Steinbrenner High School
Annual PTSA Scholarship Program
2015-2016 School Year
Revised as of 02/06/2016
The Steinbrenner High School PTSA works diligently to serve the entire school population, from faculty, to custodial staff, to students. As a student advocacy organization, PTSA works with the school administration to create a learning environment that fosters academic success. For the 2015-2016 school year, the SHS PTSA will be awarding 5 non-renewable $500 scholarships to assist graduating seniors with meeting their educational goals.
Scholarship Requirements:
•Open to ANY SHS seniors that are current 2015-2016 members of the Steinbrenner High School PTSA. Membership will be verified.
•Student must have a weighted 3.0 GPA. This will be verified.
•Student should have demonstrated contribution to SHS and the community. Please include your community service form. This will be verified.
•Essays must be typed (size 12 font) and have the student’s school ID number typed in the upper right corner of all pages being submitted. Please do not staple the application page, paper-clipped together as your cover sheet to the essay page(s). This will allow for anonymity when applications are being read and reviewed.
•Application must be submitted to Ms. Pressley in the Guidance Department by 3:00 p.m. on February 29, 2016. No late applications will be accepted.
•The scholarship selection committee will be reviewing scholarships based on both content, correct grammar and spelling.
Scholarships will be awarded at the Senior Awards Night Ceremony TBA, and recipients will be expected to attend. A check for $500 will be given to each award winner and can be used for any post-secondary educational expense.
Steinbrenner High School PTSA 2015-16 Scholarship Application
Student Information (please paper-clip this to your essays as a cover sheet)
Name ______
Student ID Number ______
PTSA Student Member Yes ___ No ___ (This will be verified)
Weighted GPA _____ (This will be verified)
Post-secondary school student plans to attend (if known)______
You must write 2 essays for this application.
Essay 1(This essay must be completed by all applicants and should be no longer than 250 words.)
How has the PTSA made an impact on your SHS school life and why will the PTSA scholarship help in your post-secondary school goals?
Essay 2 (Choose one of the 2 topics below. This essay should be no longer than 250 words.)
Option A
Explain how through good deeds, community service, or volunteering YOU have made a difference in someone’s life or how the program improved as a result of your participation.
Option B
Describe your favorite teacher or class you had at SHS. What was most memorable to you in terms of character, enthusiasm, inspiration or experience?
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