BAPT CPD Endorsement Scheme
- To be eligible for endorsement under BAPT's CPD Endorsement Scheme, a CPD activitymust provide an opportunity for the professional development of qualifiedPlay Therapists. Participation must be appropriate for qualified therapists, supervisors, and trainers. The activity should presentan opportunity for the maintenance, improvement or development of their professionalknowledge and/orperformance.
- Activities designed specifically for non-qualifiedPlay Therapists, Play Therapy trainees or persons from other professional fields are notusually considered eligible for CPD endorsement. However, if such persons are permitted to participatein an activity predominantly designed for qualified Play Therapists, it can beconsidered under this scheme. Such applications must include a sound rationale as to the activity'sspecific relevance to the development of qualified Play Therapyprofessionals.
- If the subject matter is not directly related to Play Therapy, the activity shouldbe contextualised for qualified Play Therapists (for example'accountancy skills for therapists'). Non-contextualised activity applications must include a sound rationale asto why the activity is relevant specifically to the development of qualifiedPlay Therapists.
- The activity must be a minimum of 3 hours in length and not longer than a total of 60hours, excluding refreshment or other breaks and assignments undertaken outside of the activity.The overall activity may be a modular programme or have a series of components, provided thateither all or a minimum number of parts must be completed by participants. Where participantsare required to complete a minimum number of component parts from a selection on offer, theactivity should calculate its length according to the number of components that must be completed,rather than the total numberavailable.
For example a short course requiring the completion of ten one-hour modules selected from a list of 20 modules is a ten hour CPDactivity.
- BAPT acknowledges that a provider might not have direct influence over how certain criteriaare met. In such circumstances, the provider must explain why a criterion is beyond their remitand submit a satisfactory rationale, procedure or requirements to show how they take that criterioninto account.
For example, a freelance trainer may be contracted by various organisations todeliver training to staff in-house. The provider should therefore describe how they ensure thatthe host venue is suitable for effective delivery of that CPDactivity.
- All applications should be completed and returned according to the guidance given inthe application formitself.
- All criteria must be met in order for a CPD activity to be endorsed. There are threepossible outcomes for the assessmentfor endorsement process:
Endorsed: the activity is endorsed for 12 months from the decisiondate
Endorsed with conditions: the activity fails to demonstrate that it meets one or moreof the criteria. The provider will be given an opportunity to submit further evidencefor assessment by a deadline date. Failure to submit satisfactory additional evidence bythe deadline date will result in application'swithdrawal.
Not endorsed: the activity does not meet one or more of the criteria and is deemedto have failed in itsapplication
- A BAPT endorsed activity may be selected for a quality assurance check at any time (seeTerms and Conditions for furtherinformation).
Successful applicants will enjoy the following benefits for as long as each endorsement iscurrent:
- Endorsed activity/activities advertisement online in the BAPT CPDDirectory
- ‘CPD Endorsed by BAPT’ logo usage on publicity, courseware, websites andother materials (in accordance with the logolicense)
Also, BAPT will ‘tweet’ each new endorsement from @playtherapy_BA(Twitter®) and link itscorresponding#tag to the appropriatefeed.
Criteria for CPDEndorsement
Criterion1The activity must provide continuous professional development opportunity forqualified Play Therapists.
The total length of the CPD activity must be no fewer than 3 hours and no more than 60hours. The following categories areavailable:
Band A 0 -10hrs
£100 / Band B 11 -25hrs
£150 / Band C 26 - 40 hrs
£250 / Band D 41 - 60 hrs
The activity must be developed and delivered by person/persons with appropriatequalifications and experience. Please present or include a brief biography of these persons, showinghow this criterion issatisfied.
The activity's promotional materials and publicity should clearly define thefollowing so as to enable potential participants to make a well-informed choice about theactivity:
- targetgroup
- the aims and learningoutcomes
- anyadditional demands on participants (e.g. preparation, homeworkassignments, assessments, supervisioncosts),
- any content which may impact upon a participant’s mental and/or physical safety and/or well-being (e.g. potentially distressing material, working with personal issues, challenging role play, working with animals) and the safety measures/support available
Information sent to participants in advance of the activity should be well-presented,enable suitable preparation and allow the activity to be located as appropriate (e.g. location ofvenue or address of webinar with log-ininformation).
The provider must demonstrate that the activity's content, documentation andlearning materials satisfy the following:
iii.congruent with the activity's subject matter and the aims andobjectives
iii.reflective of current research/development in the subjectarea
iv.delivered in a format, method or medium appropriate to the subjectmatter
The activity must be covered by the following published policies and procedures, whichshould be readily available to both prospective and confirmedparticipants:
i.a cancellationpolicy
ii.a complaints procedure
All venues should be easily accessible and well-suited to the activity in order to ensurea supportive learning environment (for example, rooms should be appropriately prepared,sized and equipped; websites should have clear user-information and be easy tonavigate)
The provider must ensure that appropriate Health & Safety and Insurance assessments are undertaken with regards to the venue. (Indemnity and Public Liability)
The provider must provide confirmation of activity attendance or successful completionfor participants. Replacement copies must be available for up to 12 months after theactivity.
There must be provision for participants to evaluate the activity. The provider must showhow feedback is collected, considered and used to develop the activity asappropriate.
BAPT CPD Provider Endorsement
Terms and conditions of the CPD EndorsementScheme
CPD trainers must be financially sound to be eligible for the CPD Endorsement Scheme. Endorsement will not be granted to any person or organisation which is in debt to BAPT.
BAPT will not endorse an activity which contravenes its Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Play Therapy.
The trainer must ensure that there is appropriate insurance in place to cover the CPD activity.
Endorsement is awarded for a period of one year from the date of endorsement. Endorsement may be withdrawn with or without notice by BAPT if the activity ceases to meet the criteria for endorsement.
BAPT will assess all application within three months of their submission. Applications for activities occurring less than three months in advance will be returned unless assessment has been pre-arranged with BAPT. It is not possible to provide retrospective endorsement of CPD activities.
Where an activity fails or is withdrawn from the assessment process, BAPT will retain 50% of the application fee to cover time spent on administration and assessment processes.
During the period of endorsement, the CPD activity may be advertised on BAPT's online CPD Directory at no extra cost to the provider. CPD activities will be removed where the endorsement expires without renewal or if the endorsement has been removed.
During the period of endorsement, the 'CPD Endorsed by BAPT ' logo may be used under license on promotional and other materials pertaining specifically to the endorsed CPD at no extra cost to the provider. The 'CPD endorsed by BAPT ' logo must only be used under the terms of the license.
The CPD trainer must inform BAPT of any proposed changes to an endorsed activity. Failure to inform BAPT of any changes may invalidate the endorsement.
BAPT reserves the right to ensure that endorsed CPD activities continue to meet the endorsement criteria. This quality assurance process may include a visit to the CPD activity and/or provider either during the endorsement period or at renewal. BAPT allocated volunteer attendance at an activity for this purpose should be free of charge. Refusal to comply with a reasonable request from BAPT for further information and/or visit may result in a termination or non-renewal of endorsement.
BAPT CPD Provider Endorsement