2016 Unit Two: Lesson Four Chapter 15 North Africa---The Arab Spring
Dates: Thursday, October 6 and Friday, October 7, 2016
Essential Questions:
- What are the common characteristics and struggles of Less Developed Countries (LDC)?
- What are the main geographic regions and characteristics of the world?
- How does religion influence the development of culture and society?
- How do religions address the universal questions of man?
- Why and how did Europeans engage in Imperialism throughout the world and what were the effects?
- What roles do NGOs and the United Nations play in the contemporary world?
- How do political and economic systems affect the development of countries?
- How do political, economic, social, and ethnic differences lead to conflict?
- How do the interactions between countries contribute to conflict and resolution?
Guiding Questions:
- What are the main geographic characteristics and issues of the region?
- What impact have the main geographic characteristics had on the development of the region?
- How are religions and philosophies interrelated?
- What are the defining characteristics and impact of the major religions and philosophies of the world?
- How has religion been a contributing factor to conflict in the region?
- What were the motivations behind Imperialism different from region to region?
- How did Imperialism manifest itself differently from region to region?
- What were the effects of Imperialism on both Europe and the region?
- It what ways do NGOs and United Nations address the needs of the people not addressed by governments?
- How does the United Nations act as a global peacemaker?
- How do capitalism and democratic institutions affect the development of a country?
- What are the current issues facing the region?
- What are the historical conflicts in the region?
Day One: Thursday, October 6, 2016
- Class: The students will open up their textbooks toUnit Five Global Connections: North Africa, Southwest Asia, and Central Asia---The Arab Spring on pages 378-379. The students will do the following:
- As the teacher reads aloud the introduction paragraph, the students will take notes in the Causes and Effects Graphic Organizer.
- Then in Pairs, the students will look at the different countries that had experienced the Arab Spring, and add EXAMPLES to the Causes and Effects Graphic Organizer.
- Then the Class will share out their notes to make sure everyone has complete ones.
- Class: The teacher will begin the Arab Spring PowerPoint Lecture, and the students are to take notes in the provided Arab Spring Graphic Organizer.
- Homework: The students need to review their First Middle East Unit Test Take Home Question to make sure all the information is complete, accurate, and fully developed with specific religious and historical information for each religion.
Day Two: Friday, October 7, 2016
- Class: The teacher will finish the Arab Spring PowerPoint Lecture, and the students should finish adding to their Arab Spring Graphic Organizer Notes.
- Class: The class will watch the recent YouTube Documentary entitled “Spring Forever: The Tragedy and the Causes of the Arab Spring”. As the class watches the documentary, the students should be ADDING to their Arab Spring PowerPoint Lecture Notes in the YouTube Column.
YouTube Documentary:
“Spring Forever: The Tragedy and The Causes of The Arab Spring”
- RT Documentary
- Published on Jun 15, 2016
- Running Time of 25:59 Minutes
- More films about the Arab Spring:
Revolution, riots and bloodshed are spreading throughout the Arab world. The area has become a hotbed of uprising. The causes and the consequences of the Arab Spring explained in this documentary. A young man sets fire to himself on the streets of Tunisia. This spark threatens to set the whole of the Middle East ablaze. The region has become a tinder box for revolution. Blood is shed, regimes are toppled, but does anything really change? The uprisings, the tragedy and the causes of the Arab Spring in a thought-provoking new documentary on RTDoc.
- Homework: Now after examining the causes, main events, and effects of the Arab Spring, the students are to go to ONE of the following websites that chronicle the events of the Arab Spring. The students are to:
- Decide which EIGHT EVENTS over the last five years of the Arab Spring the students feel are MOST IMPORTANT to understanding the significance of the Arab Spring to the Middle East and to the world:
- The students should have the START date for the Arab Spring for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria (4 Events)
- The students should list ONE other important event for Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, and Syria that captures the struggle of the protests---examples of governments being overthrown, government violence in response to protest, international intervention, etc…
- The students are to record these events on the provided Timeline Graphic Organizer.
- The format is:
- Date
- Place
- Event Description
- Why Chosen As One Of The Most Important?
A)“Arab Spring 5 Years On: Timeline of the Major Events and Uprisings in the Middle East”
- By Lydia Smith
- January 23, 2016 08:00 GMT
- International Business Times
B)“The 'Arab Spring': Five Years On”
a.By Amnesty International
C)“Daily Chart: The Arab Spring, Five Years On”
a.Jan 11th 2016, 16:31
c.The Economist
D)“From Arab Spring to 2016 Truce: RT’s Timeline of 5-Year Syrian War “
a.Published time: 15 Mar, 2016 18:01Edited time: 15 Mar, 2016 18:44
b.RT News