International Conference

Jews and Muslims in the World of Islam

Sunday-Tuesday, 26 – 28 August 2007

13-15 Elul 5767

at the University of Maryland

Conference Academic Committee:

Prof. Michael M. Laskier (Chair), Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Bernard Cooperman (Chair), University of Maryland

Prof. Moshe Gat Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Hayim Lapin University of Maryland

Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University


Ms. Ora Kobelkowsky, Bar-Ilan University

Ms. Kathy Sciannella, University of Maryland

Details and Registration:

The Dahan Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan

Tel : 03-5317959 Fax : 03-5342621


Conference Program

Sunday, August 26, 2007

18:30 – 19:30 Reception and Dinner, 0142 Holzapfel Hall.

19:30 – 21:00Opening Session:


Dr. Shimon Ohayon Prof. Marsha Rozenblit

Director, Dahan Center Director, Meyerhoff Center

Opening Lecture:

Prof. Michael M. Laskier, Department of Middle Eastern History, Bar-Ilan University

Aspects of Jewish-Muslim Relations in the Medieval and Modern Periods

Session 1: Jews and Muslims in the Andalusian Milieu

Prof. Jonathan Ray, Georgetown University

The Jews of al-Andalus: Factionalism in the Golden Age

Dr. Hilary Pomeroy, University College London

Christians with Crosses, Muslims in Turkish Dress, Jews with Torah Scrolls: Christians, Moors, and Jews in the Sephardic Ballad Tradition

Monday, August 27, 2007 Art-Sociology Building 2309

09:0011:00– : Session 2: The Middle Ages : Religious Relations and Rituals.

Chair: Dr. Shimon Ohayon, Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Hanna Kasher, Bar-Ilan University

Moses and Muhammad: The Approaches of Rabbi Yehuda Halevi and the Rambam (Maimonides)

Dr. Michael Katz, University of Haifa

Khwarizmi’s Mathematical Doctrines in Ibn-Ezra's Biblical Commentary

Prof. Hananael Mack, Bar-Ilan University

Muslim Influence on the Midrashic Literature in Provence during the Middle Ages

Dr. Lily Halpert Zamir, The David Yellin Academic College of Education &

Dr. Peretz Segal, Ministry of Justice

An Egalitarian Reading of the Biblical Stories on the Expulsion of Ishmael and the Test of the Sacrifice of Isaac-A PossibleModel for Inter Religious Fraternity

11:00–11:30: Coffee Break

11:30–13:00 : Session 3 : Religious Ties, Gender, Economy

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Chair: Prof. Norman A. Stillman, University of Oklahoma

Prof. Phillip Lieberman, Princeton University

Formalism and Informalism in the Economic Institutions of Medieval Islam Seen through the Documents of the Cairo Geniza

Prof. Brannon Wheeler, United States Naval Academy

The Quran and Muslim-Jewish Exegesis as a Source for the Bible & Ancient Israel

Dr. Hadas Hirsch, Oranim Academic College & University of Haifa

Adorning the Bodies of Muslim Women: A Discourse on Gender and Sexuality

13:00–14:00 : Lunch Break Art-Sociology Building 2309

14:00–15:30 : Session 4 : Religious Relations, Rituals and Halachah

Chair: Prof. Marshall J. Breger, The Catholic University of America

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Prof. Shlomo Z. Havlin, Bar-Ilan University

Influence and Conflict between Jewish Law and the Law of the Land

Dr. Shimon Shtober, Bar-Ilan University

Islam and Sabbatianism in the Chronicle Sefer Divrey Yosef

Dr. Avraham Ofir Shemesh, Ariel University Center of Samaria

Medical Relationships between Jews and non-Jewsin the Ottoman Empire in Medieval and Modern Times according to Rabbinic Literature: Halachah and Reality

15:30–15:45 : Coffee Break

15:45–17:30 : Session 5:Music

Chair: Prof. Hayim Lapin, University of Maryland

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Prof. Eitan Avitsur, Bar-Ilan University

Musical Lore in Israel – Origins and Art

Dr. Avraham Eilam Amzallag, University of Haifa

The Ghrnati – Modal System in Moroccan Jewish Music

Prof. Edwin Seroussi, The Hebrew University Of Jerusalem

The Maqamization of the Jewish Liturgy

18:00: Dinner Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center

20:00 : ConcertClarice Smith Performing Arts Center

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

09:00–10:45 : Session 6 : The Ottoman Empire and the Modern Era

Chair: Prof. Zvi Arie Steinfeld, Bar-Ilan University

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Dr. Yaron Harel, Bar-Ilan University

The Rabbi and the Mufti Join Hands against the Priest: Gaza 1908

Dr. Yaron Ben-Naeh, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The Inter-Ethnic Encounter in the Ottoman City and its Cultural Manifestations

Dr. Aharon Gaimani, Bar-Ilan University

Chief Rabbi Yihya Yitzhak Halevi and his Contacts with Imam Yihye

Ms. Jessica M. Marglin, Harvard University

Poverty and Charity in the Jewish Community of Meknes, Morocco, 1700-1830

10:45–11:00 : Coffee Break

11:00–13:00 : Session 7 : Jews and Muslims: The Political Sphere

Chair: Yehuda Ben-Meir, Bar-Ilan University

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Prof. Mohammed Kenbib, University of Rabat

Muslims and Jews in 19th-Century Morocco: Between Change and Continuity

Prof. Suzanne Rutland, University of Sydney

Jews and Muslims ‘Downunder’: Emerging Dialogue and Challenges

Dr. Bat-Zion Eraqi Klorman, The Open University of Israel

The Imams of Yemen and Jewish Emigration: Political, Social and Economic Considerations

Dr. Yigal Bin-Nun, Université de Paris VIII

The Disputes Regarding Jewish Immigration from Morocco after 1956

Dr. Tsilla Hershco, Bar-Ilan University

Jews and Muslims in France in Light of France's Middle East Policy: 2000-2006

13:00–14:15 : Lunch Break Art-Sociology Building 2309

Chair:Prof. Madeline Zilfi, University of Maryland

Guest Speaker: Prof. Shibley Telhami, University of Maryland

The Jews of Muslim Lands as Reflected in Arab Public Opinion

14:15 –15:45 : Session 8 : Art and Culture

Chair: Prof. Bernard Cooperman, University of Maryland

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Prof. David Cassuto, Ariel University Center of Samaria

Jewish and Muslim Prayer Sites-Mutual Influences

Dr. Hana Taragan, Tel-Aviv University

The "Gate of Heaven"(Sha’ar Hashamayim) Synagogue in Cairo (1898-1905): Contextualizing Jewish Communal Architecture in a Muslim Environment

Dr. Aomar Boum, Portland State University

'Jews' at the 'Moroccan' Museum: Post-Independence Politics of Historical Amnesia and Memory

15:45–16:00 : Coffee Break

16:00–17:45 : Session 9 : Literature and Language

Chair: Prof. Peter Wien, University of Maryland

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Prof. Yossef Tobi, University of Haifa

Medieval Hebrew Culture in Spain: Between Islam and Christianity

Prof. Juliette Hassine, Bar-Ilan University

Jews and Muslims in 19th-Century Morocco Based on the Judeo-Arabic Manuscripts about Sol Hachuel

Dr. Yehudit Ronen, Bar-Ilan University

Jewish-Muslim Coexistence in Morocco as Reflected in Moroccan Literature

Dr. Rachel Simon, Princeton University

Muslims in the Folk Literature of Libyan Jewry

17:45–18:00 :Coffee Break

18:00–19:30 : Session10 : Jews and Muslims in Israel in the Shadow of the Arab-Israeli Conflict

Chair: HarryGotesdyner, Bar-Ilan University

Art-Sociology Building 2309

Dr. Yitzhak Reiter, Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Ashkelon Academic College

Current Muslim Perspectives of Peace with Israel

Dr. Esther Webman, Tel-Aviv University

The Image of the Jew in the Arab World

Dr. Shukri Abed, CIDCM-University of Maryland & Middle East Institute, Washington DC

The Galilee as a Model for Jewish-Arab Coexistence

20:30: Dinner at Beit Tefilloh Synagogue, Baltimore, hosted by Aharon and Rachel Dahan