Rental Application for
(Property Address)
Instructions for Completing Application:
We appreciate your interest in the rental dwelling that we currently have available. Because we want to rent this dwelling to people who are considerate of their neighbors, clean in their living habits, capable of paying the rent, and prompt in paying their bills, we use a rental application to help us determine whether our applicants meet these qualifications.
1)Please complete the application thoroughly; in other words, every blank must be filled in.
2)Write clearly in the spaces provided. If you run out of space, continue on the reverse side of the page.
3)Please read the declaration at the bottom of the page before you sign. This declaration authorizes Entourage Property Management to verify your references and your credit as they relate to your tenancy now and to you paying rent in the future.
4)Upon completion of the application and signature at the bottom, you may submit the application by one of the following:
- Leave it with the manager
- Place it inside the unit
- Mail the application to: PO BOX 14903, Long Beach, CA 90803
- Fax the application to: (800) 704-3038
- Email the application to:
5)Applications are processed daily and most expeditiously done so by leaving it inside the unit.
6)If you have questions regarding the unit and/or the status of your application, please call Larry at (562) 858-9753
Full NameBirth DateSocial Security #Driver’s license #State
Home Phone: () Work Phone: ()
Present Address:
How long? years, monthsRent: $ Reason for leaving:
Landlord/Manager: Phone: ()
Previous Address:
How long? years, monthsRent: $ Reason for leaving:
Landlord/Manager: Phone: ()
Name and relationship of every person to live with you, even if only temporarily (include ages of minors):
Any pets? Y N Describe: Waterbed? Y N
Occupation: Employer: Phone: ()
How long? years, monthsSupervisor: Phone: ()
Occupation: Employer: Phone: ()
How long? years, monthsSupervisor: Phone: ()
Current Gross Income per Month (before deductions): $
List sources and amounts of other income:
Have you ever filed bankruptcy? Y NEver been evicted? Y NEver been convicted of a felony? Y N
I declare that the statements above are true and correct. I authorize verification of my references and credit as they relate to my tenancy and to future rent collections.
Print NameSignatureDate