Sockabasin, Allen. Thanks to the Animals. Tilbury House $16.95 2006 Pre school - grade 2.
Soctomah, Donald and Jean Flahive. Remember Me Tomah Joseph’s gift to Franklin Roosevelt.
Tilbury House 2009 $16.95. Grades 3-6.
Bourque, Bruce J. Twelve Thousand Years American Indians in Maine . University of Nebraska
2001. $39.95. The only book in print providing Maine information from
archaeological findings and recorded history since the 16th century to the present.
Well illustrate.
Loring, Donna M. In the Shadow of the Eagle a tribal representative in Maine. Tilbury House.
2008. $20.00. The life and feelings of the Penobscot tribal Representative as she does her daily limited duties in efforts to produce realistic laws for Maine’s Indians.
MacDougall, Pauleena. The Penobscot Dance of resistance. Tradition in the history of a people.
University of New Hampshire. 2004. A Ph. D. Thesis that depicts the Penobscot from the 17th century to the present.
Nicolar, Joseph. The Life and Traditions of the Red Man. First published in 1893. Manny
editions. Has long been a favorite of those wishing to better understand
Penobscot life. It could be difficult to understand if its your introduction to
Penobscot ways.
Socabasin, Allen J. An Upriver Passamaquoddy. Tilbury House. 2007. $15.00. A
Passamaquoddy tells the history of his reserve as he recalls the oral history from
his childhood elders. Well illustrated.
McBride, Bunny. Molly Spotted Elk.University of Oklahoma Press. $19.95. 1995.
Molly was not the typical Penobscot. Early in life she left Maine for the entertainment world, married a Frenchman who took her to Paris. She returned
to her Maine home at the beginning of WW II where she remained for the rest of her life
McBride, Bunny. Women of the Dawn.University of Nebraska Press. 1999. $22.00. Facts laced
with fiction in attempt to recreate the lives of four Maine Indian women.
Stewart, Pat. Mollyockett. Twin Lights. 2003.
Every New England tribe had a Molly who was an important roll model for the tribe. She was well-known as a basket merchant and maker in the surrounding area. These characters make an interesting read into their life and times.
Williamson, Eleanor R., Juana D. Perley, and Madalene Burnham. Aboriginally Yours Chief
Henry Red Eagle. Moosehead communications, Inc. 1997. $16.50. Henry Perley, better known as Chief Red Eagle settled at Moosehead Lake after working in the entertainment world. He became a well-known popular guide and author. Some of his short works are included in this volume. This is a good example of a 20th century Maine Indian man.
Bourque, Bruce J. And Laureen A. Labar. Uncommon Treads Wabanaki textiles, clothing, and
costume.University of Washington Press. 2009. $45.00. The fine illustrations typify the fine clothes Maine Indians created to fit their rugged lifestyle, yet are examples of fine artistry and practicality.
Cook, David S, Above the Grvel Bar The native canoe routes of Maine. 3rd ed. Polar Bear &
Company. 2007. $12.95. This is the book for the canoeist or kayaker who wants
to retrace the ancient highways used by Maine’s Indians as well as the earliest settlers.
Hardy, Kerry. Notes on a Lost Flute a field guide to the Wabanaki. Down East Books 2009.
$21.95. The author finds traces of Indians as he follows the world around his Rockland home to the world around it. He finds the best locations for foods from the animal, plant, fish, and fowl worlds that brought Indians to their locations.
Haviland, William A. At the Place of the Lobsters and Crabs. Polar Bear & Company. 2009.
$12.95. Traces Indians and their connection to Deer Isles and their interaction with settlers from the 18th century to the present.
McBride, Bunny and Harald E. L. Prins. Indians in Eden Wabanakis and Rusticators on Maine’s
Mount Desert Island, 1840s-1920s. Down East 2009. $16.95. Many Maine Indians loved Mount Desert Island as much as today’s Mainers do. They did not want to give up their identity to it and found ways to maintain their lifestyle there with their new neighbors. Well illustrated.
Pawling, Micah. Wabanaki Film Holdings at Northeast Historic Film: A Bibliography. Northeast
Historic Film. 2009. A list of 16mm films about Wabanaki Indians in the
Northeast Historic Film Collection that are available as a film resource.
Baseball's First Indian. Louis Sockalexis, Penobscot Legend, Cleveland Indian.
Native Trailblazer- Andrew Sockalexis
Penobscot Indian who followed the Maine running paths to glory and tragedy.