Applicable to: All Staff

1. Requirement

The statements in this policy are designed to ensure staff are aware of the acceptable use of ICT and their responsibilities to protect and secure computer equipment, accessories and school data.

2. Monitoring

Use of the computer systems provided by the School will be subject to monitoring for security and/or network management reasons. Monitored systems include, but are not limited to, Internet/Intranet, e-mail and Office applications. In the case of mobile equipment (e.g. laptop computers), system monitoring does not cease when the equipment is removed from the boundaries of the School network. Users may also be subject to limitations on their use of such resources.

3. The School Image

School ICT facilities shall not be used in any way that could be damaging to Baston CE Primary School’s public image, or for purposes not in the interest of the School, or is abusive, offensive, defamatory, obscene or indecent or of such a nature as to bring the School or its staff and pupils into disrepute.

4. Internet & E-mail

Use of the Internet by staff is permitted and encouraged where such use is suitable for educational purposes and supports the goals and objectives of the School. The Internet is to be used in a manner that is consistent with the School’s ethos and code of conduct and as part of normal execution of a staff member’s job responsibilities.

The distribution of any information through the Internet, computer-based services, email and messaging systems is subject to the scrutiny of the School’s senior management. This will involve the monitoring and reading of e-mails. The School reserves the right to determine the suitability of this information.

5. Computer Equipment

The acquisition and utilisation of computer equipment requires the approval of the Systems Manager in order to ensure compatibility of equipment and compliance with the ICT strategy endorsed by the Governing Body of Baston’s CE Primary School.

All computer equipment shall be kept in a secure location.

Users must notify ICT Support before moving desktops and printers to new locations so that current Health and Safety requirements and network compatibility is met.

No personal computer hardware is to be connected to the School’s network without prior permission of the Headteacher.

It is the responsibility of the user of portable equipment to ensure its security at all times. This requires the user of portable equipment to ensure:

It is locked away and out of sight when not in use.

It is secured whilst in use and left unattended temporarily (e.g. laptop security cable or similar).

That equipment is not planned to be left unattended in a vehicle. If a user does have to leave the equipment unattended, it must be securely locked away in the boot of their car.

Equipment must never be left visible in a vehicle, even when the vehicle is occupied.

Users are responsible for all portable equipment and accessories issued to them and are required to look after, transport and store the equipment effectively in order to prevent damage to the equipment and accessories.

Users are only permitted to use the portable equipment of the School that is issued to and signed for by them, and thereby authorised for their professional use.

Persons leaving the employment of the School must return all portable computer equipment and accessories in the last full week of their last working term. This does not include the holidays.

Users are required to be careful in their use of IT equipment, taking all reasonable steps to avoid damage to, or loss of, IT equipment and data. Levels of damage/loss will be monitored and reported to the Headteacher.

The disposal of computer equipment requires the approval of the Headteacher in order to ensure asset replacement and disposal procedure compliance.

6. Computer System Security Access

Access levels to the computer systems, user identifications and password systems, will be set and managed by the Systems Manager in consultation with the Headteacher.

Users must never disclose their user identities or passwords to any other person. They should ensure that their passwords are changed regularly and must not write down passwords under any circumstances (e.g. in diaries, post-it notes).

Users must ensure that they log out of the system after use and do not leave the computer unattended whilst it is still logged into the system. The computer can be left unattended and logged on for short periods of time, but in those circumstances the computer must be locked using the ‘Lock Workstation’ facility of Windows XP.

Users must not give individuals from outside the School access to the School’s computer systems. This includes, but is not limited to, allowing family members or friends access to School computer equipment.

7. Computer System Security and Usage

Users will not download software programmes for use on the network without authorisation from the Headteacher. Documents and files downloaded must be for business use only.

Any alteration to the data of other staff without their explicit authorisation is prohibited.

Users must not log onto the network to facilitate colleagues/others using the network.

Attempting to hack into the network or enabling the malicious introduction of viruses, Trojans etc contravenes the Computer Misuse Act 1990.

Data stored on the local hard disk (e.g. C:\ drive) of portable equipment cannot be backed up from the network and it is therefore the responsibility of the individual to make regular backups.

Any large or sustained transfers of data likely to interfere with the normal operation of the network are to be notified by users to ICT Support in advance of the transfer.

Deliberate unauthorised access to, copying, alteration, or interference with School computer applications or data is not allowed.

All computer applications and data developed for the School are for the sole use of the School except by permission of the Headteacher.

Sensitive data should not normally be loaded onto removable media. Where this is unavoidable, the data should be removed from the removable media as soon as possible.

8. Potential To Cause Offence

School ICT facilities shall not be used for any activity that will cause offence to Baston CE Primary School staff, students, suppliers, partners or visitors.

9. Personal Use

School ICT facilities are there to support our School. The Headteacher may choose to permit limited personal use as long as this does not conflict or interfere with normal School activities.

Any such personal use must comply with all the requirements and terms of this policy.

Personal use will only be authorised for the user, it shall not be extended to any other person. This includes, but is not restricted to, family members or friends.

The use of social networking web-sites such as Facebook, or any site blocked by the School’s Network is prohibited; this applies at all times. (Please see Annex A)

No member of staff will make contact with pupils through a social networking site at any time or by mobile phone at any time; this includes during and after working hours.


It is the responsibility of the Headteacher to ensure adequate back-up procedures are in place at all times. Back up must be carried out on at least a daily basis.

All staff are required to report violations of the security procedures established within this security policy direct to the Headteacher who will work to resolve/address the problem.

The requirements contained in this policy statement are of a general nature covering all computers. Additionally there may be requirements designed for specific equipment and sites.

Rooms where computers are installed and stored must be adequately protected. Staff must ensure these rooms are locked when not supervised.

Keys for secure areas (rooms, safes, etc) must not be handed to unauthorised individuals.

Waste computer printed output must be disposed of with due regard to its sensitivity. Confidential output must be shredded and, if necessary, guidance should be sought from the Senior Administrator or through the Governing Body Data Protection and Data Confidentiality policy.

The use of ICT shall not disrupt the intended use of system or network resources and shall be appropriate for the task. Users shall avoid excessive, unnecessary consumption of computing resources for either personal or business use.

Home PCs used for work purposes must be managed effectively if they are used to transmit or store material connected to professional business. Confidential data, including any personal data on students, must not be stored on home PCs. General School data should be stored on the home PC for only as long as is absolutely necessary.

The use of computing resources is subject to UK law and any illegal use will be dealt with appropriately.

11. Disciplinary Action

Any member of staff in breach of this security policy may find themselves liable to disciplinary action. Disciplinary action will be automatically taken for unauthorised disclosure of School data or malicious damage.

12. Compensation

The School may seek to recover costs from a member of staff who is in breach of this security policy in relation to the replacement of equipment or time spent re-securing the network.

Adopted by the Governing Body at the meeting of the FGB 14th July 2010.

Agreed: July 2010 Next review date: July 2011

…………………………………………………… Headteacher

Annex A



As schools become aware of the growing use of social networking sites (such as Facebook), we have had several requests for guidance on staff use. In general, the published guidance for safe use of social networking sites relates to young people and, whilst most of this also holds true for adults, there are some additional points that should be considered by adults working with young people.
As a teacher, you are entitled to a social life just like anyone else but it should be noted that, within your school community, you will always be a teacher linked to the school.

Staff should always remember that information published to their site may be read by the Head, other staff, parents or pupils.

To prevent any misunderstanding the following guidance is offered:

·  Separate personal from professional
Decide from the start how you will use your account and the sort of information it will contain.

·  Protect your information
Make sure you understand the privacy settings and can restrict access to information you consider personal.

·  Think about your profile picture
Facebook will display your profile picture even when your information is set to private. It will also show some of your friends profile pictures.

·  Think about what you are publishing
Although you may have set strict privacy controls, the information could still be shared by one of your 'friends'. It is sensible to remember that, once published, the information is no longer private.

·  Protect your image
Many sites now encourage you to name (tag) people that appear in uploaded photographs. These tags can be indexed and the original photographs displayed in search results. Even though you don't post pictures you may find that your friends do.

·  Be professional
Do not discuss your school, colleagues, parents or pupils

·  Watch who comments
Although you might be careful with what you are posting, it is possible that you may receive inappropriate comments, pictures or videos from your contacts

·  Talk to your friends and contacts
Friends should understand the need to keep your information private and not post inappropriate or potentially embarrassing comments, pictures or video on an open site. The types of posts or comments that are acceptable should be made clear. Parents and pupils should be made to understand why you may not add them as friends as this may compromise your position.

·  Pupils are not online friends
It would be considered inappropriate to add pupils as friends on a personal site, the same applies to parents.

·  Photographs

Have permission to share and make sure you are aware of those who do not wish to have their photo shared online. No photographs of pupils must ever be posted online at anytime. This would be a serious breach of safeguarding.

·  Mobile Phones

Mobile phones should not be used or accessed whilst teaching. The only exception to this is when you are on a school trip when it is important for mobile phones to be accessible for potential emergency procedures.

Additionally it is advised that if you have Bluetooth on your phone, that you check this is closed as you may be in danger of receiving information you do not want or expect.

If in doubt, ask.