
Barren River District Health Department

Please fax back to:______

Barren, Butler, Edmonson, Hart, Logan, Metcalfe, Simpson, Warren Counties

Primary Care Provider Authorization (PCP): Asthma/Allergy (Side One)

Student Name: ______Date of Birth: ______

School: ______Hospital of Choice:______

Does this child have ASTHMA? ____ YES ____ NO

What things may bring on this child’s asthma?

__ Pollens __ Dust __ Animals __ Exercise __ Foods __ Illness __ Other______

Asthma SYMPTOMS may include: Coughing, Shortness of Breath, and Wheezing.

Please list any other symptoms specific for this child: ______

*****Please refer to Emergency Plan of Action on Side Two for symptoms indicating an emergency asthma situation. *****

Asthma Medications AT SCHOOL:

Order will be for current school year.

__ Inhaler(specify name):______Dosage:______puffs every ____ hours____scheduled and/ or _____ as needed ___ minutes prior to exercise __ Other______

__ Nebulizer(specify name): ______Dosage:_____every _____hours ______scheduled and/or _____as needed ______minutes prior To exercise___Other ______

*****If student needs prn inhaler more than twice a week, please notify parent.*****

Is this student trained and capable of carrying their own inhaler and using it on their own? ___ YES ___ NO

If student not carrying inhaler, it is to be kept:

______In front office_____student classroom _____ nurse’s office Other______

Does this child have ALLERGIC REACTIONS? __ YES __ NO

What things cause this student’s allergic reaction?

__ Medications __ Stinging Insects __ Other ______

SYMPTOMS of the allergic reaction for this child:

______Itching/Swelling of Lips, Mouth, Tongue, Throat ______Hives/Rash ______Nausea/Vomiting/Stomach Cramps ______Shortness of Breath ______Wheezing ______Coughing ______Dizziness ______Unconsciousness Other ______

Medications AT SCHOOL:

___Benadryl ______mg every ______hours____ at onset

___EpiPen Jr. __ Epi Pen __ Twinject ___ Auvi-Q

___ Give Epipen/Twinject/ Auvi-Q per md order at onset of allergic reaction and/or exposure to allergy trigger unless otherwise indicated.

___ Other instructions______

***IF 2nd DOSE OF AUVI-Q, TWINJECT OR 2nd EPIPEN NEEDED, give: ____ Minutes after 1st Dose

May student carry own Auvi-Q/ EpiPen/Twinject and use on their own? __ YES __ NO

If student not carrying Auvi-Q/ EpiPen/Twinject, it is to be kept: ______In front office_____ student classroom _____Nurse’s office Other ______

Does this child have a FOOD ALLERGY? __ YES __ NO Please list any food allergies:______

Is student Lactose Intolerant? __ YES __ NO

*****Please attach Special Food Order Form for state of KY to be forwarded to the cafeteria*****


1. Follow orders above for Asthma and/or Allergy treatments and medications.

2. If student is hunched over and/or having difficulty breathing, walking or talking, blue fingernails or lips, and/or medications not helping, call 911.

3. Notify school personnel trained in CPR/first aid to respond and initiate CPR if needed prior to EMS arrival.

4. Notify parent/guardian.

5. If EMS is called, the student must be transported via EMS to emergency facility, or parent/guardian must sign release with EMS and then parent/guardian assumes responsibility for student. The student may not return to school that day. When student is transported via EMS, school staff must accompany student unless parent and/or emergency contact accompanies them.

6. If student requires medical treatment while on the bus, the bus driver will contact 911.

7. Other: ______


Printed Name of MD, APRN, or PA Telephone Number Fax Number


Signature of MD, APRN, or PA Date

I give permission for (name of child) ______to receive the above stated medication at school according to standard school policy. I release the ______School Board and its employees from any claims or liability connected with its reliance on this permission


Signature of Parent/Guardian Telephone Number Date

This order and plan of care is valid for current school year. Parent required to supply all medications.

Reviewed per School Nurse______Copy to pertinent school staff______

(3-2014) 6A-1


(3-2014) 6A-1