Forked River, NJ


September 15, 2007 Board Meeting

Meeting began at 10:00 a.m. In attendance were Tony DeMarco, Ellie Greco, Ed Klump, Charlie Leone, Diane Sonnebend, and Barbara DeSantis.

Charlie began meeting by reviewing projects Board discussed at last meeting. Ed Klump reported that he has had someone in his office begin the search for the riparian rights of the bay adjacent to our beach. Another goal is a membership drive beginning with a mailing to eligible homeowners. Charlie will contact Todd since Todd mentioned that he would be willing to do this at the last Board meeting; also, will speak to Todd regarding a website. All agreed a website would be a good idea.

Ellie, who had agreed to inquire about additions to our signs at the entrances, mentioned that perhaps we should invest in new signs (signs are beginning to look weather beaten) rather than adding to the ones we have. Board agreed that new signs are in order. Both Ellie and Ed will get estimates for new signs since both know sign makers.

Further discussion concerned a calendar and future events. It was decided that the first General Meeting will be held on the Saturday, May 24, (Memorial Day weekend). This meeting will be preceded by breakfast in the hope of generating better attendance and offering the opportunity for members to socialize. At this meeting we will poll membership regarding having a garage sale (any interest in selling goods and willingness to work at sale) in August. All items will be donated to the Club.

The second General Meeting will be held on July 12 at 4:00 p.m. to be followed by a social at which the Club will provide hors d’oeuvres and members will be asked to provide their own beverages. Mildred Gentile will be asked to chair this event. The last meeting will be held on August 23rd. Depending on turnout to the July 12th social, a decision will be made as to whether or not we will have another event. Exact arrangements for all events will be made at future Board Meetings.

Barbara will include information regarding dates above in the January dues mailing along with 2008 labels for use on beach badges.

The next Board meeting will be held in January and future Board meetings will be held on dates prior to General Meetings (dates to be decided at January meeting). Charlie thanked Diane for attending her first Board Meeting and the meeting was closed at 11:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara DeSantis for Winnie Frio