Vice Principal - Achievement, Curriculum and Raising Standards

Job Description

Post:Vice Principal

Responsible to:Principal

Job Purpose:To work in partnership with the Principal, Governors and staff to ensure the continuous improvement of the Academy.

Salary:L20 – L24


The post holder is expected to contribute to the overall success of the Academy and take a lead in three key areas; Achievement, Curriculum and Raising Standards. Other roles and responsibilities for the successful candidate will be negotiated with the Principal on the basis of the Academy requirements, experience, skills and professional development. There is an expectation that the colleague appointed will be ambitious for the Academy development and have the transferable skills to adapt to need.

The duties will be reviewed annually as part of the Performance Management Review.

Strategic Management - Achievement, Curriculum and Raising Standards

Achievement and Raising Standards

  1. Support the Principal and Governors in establishing and actioning a vision for the future development of the academy
  2. Play a leading role in the academy improvement planning process, taking account of the agreed priorities of the academy
  3. Lead on the promotion and development of an ethos of student and staff aspiration working in conjunction with middle leaders
  4. Lead in the identification of key areas of strength and areas for development in the academy and write the schools SEF
  5. Drive forward achievement and progress at all levels across the Academy setting clear and well defined targets for all groups and individual students
  6. To be the school Pixl lead and act as the whole school raising standards leader ensuring all Pixl processes are embedded and drive the development of the role of the Key Stage Raising Standards Leaders
  7. Analyse regularly the progress and achievement of all students and report on this to the Senior Leadership Team, Governors, and through the reporting site coordinate the reporting to parents
  8. Confidently use information from various sources such asRAISEonline, 4 Matrix, FFT etc. to determine intervention strategies to be implemented, working closely with the data team
  9. Use the Academy’s data, to analyse examination results and the information obtained to hold heads of department to account and report to the Governing Body as appropriate
  10. Develop a robust system to ensure moderation of data processes are embedded and lead to the confident delivery of termly data sets
  11. Support individual heads of department and wellbeing leads (HOY) through the SLT line management structure to improve results in their curriculum areas and year groups, challenging them with the Principal in board meeting processes
  12. Monitor the progress and analyse the results for various ‘groups’ of students e.g. Pupil Premium students and report on their progress and achievement actioning with appropriate staff relevant and timely interventions
  13. Embed rigorous assessment and reporting procedures to parents and ensure careful moderation of termly data
  14. Work with the schools in house data team and work to develop data sets and resources to be used across the trust working in liaison with other trust staff
  15. Ensure staff are fully versed, regularly updated and trained in data understanding, delivery and can confidently read, analyses and use data to inform teaching and learning practice and student intervention.


  1. Lead on Academy curriculum development and innovation taking account of developments and changes to performance measures moving forwards
  2. Work in conjunction with other Trust leaders to develop the 6th form Curriculum and timetable opportunities
  3. Lead on the writing of the whole school timetable working closely with other trust staff to ensure continuity across the trust in respect of the 6th form TT
  4. Keep the Principal, governors and other stakeholders up to date and abreast of government developments and changes that impact on pupil achievement progress and curriculum design
  5. Prepare and keep up to date the school timetable including the provision of regular staff costings and value for money reports


  1. Play a leading role in the academy improvement planning process, taking account of the agreed priorities
  2. Work to a high standard in implementing agreed policies, priorities and expectations, modelling good practice for other colleagues
  3. Set high expectations for your own performance and that of others
  4. Provide support for staff in developing their leadership skills
  5. Contribute to regular reviews of the organisation and of the academy to ensure it meets statutory requirements
  6. Contribute to regular evaluation of the impact of the use of resources in relation to the quality of education of the students and value for money
  7. Engage in relevant professional development activity as necessary and ambitious about your own career path
  8. Support staff in understanding their own accountability, and develop approaches to its review and evaluation
  9. Take responsibility for the Performance Management of identified staff you line manage
  10. Develop action plans in specified areas of responsibility, in order to bring about improvements
  11. Contribute to the creation of a positive academy ethos, in which every individual is treated with dignity and respect and the safety and welfare of children and young people is paramount
  12. Promote and safeguard the safety and welfare of children and young people
  13. Support the development of collaborative approaches to learning within the academyand beyond
  14. Support the induction of staff new to the academy
  15. Gain an understanding of the diversity of the school community
  16. Contribute to policies and practice which promote equality of opportunity and tackle prejudice
  17. Promote and model good relationships with parents, which are based on partnerships to support and improve students’ achievement.

As a senior member of staff, the post holder will also be expected to undertake any other tasks as reasonably required, by the Principal or Governors, to ensure the efficient and effective operation of the Academy.


The person specification is an indication of the qualifications, knowledge and experience, skills and qualities needed to carry out the role. It will be used in the short listing and interview process for this post. The person appointed to the post will demonstrate:-


  • Qualified Teacher status
  • Good relevant degree in the subject to be taught
  • Evidence of continuing professional development
  • Higher degree or evidence of further professional development (eg NPQH, Leadership Pathways)

Knowledge and experience

  • Delivering a whole school timetable including the management of SIMS
  • Experienced in the generation, analysis and use of data
  • Confidence in using a range of data packages and adaptability in learn new ones
  • An in-depth understanding of secondary practice, and experience of teaching across the secondary phase including post 16
  • An excellent understanding of how children learn and can actively promote and support developments in high quality teaching and effective learning
  • Have high expectations of student achievement and behaviour
  • Have successfully used strategies and interventions to improve pupil achievement across all age ranges
  • Experience of managing large teams of people successfully is essential.
  • Experience of supporting students of differing abilities and backgrounds to reach their full potential and beyond
  • A strong awareness of whole school and wider educational issues and current developments
  • Detailed understanding of strategies and tactics to secure whole school improvement
  • Excellent track record of success
  • Experience of prioritising, planning, organising, work under pressure and to meet demanding deadlines
  • At least 5 years’ experience of teaching across the age and ability range including teaching ‘A’ level and post-16 courses
  • An outstanding classroom practitioner who also has had a strong positive impact in a senior management role
  • Mentoring/coaching experience
  • Record of success in different schools
  • Experience of the Ofsted inspection process


Have clear leadership and management skills which include:

  • Proven ability to design, monitor and evaluate classroom provision based on the identified learning needs of individual students
  • Proven ability to use data on a whole school level to raise performance
  • Excellent organiser
  • A solution driven skills set
  • Excellent written and oral communication
  • Good professional networks/contacts
  • Ability to lead strategically and also to be a part of a team, to achieve the academy’s aims
  • Ability to set aspirational standards, provide professional direction and develop high performing teams
  • Decision making skills including the ability to think creatively, problem solve and identify opportunities.
  • Demonstrable ability to manage a budget
  • Demonstrable ability to encourage, motivate and empower staff
  • Demonstrable ability to promote strong links with parents and the wider community
  • A competent and confident user of ICT
  • A willingness to develop knowledge and skills to prepare for further promotion


Have clear leadership qualities which include:

  • Enthusiasm, patience, persistence, flexibility, tact, imagination, intelligence, commitment, resilience, sensitivity,
  • Good interpersonal skills and the ability to make effective links with students, parents, governors and the wider community
  • The drive to ‘make a difference’ to all students