of the CHP Residents Voice Meeting
held on
Wednesday 13thMarch 2013
held at
Myriad House
Fiona Stirling (FS) Chair
Colin Rolfe (CR) Vice Chair
Sue Cornelious (SC), Asst Vice Chair
Benita Cook (BC)
Karima Ali (KA)
Simon Barrier (SB)
Maureen Wade (MW)
Ruth Jarvis (RJ)
Yvonne Randall (YR)
Ray Blanks (RB)
Mark Shaw (MS) / Guests
Andrew Ives (AI), Board Trustee
Alastair McKenzie (AM), Board Trustee
Kay Caldwell (KC), CHP
Mary Perrie (MP), Leaseholder
Ray Canham (RSC) CHP
Rosie Harris (RH) CHP Work Experience
Lesley Kitchen (LK) CHP
No apologies
The Chair opened the meeting at 6pm and welcomed the guests asking all attendees to introduce themselves to the meeting.
FS stated that although no formal communication had yet been received from Greg Hatt it had been confirmed that he had resigned from the CHP Residents Voice Committee.
1. / Minutes of Previous Meeting
The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 13th February 2013 were taken as a true and accurate record with the following amendments: Ray Blanks, Yvonne Randall and Garryck Noble were omitted from the present list but did attend this meeting.
2. / Matters arising
Board Trustees: This item would be discussed later in the agenda.
Lynne Foster: LF was delighted with the gift that was presented to her at the leaving party on Friday 1st March.
Office 365: All members have had the training but Yvonne Randall was still unable to use the system.
Sheltered Schemes: No update had been received but CR would chase this up. FS asked KC if Sandy James would be returning to work this week. KC confirmed that Sandy would be returning to work shortly but she had some holiday to take before year end. / CR
Loan Shark Stickers: SC would be providing an update later in the agenda. FS stated that the stickers were being redesigned by Jade Parker and that costs were going to be provided by KC to enable CHP Residents Voice to pay for this initiative.
Leonard Gray: The draft Constitution was now complete. FS asked MW to obtain an invoice from Leonard Gray to enable payment to be made as soon as possible.
Swan Housing Handyman Service: KA asked if this service would be made available to Leaseholders. RSC stated that this service was not going to be taken up by CHP.
Selection Process: Once this procedure had been validated at the EGM a loose flyer would be inserted in Your Home. Further work was required on this leaflet. / MW
3. / Any other business
Haringey Homes: CR stated that he requested an invoice from this company but this was still being awaited. CR would chase as this needed to be put through finance as soon as possible.
Flaternity: CR had created a Facebook page for Flaternity and explained to guests what Flaternity did. YR asked if this group obtained funding. CR confirmed that they did obtain funding and explained the various activities the group were involved in.
CHP Residents Voice membership: FS confirmed that all residents were members ofthe Residents’ Voice now. There would no longer be closed meetings at area level and any resident would be allowed to sit in on CHP Residents Voice Committee meetings as an observer with prior arrangement with the Chair.
Data Protection Training: Officers had signed up all members to complete this compulsory training. RSC stated that all CHP staff had completed the training and had achieved 100%. FS stated that all members would be expected to complete this course and this could be carried out in the IT training room at Myriad House or arrangements could be made for this to take place at the Hub, or on people’s home computers.
Dog Napping: SC stated that there had been a series of incidents resulting in owners losing their pets. Dogs were allegedly being stolen to order and were being used for inhumane practices. CR stated that this subject should be publicised as it was becoming quite a problem at present in local areas. AM asked how long this had been going on as he was not aware of this. CR confirmed that it has been happening for quite some time and that everyone should be made aware. / CR
4. / Community Engagement update – Ray Canham
RSC confirmed that the following information would also be put on the CHP Residents Voice server.
The community engagement team consist of:
Resident Involvement:
Ray Canham – Manager – lead CHP RV
Jenna Oram – Co-ordinator – lead outside Chelmsford – micro-grants – younger people
Mark Rodger – Volunteer Co-ordinator – lead volunteers
Parkside Hub:
Debbie Wilson – Manager – lead – education
Carrie Sawkins – co-ordinator – lead – work experience
Lesley Kitchen – Administrator – lead – customer services (& education?) / RSC
Work experience:
•2 x 6 month paid work experience in Housing and Community Engagement
•8 x shorter placements (usual 8 weeks) in finance, ICT and the hub
•Excellent feedback

The number attending the financial capability training session did not meet the target of 4 and achievement was only 1. FS stated that this sort of training was never successful as people were not really interested. This area needed to be signposted in a different way to encourage participation.
The following figures do not include involved residents.

Have Your Say:
•4 Have Your Says have been held in Braintree, Colchester, Little Dunmow and Clacton and 20 residents attended. A total of 48 issues were raised and all were answered or resolved within 5 working days.
•Residents who have attended have been delighted to be able to talk to CHP staff face-to-face, particularly when they have no means of transport or it is an unreasonable distance to travel to Chelmsford.
9 People have applied for a micro grant and 6 people have been invited for an interview to discuss their application further. Applicants have been residents or have applied on behalf of local community groups that benefit existing or potential CHP residents.
•The Great Estate in Clacton. A sports project run by residents for young residents
•Out of the Cloud in Great Baddow. A community group providing activities for local people with mental health problems
•Tuition fees so a resident could access further education opportunities
•Nursery fees so a young resident’s child could attend a local nursery once a week and she could gain valuable work experience
•A total of £1416 has been awarded to 4 applicants.
•Over the past year there has been an increase in applicants per quarter; the first and second deadline there were two applications submitted and by the third deadline this had increased to 4 applications
Social Media:
•Facebook has seen a steady increase in ‘likes’ since it was launched in April 2012. The current total is 159, of which 67 are from outside Chelmsford and 17 have an unknown location. Out of the 159 engaged users 43.6% are aged 25-35 years and 15.5% are 18-24 years
•There have been 23 maintenance and repairs posts from residents of which 100% were responded to within 2 working days.
Other projects:
•Resident involvement policy & strategy reviewed
•Community Engagement Team embedded
•CHP RV support including new ICT system, changes to areas and away day
•Working with DAG
•Training and support to CHP team
FS asked RSC to inform members regarding his current position at CHP. RSC stated that he would still be carrying out his current role but it would be diluted. Covering Victor Norton’s maternity leave would not be a concern as he had a good team and they were doing a good job. RSC would be taking responsibility for a number of projects in Victoria’s absence such as the Corporate plan, Annual report and self-assessment process.
KC stated that RSC showed a great deal of humility and EMT had the confidence in him to carry out both roles.
There has been some really good feedback from residents:

5. / CHP Governance update – Kay Caldwell
CHP has a new Chair and this position is up for election this year. The purpose of KC attending the meeting was to discuss this in a little more detail.
Ursula Heelis is the current Chair and her tenure will expire at the end of the year. UH was fully aware of the company’s rules at the time of taking up this position. Usually the process would involve an election by CHP residents. CHP has not had an election for the last two years and although this has not had a negative impact on the Board or the quality of resident Board Trustees the question is should UH be re-elected or have her term of tenure extended.
It is the responsibility of the Board to elect the Chair annually. FS stated that a lot of publicity had gone out about UH. KC suggested if there was a strong feeling that UH should have her tenure extended this should be considered by Company Members at an EGM. It would be advisable to consult the wider resident body on the proposal too.
MW commented that it would not be practical to have a Chair for just one year. UH should be given a chance to serve a full 3 years. CR stated in terms of continuity UH should have a chance to carry out the role. A year is not enough time to prove this and a three year term is preferred.
A discussion took place on the pro’s and con’s of the various options available and FS asked what the Board Trustees felt.
AI stated that the Board understands the need for continuity. One thing that is concerning is that this could be seen as perpetuating an ‘old boys’ club. This is not the case and all that is wanted is strong Governance. First of all this Committee should have confidence in the Board through its past track record as they are not scared to make these decisions. There is a Board meeting in July. An EGM could be organised. FS asked how this would be seen as an ‘old boys’ club as this had been done before. IA stated that yes this had been done before so that is why the Board does not really want it done again. The point is, please have confidence in the Board your views will be taken seriously.
KC stated that company members need to obtain 5% of members to trigger an EGM to come up with a resolution. Company Members need to write to Stuart Stackhouse to request an EGM.
FS asked for a motion for the committee’s views on UH to stay on as a board trustee. KC stated that RV members can put forward their views but it is the company members that have the power to trigger an EGM. This Committee do not have the power to do this. FS stated that people felt that UH should stay on. CR suggested that members asked the Board Trustees to take this back to Board level that this Committee would prefer a three year tenure for Ursula Heelis.
A vote was taken by CHP Residents Voice for the Board to take their views forward:
FOR: 6
KC reiterated that a letter needed to be sent to Stuart Stackhouse by Company Members requesting an EGM as soon as possible.
AI stated that he understood that the need for continuity but as a Board we cannot do anything until company members trigger an EGM. KC stated that a conversation should take place with Stuart Stackhouse to find a window for this to happen.
A discussion took place on when an EGM could take place and the possibility of the CHP AGM being moved.
6. / Health & Safety (Flooring issues) – Karima Ali
A leaseholders meeting was held on the 25th February. During this meeting it was brought to CHP’s attention that some of the workmanship in relation to flooring in some of the communal areas was poor. It was considered that it might be a Health and Safety hazard as this flooring had been laid incorrectly. Leaseholders were advised that Martyn Wild would go to the various sites and carry out inspections. KC stated that it was important to gather the results of the inspections before deciding further action. Melodie Hampson was contacted and it is expected that she will feedback at the May 2013 leaseholders meeting.
FS commented that if any members had concerns please report them to CHP as soon as possible. SC commented that she had made a report to CHP and this had been rectified.
7. / EGM – Fiona Stirling
The EGM would take place on Wednesday 20th March at the Chelmsford City Football Club. All attendees should have received an agenda and a draft copy of the Constitution. The Complaints Policy will be made available at the meeting. FS commented that Ursula Heelis, CR and FS would now be doing this presentation.
FS asked KA to be stationed at the door to identify any leaseholders.
SC commented that CCFC had been provided with the current numbers. The total had reached 82. LK and RH would be contacting all residents who had requested a taxi on Friday to confirm an estimated time. / KA
8. / Fixed Term Tenancies – Kay Caldwell
Fixed term tenancies are due to come in to effect in April. This item was sent to the last Housing & Services Committee. Government made changes in this area and initially there was a degree of caution about how landlords would report.
CHP decided to use a NHF draft tenancy. Thanks to Board Trustees and involved residents it was subsequently decided to adapt an existing CHP tenancy rather than adopt the NHF draft. CHP took as many clauses from the assured tenancy and transferred them into the fixed term tenancy. The document went to the Housing and Services Committee last week. CHP felt that was the best approach as residents are familiar with this tenancy so are CHP staff. However, there have been a few queries in relation to the updated wording of the document and these are being resolved. It is expected that to begin with there will be a starter tenancy and after 1 year this will convert to a 5 year tenancy. The starter tenancy can be extended if there are problems for up to 6 months.
FS stated that Marion Jordan had been along to meetings regarding wood burners etc. and that CHP would not give permission for residents to install these and this should be put in to the tenancy.
A discussion took place on tenancies and how resident could be affected.
KC stated there is currently a campaign on bedroom size. CHP has received a number of requests from tenants regarding 3 bedroom houses with box rooms and are they going to be affected by the bedroom tax. CHP has contacted over 600 tenants who may be affected to give advice on housing options available to them. FS stated that it is expected to be raised at the EGM and members should be prepared for questions. / ALL
9. / Myriad House visitors – Fiona Stirling
Concern had been raised at the officers meeting about the increased amount of residents visiting Myriad House and their business including the handing over of cash being dealt with in the Foyer. FS has asked CHP to provide a private area for residents when they visit Myriad House as a lot of private and confidential business is being discussed in the foyer area where other people including non CHP staff could be listening. FS has given permission for the residents’ resource room to be used for this purpose. KC will feedback to EMT. / KC
10. / Loan Shark update – Sue Cornelious
This initiative has progressed considerably since the last update. Martin Hammond has arranged a Loan Shark Awareness day which will take place in May. FS has written an article for April’s Your Home.
Mathew Thubron is coming to Chelmsford to give training to staff that need it. SC will be attending the training on 9th April. CHP Residents Voice has purchased stickers for CHP vans and they do not stand out. Permission has been given to change them. Jade Parker has been asked to redesign the stickers. CHP are also putting an article together to go into your home and are going to make visits to discuss the problem. CHP have realised with welfare reform will cause hardship and people will turn to this type of arrangement.
KA commented that she will include this subject on the next leaseholders letter.
KC left the meeting at 7.25pm.
AI left the meeting at 7.32pm.
11. / CHP Resident Voice – the Future
Constitution: A number of questions were asked by members.
•Entire document should read Chair not Chairman
•Page 2, 5.1 should read 4 times a year and 10 members
•Page 3, 5.4 should read their term in office then they may, at their discretion
•Page 3, 7 should read if they
•Page 3, 7.1 should read their affairs
•Page 4, 7.3 should read absent from 3 consecutive meetings
•Page 4, 8.4 should read less than 6
•Page 4, 9.1 should read 60%
A vote took place on whether members should be able to miss 2 or 3 meetings.
FOR 2 – 2 Members
FOR 3 – 8 Members
It was agreed this would be 3 meetings.
FS asked if members were happy for this to now be agreed at the EGM and signed. All agreed.
YR will be looking at the Code of Conduct. / YR
Complaints Policy will be handed out at the EGM.
The CHP Resident’s Voice leaflet needs to be completed and FS suggested that it comes back to the next meeting for discussion. RSC stated that CR had done an excellent job with the leaflet and will be transferred into the correct format. DAG will be asked for their feedback.
BC will not be at the next meeting and gave her apologies. / MW
There being no other business the meeting closed at 8:00pm. The date of the next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday 17th April 2013 at Myriad House.
Signed as a true and accurate record:

CHP Residents VoiceMinutes March 2013 FINAL