Basic Overview of Homeoprophylaxis Program
This program is modeled after a program developed in Australia in 1986 by Dr Isaac Golden. The program has been subjected to a 15 year clinical trial, the results of which, including the safety and efficacy of Homeoprophylaxis, are published in Dr. Golden’s recent publication; Homeoprophylaxis- A Fifteen Year clinical Study. With his permission we have adapted his program to reflect the needs of families here in the US and internationally.
It is with eager dedication that we make this homeopathic program available to our clientele and local population for the safe prevention of infectious contagious diseases. In addition, we too wish to generate further statistical information that validates Homeoprophylaxis as a viable method of disease prevention. As your participation in this program is a part of a research project your attention to detail and compliance with the protocol is very important.
Accordingly, it is of our hope that your voluntary participation in utilizing this program for your children will serve to protect your children from infectious contagious disease. Furthermore, your participation and the data received from you will be applied towards the general momentum for establishing Homeoprophylaxis on a statewide or federal basis.
Supplied with the program are sufficient remedy doses for one or two children to complete 4 years of Homeoprophylaxis (HP) to the most commonly vaccinated diseases. Additional remedies in the Supplemental Program may be added to the Main Program if there are special circumstances or needs. (i.e., for foreign travel, special concerns, or disease outbreaks) Additional remedies for the Supplemental Program may be purchased separately according to the attached fee schedule. The nosodes selected for the Main Program are based on current disease prevalence and or risk factors. If the incidence of any of the diseases not included in the Main Program increases, it is possible to add the pertinent additional remedies.
The goal of HP is to introduce into the human system the energetic components of particular diseases in order to stimulate the immune system. Homeopathic Nosodes, such as the remedies included in the kit provided, are potentized preparations of the relative disease germ or discharges produced to that particular germ. Upon repetition of the particular remedy it is understood that some aspect of susceptibility to the particular disease has been fulfilled. Some research has demonstrated that after completion of programs like this blood titers have demonstrated antibody levels which indicate immunity. Blood titer draws are not a required aspect of this program. However, if you are so inclined to determine your child’s immunity they can be ordered under the care of your general practitioner. Please indicate on the questionnaire forms if you have had blood titres drawn and their results.
Parents may choose to be under the supervision of their own homeopath while on this program. Please notify your homeopath of your intentions to do so and have them sign your Status Sheet. Both Kate Birch and Cilla Whatcott, offer support and ongoing training for your local Homoeopathic practitioner for any questions you may have. Remember that not all Natural Therapists have been trained in the use of Homeoprophylaxis.Adverse reactions are rare,however if your child strongly reacts to any medicine, contact the homeopath overseeing your program before giving any more doses of that medicine.
REACTIONS TO REMEDIES IN THE KIT: Occasionally a child will react to a particular medicine in the Kit. These reactions are NOT toxic reactions, but represent a clearing effect. They are typically very mild and short lasting (such as a cough, a mild rash, or restlessness for 24 hours or less). Reactions are a good sign and usually indicate that there is some affinity of the child to the remedy given. If you believe your child has reacted to the first single dose, please contact the overseeing homeopath before giving the triple dose the following month so that we can evaluate the type of reaction that has occurred.
Four important points to consider are:
(1) The enclosed Program is designed for those parents who have made the decision not to vaccinate their children, but who would like to employ a safe alternative method of protection.
(2) No method of protection can be guaranteed 100% perfect. If your child is likely to be exposed to a definite source of infection to disease other than those listed in the Main Program then refer to the Supplementary Program for that particular illness as shown below.
(3) The Programs are flexible. If you start late, give the remedies in the order shown, one remedy every month, ignoring the gaps in the program, until you have caught up with the ages of administration on the Basic Program. If your child has already received some orthodox vaccines you can still use the program, although you may not need all the doses of the relevant remedies.Accordingly the nosode of the previously vaccinated against disease may in fact help to clear any negative results of the vaccination and/or increase the efficacy of the partial vaccine series.
(4) Some parents choose not to give the remedies for the normally mild diseases such as Measles, knowing that the disease itself provides the most certain protection against later infection. Or, if there are diseases that you feel have become obsolete or your child has outgrown the risk period of that particular disease the respective nosode may be dropped from the list. You may also change the order of remedies if you wish depending on circumstance or need, or, to add in other remedies (such as for Hepatitis B or Influenzinum, etc) anywhere in the program that you wish. Please be sure to note any changes in the Status Sheet.
Directions for Homeoprophylaxis Program (HP)
- The first month consists of a single dose (a dose consists of two pillules of the indicated remedy) of the named remedy.
- You only give ONE DOSE of two pillules PER MONTH. This does not mean a dose a day for one month.
- If the child does not experience an intense reaction to the first dose given then 2-4 weeks later a series of three repeated doses (also referenced as: triple dose) of the same remedy can be given within a 24 hour period. (Example: Give a dose of A1 in the morning, at night, and the next morning OR give a dose in the evening, the next morning, and later that evening).
- 2-4 weeks later, the next remedy is to be administered. Continue through the remedies as listed the subsequent weeks and months
- Within this program, the first dose is a single dose of the 200C, then 2-4 weeks later a triple dose of the 200C follows (200, 200, 200, as per Status Sheet). The 10M potencies are given in triple dose within a 24 hour period then repeated again in the triple dose with the next cycle of remedies (10M, 10M, 10M).
- During the first 16months the remedies are administered in a 200C potency while the third and fourth dosing of the same remedies over the subsequent 3 years are accomplished with the 10M
- The first dose of the remedy is given in a 200C potency to create a resonance with the child and initiate immune system reactivity. The triple dose is to ensure that the resonance with that particular nosode is engaged on a deeper level. The third and fourth doses in the 10M potency are utilized for longer and more complete fulfillment of the susceptibility and subsequent antibody production.
- The remedies are best given 30 minutes to 1 hour either side off eating, drinking (including water), brushing teeth, etc. (If it is less than 30 minutes the remedies may be antidoted.)
- Do not handle the pillules. Absolute cleanliness of utensils (e.g., spoon or glass) is essential. The utensils should be thoroughly washed in hot water and air dried.
- Tip the pillules onto the lid of the container and either directly pour into child’s mouth or pour onto a spoon and into your child’s mouth.
- If you feel that your child is too young to safely suck two pillules, dissolve the pillules in 1 oz. of room temperature water, stir vigorously, and give a teaspoon of the liquid as a dose. The pillules may also be crushed to a fine powder with a spoon on a plate. Touching some of this powder to the child’s tongue will be a sufficient dose.
- Status Sheets: After you have given your child a remedy; please complete the Status Sheet with the appropriate data including any reaction to the remedy.
- Illness Journal and Notes: If your child comes down with an illness (a cold, flu, etc.) please note the appropriate information on the Illness Journal and Notes.
- If your child is sick at the appointed time of the next dose, wait until three days after the sickness has resolved prior to administering the remedy.
- If your child remains sick for more than a week consult your supervising homeopath prior to giving HP remedies.
- HP remedies may be given along with constitutional care. Please list on the Illness Journal and Notes which prescription, non-prescription, or remedy is/are given and dates. Please also indicate which was most effective/curative. HP remedies may be suspended and resumed if constitutional needs out-weigh prophylaxis needs.
Storage and Use
- Remedies can be administered out of sequence if your child comes in contact with an outbreak or as different viruses arise (such as measles, mumps, whooping cough, chicken pox, etc.)
- If handled correctly the remedies can be expected to last for years. However, because the remedies are in a potentized or dynamic energy form, they can be rendered ineffective unless the following are observed:
- If some of your remedies are antidoted or reduced to null (e.g. spilt on the floor) these may be replaced by ordering more remedy as per the fee schedule
- Keep the remedies in a cool, dark place, away from extreme light, temperature changes and strong odors (e.g. perfumes and liniments), and strong electrical fields.
The Main Program Remedies Disease
A1 = Pertussin (200) A3 = Pertussin (10M)Whooping Cough
B1 = Pneumococcinum (200) B3= Pneumococcinum (10M)Pneumonia
C1 = Lathyrus Sativus (200) C3 = Lat. Sat. (10M) Polio
D1 = Haemophilus (200) D3 = Haemophilus (10M)Hib
E1 = Meningococcinum (200) E3 = Meningococcinum (10M)Meningitis
F1 = Tetanus Toxin (200) F3 = Tetanus Toxin (10M) Tetanus
H1=Parotidinum (200) H3= Parotidinum (10M)Mumps
I1= Morbillinum (200) I3= Morbillinum (10M)Measles
Additional Remedies in Supplemental Kit
G2= Diphtherinum (200, 10M) Diphtheria
J2 = Hepatitis A (200, 10M)Hepatitis A
K2= Hepatitis B (200, 10M)Hepatitis B
L2= Varicella (200, 10M)Chickenpox
M2= Influenzinum (M)Influenza
N2=Rubella ( 200, 10M) German measles
O2= Japanese Encephalistis ( 200, 10M)Japanese Encephalistis
Glossary of Terms
Antidote: When the action of the remedy is stopped short by some external means. In some individuals, certain substances have been known to interrupt the remedy action. Antidoting factors also are dependent upon much time has passed since the person took the remedy when exposed to an antidoting agent. Substances which have been known to antidote remedies are as follows: coffee, mint, strong smelling oils, tea tree oil, rosemary oil, camphor, eucalyptus. Remedies can also be antidoted if the person is exposed to electrical charges, such as electric blankets, dentist drilling, airplanes, radiation, or x-rays. Remedies can also be rendered ineffective prior to consumption if exposed to sunlight, radiation, strong smells, getting wet, dropping on the floor.
Dose: An amount of medication to be taken at one time.( i.e., 2-5 pellets of a single remedy) Repeating the remedy means repeating the dose. Single dose means give 2-3 pellets once. Split dose means to repeat the 3 pellets once shortly after, anywhere from 5 minutes to 24 hours. Extended dose is to repeat in successive intervals over several hours. Triple dose refers to repeating the remedy 3 times in 24 hours.
Homeoprophylaxis: Use of a homeopathic remedy for the purpose of preventing disease. Remedies are not chosen according to symptom similarity of the person but rather as to their direct relation with the disease in question. Homeoprophylaxis (HP) can be achieved with a nosode (see below) of the disease or a single remedy that is known to have a particular affinity for that disease. (i.e., Belladonna for scarlet fever, Lathyrus sativus for polio, Ledum for tetanus, etc.)
Homeopathy: Derived from the terms ‘Homeo’ which means similar and ‘Pathos’ which means pathology. Refers to the practice of medicine where an agent that can cause a set of symptoms has the ability to cure that same set of symptoms.
Nosode: A homeopathic attenuation of pathological organs and/or tissues, causative agents, or disease products from infected individuals such as discharges, excretions, and secretions.
Pillules: Refers to the actual round white pellets given to your child throughout the HP program.
Potency:The process of repeated dilution and succussion in the making of a homeopathic remedy.
Remedy: Any substance that has been Potentized according to The Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States (HPUS). A homeopathic remedy is a remedy that can produce symptoms similar to the symptoms a person is experiencing. A Remedy is only homeopathic if it is used according to homeopathic principles regardless of potency.
Remedy Action: Refers to the remedies action upon the body and the response of the body to the remedy. The greater the susceptibility the person has to the remedy, the greater its likelihood to cause a reaction. Therefore, the desired effect after taking a remedy is remedy action as the remedy is resonating with the body and stimulating it to respond. Remedies which do not have any affinity to an individual will not produce an action. In accordance with homeopathic principles, as remedies are employed to enhance the healing mechanism of the body, there are no side-effects of the medicine other that the overall beneficial effects. After consumption of a remedy there may be an aggravation of existing conditions, but know that if a remedy has the ability to produce a condition it has an equal and opposite ability to ameliorate that same condition.
Titer: An antibody titeris a measurement of how much antibody an organism has produced in relation to a particular antigen (pathogen). The ELISA Western blot test is a common means of determining antibody titers.
Books:The following books can be ordered from Minimum Price Homeopathic Books Orders: 800-663-8272, E-mail: .
- Vaccine Free Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Contagious Disease with HomeopathyA Manual for Practitioners and ConsumersKate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT $42.95
- The Solution ~ Homeoprophylaxis: The Vaccine Alternative A Parent’s Guide to Educating Your Child’s Immune System Kate Birch, RSHom(NA), CCH, CMT and Cilla Whatcott. HD (RHom),CCH $40.99
- Vaccination & Homoeoprophylaxis? - A Review of Risks and Alternatives(6th ed.) Dr. Isaac Golden, PhD, DHom, ND $44.00
- The Vaccine Guide:Risks and Benefits for Children and Adults
Randal Neustaedter, OMD, CA. $18.95
- Homoeoprophylaxis - A Fifteen Year Clinical Study
A Statistical Review of the Efficacy and Safety of Long-Term Homoeoprophylaxis
Dr. Isaac Golden PhD, DHom, ND$42.00 - HomoeoprophylaxisA Practical and Philosophical Review, 2nd edition
Dr. Isaac Golden, PhD, DHom, ND$16.95 - Vaccine Damaged Children
Dr. Isaac Golden, PhD, DHom, ND $33.00
- The North American Society of Homeopaths
PO Box 450039, Sunrise, FL 33345. 206-720-7000.
- The Council for Homeopathic Certification
PMB 187, 16915 SE 272nd Street, Suite #100, Covington, WA98042.
Homeopathic remedies:
- Present Moment Books and Herbs, 3546 Grand Ave. S, Minneapolis, MN55408. 612-824-3157.
- Washington Homeopathic Products,33 Fairfax St., Berkeley Springs, WV25411. 1-800-336-1695.
- LakeWinds Natural Foods, 435 Promenade Chanhassen, MN 55317
- Homeopathic Educational Services,
Additional resources:
- Homeopathy for Home:Acute Illness and Injury Care by Kim Lane, MD. A useful self care and family care book for easy use at home to encourage healing.
Order on line hardback $24.99, softbound $15.99 and ebook.
- The Vaccine Book by Robert Sears MD, best information of current vaccines, available on line at paperback $14.99
Homeopathic Remedies (North and East Metro area of Twin Cities):
- Fresh and Natural Food Store, 1075 West Highway 96, Shoreview, MN 55126, 651-203-3663, (other store in Hudson, WI)
- Grass Roots Coop, 1917 Second Avenue, Anoka, MN55303,763-427-4340,
- Sassafras Health Foods,2193-3rd Street, White Bear Lake, MN55110, 651-426-0101,
Homeopathic Prophylaxis Program for Infectious Disease Web
Updated July 2012