Base Registration
Fields Marked * are mandatory

Your Details
First Name *
Last Name *
Who are you prescribing on behalf of ? *
Please select which Geographical area you work in, pertinent to your employer, or the Agency you are employed by.
Tick ONE box only / / CCG (Health) East and North Herts - C1
CCG (Health) South and West Herts - C2
CCG (Health) Cambridge and Peterborough - C3
Health and Community Services (HCC) E N Herts - H1
Health and Community Services (HCC) S WHerts - H2
See and Solve East and North Herts - S1
See and Solve South and West Herts - S2
Hertfordshire Community Trust Childrens Services - L1
Hertfordshire Partnership Foundation Trust (HPFT) – P1
Care by Us Agency - AC,
Goldsborough Care Agency - AG
Hertfordshire Action on Disability Agency - AH
CCG - Out of County (Health Only) - C0
Sensory Services
These are the ONLY Options available
Main area of Work *
Please indicate the type of work you undertake
Tick ONE box only. / / Children - C
Health - H
Hospice - O
Learning & Physical Disabilities - L
Mental Health - M
Older People - P
Social Care – S
(Agency - As above)
Community or Hospital based *
Community or Hospital based
(Hospice Staff please select Hospital)
Tick ONE box only. / / Community - C
Hospital - H
Job Category *
Please choose one of the categories which closely reflects your role. This is relative to what type of equipment you order. We are attempting to keep the number of different job titles to a minimum
Tick ONE box only. / / Admin - ARO
Community Care Officer - CC
LearningPhysical Disabilities (Qualified) - LQ
LearningPhysical Disabilities Assistant - LA
Mental Health (Qualified) - MQ
Mental Health Assistant - MA
Nursing (Qualified) - NQ
Nursing Assistant – NA
Sensory Services Professional
Social Worker - SW
Occupational Therapist (Qualified) - TQ
Physiotherapist (Qualified) - PQ
Therapy Assistant – TA
These are the ONLY Options available
Full Email Address *
Working days and hours *
Office Telephone Number (Direct Line NOT Call centres) *
Mobile Telephone No. *
Where applicable
Team Name *
Team email address (If applicable)
ELMS Training record
Were you trained in the workplace or by HES ?
If so, by Whom ?
Please give month and Year
Manager Details
Your Line Managers First Name *
Your Line Managers Last Name *
Your Line Managers Job Title *
Your Line Managers Specialism *
Please choose one of the roles which closely reflects your Managers Specialism.
Tick ONE box only. / / Learning & Physical Disabilities (Qualified) - LQ
Mental Health (Qualified) - MQ
Nursing (Qualified) - NQ
Sensory Services Professional
Social Worker - SW
Occupational Therapist (Qualified) - TQ
Physiotherapist (Qualified) - PQ
These are the ONLY Options available
Your Line Managers Email address
Your Line Managers Office Telephone No.
Your Line Managers Mobile Telephone No.
Terms and Conditions - Please Read and indicate by signing below that you have read and understood them.
Hertfordshire Equipment Service (HES)
On-Line Ordering System (ELMS)
Terms and Conditions of Use
The ELMS on-line ordering system is used solely to order social care equipment for service users who reside in Hertfordshire or health equipment where the patients GP is registered in Hertfordshire. The conditions below must be agreed to by clicking in the acceptance box on the registration form before access is given to any user. Anyone who uses the ELMS system will constitute acceptance of this agreement.
Before any access to the live ELMS system can be given, potential users must have been provided with the appropriate training to ensure that they are competent to use all appropriate aspects of the system required to undertake their work. If it is discovered that users are repeatedly misusing the system in any way, their access will be terminated. Training can be accessed via the sessions scheduled at Mundells, Apsley or Farnham House. Training videos will also be made available during the early part of 2017 to support staff that have been trained but are infrequent users.
Once training has been provided, individuals will need to complete a registration document giving details of name, base, job title etc. These details will enable a default category of equipment to be identified that can be prescribed within the profile. If for any reason there has been inactivity on the account for more than 6 months, the registration will be de-activated and re-registration will be required to re-activate the account.
Prescribing Levels
There are currently four levels of prescribing category as follows: -
Stage 1-Read Only
Stage 2-Basic Level Equipment
Stage 3-Basic Level Equipment requiring Authorisation
Stage 4-Higher Level Equipment requiring Authorisation
Stage 5-Certain Semi-Special Items requiring authorisation
(To be developed)
Newly qualified staff can be given a lower level equipment category until such time that managers are confident that they have acquired the skills and experience to order at their default level. I.E.whilst on induction or probation period or if newly qualified. Managers can request that staff have a lower level of prescribing by downloading and completing the Staff Equipment Ordering change form from ELMS and forwarding to .
Read Only Access
There is a read only access facility on ELMS which allows for equipment to be viewed and orders tracked. This facility will be provided to Administration Staff if a request is submitted to HES. Administration Staff are not permitted to order equipment on ELMS and as explained in the ‘Misuse’ section below.Staff must not share their details with other staff.
Changing Prescribing Levels
If individuals have particular expertise in specific pieces of equipment, these can be included within their ‘default category’ as defined by their registration profile. To enable a change to be actioned a formal request must be submitted by the manager who is responsible for the individual. This can be done by downloading and completing the Staff Equipment Ordering change form from ELMS and forwarding to . The form must be forwarded from the email address of the manager and by doing this the manager is taking full responsibility for the additional range of equipment being prescribed by the individual member of staff.
Changing Jobs/Moving Location etc
If your details change in any way which relates to your ELMS registration details e.g. your phone number, job role, email address etc. you must complete a new Base Registration form which can be downloaded from ELMS or requested from HES. The form should be completed with your new details and returned to the email address immediately to enable your details to be updated. Similarly; if you take on a split role whereby you are working in two different areas e.g. prescribing across different employers, different main areas of work, Community/Hospital etc. you will need to complete a second registration form to enable ELMS correctly reflect you situation.
Special Order Equipment
Special order/ non-stock items equipment will continue to be ordered via fax in the short term, until processes are finalised to enable them to be ordered via the ELM’s system.
Each individual user will be given a unique logon and password to the system once they have received the appropriate training. It is the responsibility of the individual to keep those logon details secure. Logon details must not be shared or given to other members of staff/colleagues. If it is discovered that logon details have been given to other members of staff, for whatever reason, the access will be immediately terminated and the violation will be escalated to their Senior Management.
Prescribers should bear in mind that they would be clinically responsible for any orders that have been placed under their name. Sharing logons to ELMS could be in breach of HPCP standards, as well as conflicting with IT organisational policies.
Please sign here*
Date of completion *

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