Portola Highly Gifted Magnet

18720 Linnet Street

Tarzana, California 91356

September 2011

Dear Parents:

I welcome your child to my Science/Health class. Our endeavors in the classroom are going to be exciting and cooperative.

A brief outline of the educative process is given in the accompanying handouts* for your information. I hope you will go through them and lend a helping hand to make the program a great success.

I want your child to be stimulated, enjoy science, and grow intellectually. If you child has difficulty in my class, or you have any questions, please feel free to call me or setup a conference through our Magnet Coordinator. She can be reached at 818-654-3355.

If your expertise is in the area of Health/ Biology, I invite you to be a resource person in our classes. Please let me know what you can contribute.

I am looking forward to a successful year.

Very truly yours,

Darshana Shah

Mrs. D. Shah

*Attached handouts

1.  Course descriptions and objectives

2.  Standard requirements and methods of grading

3.  Human reproduction letter

Portola Highly Gifted

18720 Linnet Street

Tarzana, California 91356

Teacher: Mrs. Darshana Shah

Biology/Health is a one-year course that provides the students with opportunities in scientific thinking, communication and investigations.

Health emphasizes the development of basic concepts, values and skills needed for effective decision-making in matters of personal, family and community health. Language arts will be integrated into the curriculum. The students will also make connections between the disciplines of biology, earth sciences, and physics.

This course will be standards-based. State content standards describe in specific and comprehensive terms what students need to know and be able to do. There are content standards for each grade level and subject.

The following topics and activities are included to address the state standards for the 7th grade curriculum.

1.  Biological skills and techniques – Review of the scientific method, metric measurements and microscopes. Students will conduct individual research in an area of personal interest. (Science fair project)

2.  Cell structure, function and cell processes. (Construct 3-D scale model of a cell organelle, reflect their research in a poem.)

3.  Genetics and genetic engineering. (Extraction of DNA, DNA jewelry model, and two week hands on lab activity using molecular biology techniques and research tools.)

4.  Anatomy and physiology of animals illustrates the complementary nature of structure and function, their place in the ecosystem and their importance to us. (Group research project only if time permits)

5.  Human biology – Human reproduction. (Lab activity – observation of fertilization of sea urchin eggs)

6.  The effects of drug and tobacco use.

7.  Evolution – labs simulating radioactive decay and natural selection)

8.  Current issues – (reading, and discussing current biology/health related issues)

Textbooks: Biology (Prentice Hall), Life Science (Holt), Life Science (Prentice Hall).

**Each student will be issued this textbook to keep at home. Please encourage your child to take good care of his/her book by covering it.


The following are the 7th grade California standards:

1.  All living organisms are composed of cells, from just one to many trillions, whose details usually are visible only through a microscope.

2.  A typical cell of any organism contains genetic instructions that specify its traits. Those traits may be modified by environmental influences.

3.  Biological evolution accounts for the diversity of species developed through gradual processes over many generations.

4.  Evidence from rocks allows us to understand the evolution of life on Earth.

5.  The anatomy and physiology of plants and animals illustrate the complementary nature of structure and function.

6.  Physical principles underlie biological structures and functions.

7.  Scientific progress is made by asking meaningful questions and conducting careful investigations. As a basis for understanding this concept and addressing the content in the other three strands, students should develop their own questions and perform investigations.

Log onto http://www.cde.ca.gov/standards/science/grade7.html for all the standards.

The 7th grade curriculum is mapped into two instructional components. At the conclusion of each instructional component students will take a periodic assessment. These diagnostic assessments are designed to measure teaching and learning. The dates for the assessment will be announced when the information will be available.




Letter grade will depend on the accumulated points made on tests, experiments, homework, and projects.

Scale of grading:

90-100% = A 70-79% = C

80-89% = B 60-69% = D

Below 60% = FAIL


Work habits grade are based on homework, proper material and performance in the laboratory.

All homework must be turned in on the date it is due. Students will be given a ‘zero slip’ for each homework that is not turned in. The students are expected to get their parent/guardian’s signature on the “zero slip” and return it with the missing homework within two days. Late homework will only count for a work habits grade.

Missing a major project, or three or more homework assignments that are not turned in, will earn a U in the work habits grade on the report card. Homework that is missed during an excused absence must be made up in a week.

Students will be given a safety contract and they need to follow the instructions to ensure the safety of everyone in the laboratory. Failure to follow the rules will result in a U in the work habits grade.

Lab reports are due the day after they are assigned.

If you are absent on the last turn-in date, you must have the project delivered to the Main Office by 4:00p.m. ,or the grade will be lowered by one grade for each day the project is late.


This grade is based on proper classroom behavior. Unnecessary talking, chewing gum, and other such disturbances will not be acceptable. Students will be given appropriate consequences for above behaviors.

Students should be in their seats when the bell rings or they will be marked tardy for the day. Three or more tardies will result in a U in cooperation grade.

Please sign and return the tear-off sheet acknowledging your receipt of these handouts.


Portola Highly Gifted

18720 Linnet Street

Tarzana, CA 91356

Dear Parent or Guardian:

Your son/daughter is enrolled in a course in health at our school. This course may include one or more class sessions in which the human reproductive organs may be described, illustrated, or discussed within the context of the study of human growth maturation and reproduction. Also, one or more class sessions may be on the causes, symptoms, complications, and treatment of venereal diseases within the study of diseases and disorder. This subject matter is optional and the signed consent of a parent or guardian will be required for students to receive the instruction.

The California Education Code requires the instructional materials, which are to be used in these classes, be made available for inspection by parents or guardians. In compliance with this requirement, a special display to provide parents or guardians with an opportunity to preview the materials will be available in room .156 on September ______

Please indicate on the tear-off below whether or not you with your son or daughter to receive the optional instruction referred to above. Should you prefer that your child not receive this instruction, other assignments will be scheduled for him/her during the period concerned.

Darshana Shah