaluation approach. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Provus ’discrepancy model. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Illuminative evaluation model. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Esteves J, Pastor J, Casanovas J. A framework proposal for monitoring and evaluating training in ERP implementation projects. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
- Rae L. How to Measure Training Effectiveness? 1991, Gower Publishing Ltd, ISBN 10:0566072750/ISBN 13:9780566072758
- Nickols F. Evaluating Training: there is no cookbook approach. Retrieved November 15, 2013, from:
Topic 5, Design and standard (27 documents)
- Perry RW. Incident management systems in disaster Management. Disaster Prevention and Management, 2003; 12 (5); 405-412
- Laevy G, Horan E. Clinical review: Communication and logistics in the response to the 1998 terrorist bombing in Omagh, Northern Ireland. Critical Care 2005; 9:401-408
- O’Neill PA. The ABC’s of disaster response. Scandinavian Journal of Surgery. 2005; 94: 259–266
- Alexander DE. Towards the development of a standard in emergency planning. Disaster Prevention and Management 2005; 14 (2): 158-175
- Ruggiero KJ, Amstadter AB, Acierno R, Kilpatrick DG, Resnick HS. Social and Psychological Resources Associated with Health Status in a Representative Sample of Adults Affected by the 2004 Florida Hurricanes. Psychiatry. 2009; 72 (2): 195–210
- Dobel JP. Mission Integrity in Disaster Management. Public Administration Review. 2010 Special Issue. 182-183
- Wong D. Managing mass casualty events are just the application of normal activity on a grander scale for the emergency health services. Or is it? Journal of Emergency Primary Health Care (JEPHC). 2011; 9 (1)
- Abramson DM, Redlener I. Hurricane Sandy: lessons learned, again. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2012; 6 (4): 328-329
- Djalai AR, Castren M, Hosseinijenab V, Khatib M, Ohlen G, Kurland L. Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) performance in Iran; Decision making during disasters. Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 2012; 20: 14
- Miles, R. (2012) ‘Empowering Emergency Responders’, ch 1 in Bennett, S. (ed) Innovative thinking in Risk, Crisis, and Disaster Management. Farnham: Gower.
- Palttala P, Boano C, Lund R, Vos M. Communication Gaps in Disaster Management: Perceptions by Experts from Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 2012; 20: 2–12
- Khorram-Manesh A, Angthong C, Pangma A, Sulannakarn S, Burivong R, Jarayabhand R, Örtenwall P.Hospital Evacuation; Learning from the Past? Flooding of Bangkok 2011. British Journal of Medicine and Medical research 2014; 4 (1). Retrieved online November 2013:
- Hogan DE, Burstein JL. Basic perspective on disasters. In Disaster Medicine. (Ed.) 2nd, Lippincott 2007
- Kane L. Educators, learners and active learning methodologies. International Journal of life long education 2004; 23 (3): 275-286
- Whitcomb ME. Competency-based Graduate Medical Education? Of Course!! But How Should Competency Be Assessed? Academic Medicine 2002; 77 (5): 359-60.
- European Qualification Framework: Education and Training. Retrieved online November 2013;
- Subbarao I, Lyznicki JM, Hsu EB, et al. A Consensus-based educational Framework and Competency Set for the Discipline of Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 2008; 2: 57-68
- Coule PL and Schwartz RB. The national Disaster Life Support Programs: A model for competency-based standardized and locally relevant training. JPHMP 2009; Suppl: 25-30
- Walsh L, Subbarao I, Gebbie K, et al. Core Competencies for Disaster Medicine and Public Health. Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness 2012; 6: 44-52
- Galindo F et al. – NATO Handbook: Pandemics and Mass Casualty Response, 202-216, IOS Press Amsterdam 2012
- DITAC home. Results and feedback WP1. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Bloom, Benjamin. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Handbook I: The Cognitive Domain. New York: David McKay, 1956.
- FinkDL.(2003)CreatingSignificantLearningExperiences.SanFrancisco,CA:Jossey‐Bass
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary online. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Col JM. Managing Disasters: The role of local government. Public Administration Review 2007; special issue: 115-124
- Coppola DP. (2007) Participant: Governmental disaster management agencies. (Ed.) In Coppola DP. Introduction to international disaster management. Chapter 8 (337-377)
- Fire service manual. Volume 2. Fire Service operations. Incident command. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Guidance on Command and Control. National Policing Improvement Agency, 2009. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Lexicon of Multi-Agency Emergency Management Terms. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Alexander D. Towards the development of standards in emergency management training and education. Disaster prevention and management 2003; 12 (2): 113-123
- NATO Standardisation Agency website. Available at
- United Kingdom Cabinet OfficeStandards for Civil Protection in England and Wales.Retrieved online November 2013:
- United States' National Fire Protection AssociationNFPA 1600 Standard on Disaster/Emergency Management and Business Continuity Programs 2007 Edition. Retrieved online November 2013:
- SIPROCI ProjectMinimum Standards for a Local Plan of Civil Protection. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Sphere ProjectHumanitarian Charter and Minimum Standards in Disaster Response. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Region of Lombardy Advanced School of Civil Protection LombardyCivil Protection Training Standard. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Australia-New ZealandStandard on Risk Management AS/NZS 4360:2004. Retrieved online November 2013:
- USNational Incident Management System standards. Retrieved online November 2013:
- British Standard in Business Continuity Management BS 25999 Parts 1 and 2. Retrieved online November 2013:
- Lalonde C. Crisis management and organizational development: Towards the conceprtion of a learning model in crisis management. Organizational Development Journal 2007; 25 (1): 17-26
- Fernandez AR, Studnek JR, Margolis GS, Crawford JM, Bentley MA, Marcozzi D. Disaster preparedness of nationally certified emergency medical services professionals. Academic Emergency Medicine 2011; 18 (4): 403-412