AFTER SIGNATURE, PLEASE RETURN TO African Aero Safaris (in South Africa)

@ FAX + 27 11 462 4547 or + 27 11 086 684 1010 or email

South Africa: Postnet Suite 456, Private Bag X1, Jukskei Park, 2153, South Africa.

Telephone: + 27 11 462 4521 rev: 010 oct 07


Notes in completing this Reservation Form: Please complete in DETAIL and PRINT CLEARLY

It is feasible to validate more than one pilot in your party to fly your rental airplane. Please complete a SEPARATE Reservation Form per pilot validating, even if you are flying the same airplane. Please note our requirements in terms of Clause 4) of the General Terms and Conditions, relating to the validating pilot’s documentation that we need.

A) Group details (please PRINT)

Number of persons in my party……………Number of pilots validating to be PIC, in my party…………………

I wish to reserve space on ……………………..Tour; commencing in Johannesburg on or around ………………….

[A little flexibility may be required on tour dates as others join in on tour.]

Due my commitments, my earliest commencement date can be……………and latest tour completion date …………….

A1. Last Name (party leader)…………………………………………………First Name (preferred)…………………..

Nationality……………Passport #……………………Expires D…….M……..Y 20………Born on D…….M……Y 19……

Day Tel #………………………………..Fax #……………………………Home tel #………………………….

Email address………………………………………Postal Address………………………………………………………………..


A2. Last Name (companion)…………………………………………………First Name (preferred)…………………..

Nationality……………Passport #……………………Expires D…….M……..Y 20………Born on D…….M……Y 19……

Others traveling and their details (please use a separate sheet of paper if required) ……….………………………….

B) Aircraft & license details, pilot’s brief flying resume (please PRINT)

Hours flown: 1) TT……… 2) last 6 mths…….. Approx TT in each type (without Instructor) and last checkout below.. C172 hrs……………….. .. C182 hrs..…….date…………….. PA28:160/180/235 hrs..……. date…………..

Detail all other types (separate sheet if necessary)…………………………………………………………………..

In SE piston types I am accustomed to flying: local day-trips500Nm + away-tripsto/in other countries low level aerobatics unpaved strips mountain flying Other – specify separately……………………………………………………

My license number, type and ratings……………………………..………………………………………………….

Legs are flown at 100 knots. We recommend PA28 or C172 or similar types, for two persons. Others on request. Please advise the airplane type you would prefer to fly on Safari: 1st choice………..….2nd choice……………..3rd choice…………..…

Accident record………………………………………………………………………………………………………

C) Payment of deposit

To sign up I hereby agree to pay the amount of $1750 X ...... (no. in my party) = $...... as deposit for the Tour. This payment will be made to African Aero Safaris: (please delete option not applicable below)

a) BY: Check and sent to our USA address: c/o Jim and Linda Armstrong, 1208 Bajada, Santa Barbara, CA 93109; OR

b) BY: direct wire transfer for credit to African Aero Safaris account 7500-044479; Wells Fargo Bank, 1036 Anacapa St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101; Routing codes: ABA, 121 000 248; or SWFT, WFB1US6S

D) Statement of acceptance

I and my party have read, do accept and will abide by the “General Terms and Conditions”. They will be signed and returned to AAS by FAX or email, and the original will be handed to AAS upon arrival in South Africa
