BTEP WARRIOR-DRILL (Drills for all Platoons, Sections, and Squads)

Auburn, NY, 06 January 2005


Drills For All Squads And Sections

Table of Contents

React to Contact (Dismounted)

React to Contact (Mounted)

React to a Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED)

React to Contact (RPG)

Avoid Ambush

React to Ambush (Dismounted)

React to Ambush (Mounted)

React to Roadblock While Traveling (Mounted)

React to Indirect Fire (Dismounted)

React to Indirect Fire (Mounted)

React to a Chemical Attack

Break Contact (Dismounted)

Break Contact (Mounted)

Vehicle Dismounting Drill

Conduct An Evacuation Drill On A Tactical Vehicle

Secure at Halt (Mounted)

React to Contact (Dismounted)


CONDITIONS: The squad/section is halted or moving. The enemy initiates fires on the squad/section with an individual or crew-served weapon.

STANDARDS: The unit returns fire immediately. The unit locates and engages the enemy with well-aimed fire and causes at least one enemy casualty. The leader can point out at least one-half of the enemy positions and identify the types of weapons (such as small-arms, light machine gun).

1.Soldiers immediately assume the nearest covered positions.
2.Soldiers return fire immediately on reaching the covered positions.
3.Squad/team leaders locate and engage known or suspected enemy positions with well-aimed fire, and pass information to the squad/section leader.
4.Fire team leaders control the fire of their soldiers by using standard fire commands (initial and supplemental) containing the following elements:
e.Method of fire (manipulation and rate of fire).
f.Command to commence firing.
5.Soldiers maintain contact (visual or oral) with the soldiers on their left or right.
6.Soldiers maintain contact with the team leader and indicate the location of the enemy positions.
7.The leaders (visually or orally) check the status of their personnel.
8.The squad/fire team leaders maintain visual contact with the squad/section leader.
9.The squad/section leader moves up to the squad/fire team in contact and links up with its leader.
a.The platoon leader brings his RATELO, platoon FO, the squad leader of the nearest squad, and one machine gun team.
b.The squad leader of the trail squad moves to the front of his lead fire team.
c.The platoon sergeant moves forward with the second machine gun team and links up with the platoon leader, ready to assume control of the base-of-fire element.
10.The squad/section leader determines whether or not his unit must move out of the engagement area.
11.The squad/section leader determines whether or not his unit can gain and maintain suppressive fires with the element already in contact (based on the volume and accuracy of enemy fires against the element in contact).
12.The squad/section leader makes an assessment of the situation. He identifies--
a.The location of the enemy position and obstacles.
b.The size of the enemy force engaging the unit in contact. (The number of enemy automatic weapons, the presence of any vehicles, and the employment of indirect fires are indicators of enemy strength.)
c.Vulnerable flanks.
d.Covered and concealed flanking routes to the enemy positions.
13.The squad/section leader determines the next course of action (for example, fire and movement, assault, breach, knock out bunker, enter and clear a building or trench).
14.The squad/section leader reports the situation to the company commander/platoon leader and begins to maneuver the unit.
15.The platoon leader calls for and adjusts indirect fire (mortars or artillery). (Squad leaders relay request through the platoon leader.)
16.Leaders relay all commands and signals from the platoon chain of command.
17.The platoon sergeant positions the BFVs to observe and to provide supporting fires.
NOTE: Once the platoon has executed the React to Contact Drill, the platoon leader makes a quick assessment of the situation (for example, enemy size, location). He decides on a course of action. The platoon leader reports the situation to the company commander.


COACHING POINT: There are no coaching points for this drill.

RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.

PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.

React to Contact (Mounted)


CONDITIONS: Squad makes contact with a hostile element.

STANDARDS: The squad opens fire immediately, targeting the hostile elements with well-aimed fire. The squad leader identifies the enemy position and types of weapons used and calls for fire or destroys the element (if capable).


a. Resources.

(1) Personnel and table(s) of organization and equipment (TOE) organizational equipment assigned to the squad.

(2) Maps with overlays.

b. Training Site. Ensure that the training site offers cover and concealment and the proper terrain for maneuvering.


a. Orientation. The mission objective is to perform the proper procedures when reacting to hostile contact. The mission objective is met when the squad locates and engages a known or suspected hostile position and delivers well-aimed fire.

b. Safety. The squad must properly identify the hostile element and their position before firing weapons. After the mission is complete, all weapons must be cleared and placed on safe. Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting vehicles. Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle. The ammunition should not be fired directly at anyone within 10 meters of the firing position. If available, utilize the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) equipment to simulate contact.

c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully completed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed.

d. Explanation.

(1) Tell the squad everything that is required when reacting to hostile contact.

(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of the squad members. Remind personnel to observe all safety measures when engaging the hostile element.

WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that personnel may have to perform during the drill. Have the teams switch positions to practice the procedures for each position.


1. The squad immediately moves all vehicles to the nearest covered or concealed position (if moving).
2. The squad engages the hostile element with all available weapons.
3. The squad leader determines if there is sufficient combat power to suppress, bypass, or destroy the hostile elements. NOTE: If the squad does not have sufficient combat power, the squad leader should call for and adjust fire (mortars and artillery) or request close air support (CAS) (if available) prior to breaking contact using the Light-Vehicle, Obstruction-Screening System (LVOSS). The squad leader may designate a new rally point.
4. If the squad leader has sufficient combat power to destroy the hostile element and fires and CAS are unavailable
a. The squad leader designates teams. The support team lays suppressive fire while the assault teams sweep across the objective and destroy the hostile elements.
b. The teams maintain radio contact or have visual signals for shift and lift fires.
c. The support team uses antitank weapons to destroy bunkers and built-up positions.
d. Teams A and B bound across the objective, destroying the enemy.
e. Teams A and B clear all bunkers and built-up positions on the objective.
5. The squad leader reports hostile contact and provides a situation report (SITREP) to higher headquarters (HQ) using the size, activity, location, unit, time, and equipment (SALUTE) report format.
6. The squad leader reconsolidates personnel and requests additional personnel and weapons from HQ (if required).


COACHING POINT: There are no coaching points for this drill.

RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.

PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.

React to a Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED)


Condition: During military operations you encounter a “Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED)”.

Standard: Properly establish initial exclusion area, security, and report “Possible Improvised Explosive Device (IED)” to Higher HQ with 100% accuracy


1. Establish minimum initial exclusion area of 300 meters around possible IED.
a. Establish evacuation distance
Threat Description / Building Evacuation Distance / Outdoor Evacuation Distance
Pipe Bomb / 21 m / 259 m
Suicide Belt / 27 m / 330 m
Suicide Vest / 34 m / 415 m
Briefcase/Suitcase Bomb / 46 m / 564 m
Compact Sedan / 98 m / 457 m
Sedan / 122 m / 534 m
Passenger/Cargo Van / 195 m / 838 m
Small Moving Van/ Delivery Truck / 263 m / 1,143 m
Moving Van/Water Truck / 375 m / 1,982 m
Semi trailer / 475 m / 2,134 m
12 m / 48 m
Large LPG Tank / 21 m / 84 m
Commercial/Residential LPG Tank / 56 m / 224 m
Small LPG Truck / 89 m / 356 m
Semi tanker LPG / 152 m / 608 m
2. Establish security:
a. Search secure area for possible secondary explosive device(s)/hazards, while maintaining security.
b. Identify potential enemy force observation/vantage points.
c. Seek all available manmade or natural frontal and overhead cover.
d. Avoid establishing a “reaction” pattern.
3. Forward information to Higher HQ using standard 9-line UXO Report
Line 1: Date time group discovered: (Command policy will dictate Local or Zulu time).
Line 2: Reporting Activity (UIC / Unit designation). Location: mandatory 8 digit grid: (include: landmarks, reference points, or street addresses).
Line 3: Contact Method: Radio Freq / Call Sign or Telephone Number. (If using phone number, provide name).
Line 4: Type of Munition: (Dropped, Projected, Placed, or Thrown).
Line 5: NBC Contamination: Yes or No, known or suspected NBC Contamination. If yes, report type of agent if known / identified.
Line 6: Resources Threatened: (What resource is threatened - is it a critical asset?).
Line 7: Impact on Mission: (How the UXO is affecting the mission).
Line 8: Protective Measures Taken: (Unit emplaced protective measures).
Line 9: Recommended Priority: (Immediate, Indirect, Minor, or No Threat).
4. Continue mission IAW Higher HQ guidance.

RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.

PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.

React to Contact (RPG)

Modified From 7-4-9101 (React to Direct Fire/ATGM)

CONDITIONS: The squad is moving mounted and hears or sees missile or RPG

STANDARDS: The squad returns fire, breaks contact with the hostile element, and moves to the designated rally point


a. Orientation. The mission objective is to perform the proper procedures when reacting to missile contact. The mission objective is met when the squad avoids missile impact and locates and engages a known or suspected hostile position and delivers well-aimed fire.

b. Safety. The squad must properly identify the hostile element and their position before firing weapons. After the mission is complete, all weapons must be cleared and placed on safe. Ensure that safety procedures are prescribed for dismounting vehicles. Use blank ammunition to simulate a real battle. The ammunition should not be fired directly at anyone within 10 meters of the firing position. If available, utilize the Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES) equipment to simulate contact.

c. Demonstration (optional). If a nearby unit has successfully completed this drill, have that unit demonstrate it. During the demonstration, explain what is being done and why, using the performance measures as a guide. After the demonstration, summarize what was performed.

d. Explanation.

(1) Tell the squad everything that is required when reacting to missile contact.

(2) Explain the duties and responsibilities of the squad members. Remind personnel to observe all safety measures when engaging the hostile element.

WALK-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: Have the squad perform a walk-through exercise before performing the drill at full speed. Point out critical actions that personnel may have to perform during the drill. Have the teams switch positions to practice the procedures for each position.


1. Any squad member gives the warning; for example, "Missile, left front."
2. Vehicle commanders receiving or observing fire alert the other vehicle leaders.
3. If moving, drivers move to a covered position.
a. If the distance to cover is 50 meters or less, the driver moves in a straight line to a covered and concealed position.
b. If the distance to cover is greater than 50 meters, the driver takes evasive action while moving to a covered and concealed position.
(1) Varying speed, zigzagging, and changing direction frequently.
4. Smoke may be used to obscure movement.
5. When stationary (covered and or concealed), indirect fire can be used to suppress the suspected enemy position. OR When in range, small arms can be used for suppression.
6. TOWs, MK19s, or M2s can be used to locate and destroy the ATGM gunner's position.
7. The squad leader assesses the situation (effectiveness of enemy fire, location and size of enemy, obstacles, and terrain) and reports to higher headquarters.


RUN-THROUGH INSTRUCTIONS: The soldiers should practice this drill until they can perform it according to standard, without using the drill book. The initial run-through exercise should be conducted slowly. The soldiers should change positions in order to learn all steps and standards.

PERFORM: Evaluate the soldiers when they can perform this drill according to standard.

Avoid Ambush

Made it up

CONDITIONS: The squad/section is conducting mounted movement in a tactical environment.

STANDARDS: Squad/section avoids potential ambush locations such as wide open spaces, where high ground dominates, or where cover and concealment is available to the enemy. Drivers make use of speed whenever possible. When a danger area must be crossed, use the appropriate overwatch technique, dispersion, and speed.


1. Squad leader selects the best route by.
a. Making a map reconnaissance.
b. Making a ground reconnaissance.
c. Making an aerial reconnaissance.
2. Obtains current intelligence information prior to the movement.
3. Uses OPSEC to deny the enemy foreknowledge of the movement.
4. Does not presenting a profitable target.
5. Avoids movement at routine times or on predictable routes.
6. Drivers use speed whenever possible IAW ROE
7. Crosses danger areas using appropriate overwatch technique, dispersion, and speed

React to Ambush (Dismounted)


CONDITIONS: The squad/section is moving. The squad/section is in a prepared kill zone. The enemy initiates the ambush with a casualty-producing device and a high volume of fire.

STANDARDS: Soldiers in the kill zone in a near ambush immediately return fire, take up covered positions, and throw concussion or fragmentation and smoke grenades. Immediately after the grenades detonate, soldiers in the kill zone assault through the ambush using fire and movement. Soldiers not in the kill zone locate and place suppressive fire on the enemy, take up covered positions, and shift fire as the assault begins. Soldiers in the kill zone in a far ambush immediately return fire and take up covered positions. The leader identifies the enemy's location and soldiers place accurate suppressive fire on the enemy's position. Soldiers not in the kill zone begin fire and movement to destroy the enemy. The unit moves out of the kill zone, forces the enemy to withdraw, or destroys the ambush.